The solution

I did not know how much I had slept until Nick woke me up. It had been a while. I guess it was about to sunrise at the time I woke up.

-" If you want to keep sleeping, let me know."-said Nick.

I could see on his eyes, he was so tired that he actually needed that rest more than me. His eyes were red and the skin had turned black around them. So I needed to wake up and take his place. I could not tire him more.

-"I am fine Nick. You can take my place here. Take some rest, you look pretty tired."

-"I am okay Martha, I mean you can keep resting if you want to."

-"I do not feel sleepy at all Nick. You need it more than me. So have a good rest. Has your father woken up?"-I asked.

-"Yes, he woke up half an hour ago. He is working there. Luis is taking a rest right now. The work has been pretty intensive and we are already halfway on knowing exactly what will happen. If you find anything, just wake us up, okay?