(The talk.)

Chapter seven:

"Bahaha! You should've seen your faces. He doubled over. However, it seemed as if the joke didn't carry over well. Although, Bailhu seemed like she was trying not to. So Travis decided to count that as a partial success.

Eventually he stood up straight and squared his shoulders. He looked upon them all with affection in the universe in his eyes. They all visibly relaxed at that, only for their excitement to start bubbling over once more. Each wanted to say something, ask him something. But he held up his hand and they remained silent.

"Honestly, while I'd been trying to figure out a way to come here and speak to you all, I was worried about what to say to you. Thankfully, Bailhu gave me the perfect icebreaker. That's why I appeared as I did at first, a harmless joke to try and ease the tension and keep everyone calm."

That left them all aghast. Hera especially. Each of them were expecting him to put on an aloof air, filled with power and graduer. But the first thing out of his mouth when he arrived was an admission that he was not perfect as they made him out to be, and he seemed incredibly casual.

"Father, whatever do you mean? A being that could create us, had to figure out how to talk to us? It does not follow logic. Said Hera, while the rest nodded along in agreement.

Travis smiled. "Hera, none of you are yet aware of this. But I was only born, according to my predecessor, a few billion relative year's ago. Granted, I was born with much inherited knowledge, which I have already shared with you, but regarding what I am, what I am capable of? It is still a work in progress. Thus, I am currently being guided along the path by my predecessor, who is, a much older and wiser member of my specie's."

Flabbergasted, once again, it took several minutes of contemplation before any of them spoke. There are others? Was the thought running through everyone's mind's.

"How many others are you there, father? Like you, I mean." Asked Nuwa who seemed rather nervous at the anticpated answer.

Travis looked to his first born daughter and frowned a bit as he brought a hand to his chin.

"To be completely honest, I'm not sure. I haven't asked him yet. Creating you all and talking to you as soon as possible was the most important thing to me so far so I hadn't thought about it. I'll be sure to ask." Nuwa smiled warmly at this and Zhuque happily chirped, to think that such important information was not yet acquired simply because he considered them more important. "However, I'll tell you now, there's no need for you to worry about them. You all are meant to do far more important things."

The whisper of death came to Travis's ears, but instead of being put off, he turned a fond eye to Siwang as she spoke.

"What... are we meant... to do, father?"

Travis grinned, and spread his arms wide. "Within this space, you can do whatever you wish, follow your in born nature. Create, destroy, establish order, sew chaos, create life and spread death. The energy and matter in this space is at your disposal. If I have something specific that I want you to do, then I'll let you know at that time. Just remember this, as amazing as you all are apart. What you can bring about together is even more extraordinary. For now though, work to understand yourselves, your abilities, and the full force of your nature's. And know that no matter how you see each other. I love you all equally."

Whatever they were expecting him to say, it certainly wasn't that. They all felt excited and happy. Even though he wasn't quite what they expected, he still managed to make them all feel as though he is exactly what he should be. However, it was not yet time to relax. Bailhu quelled her excitement quickly and turned a sharp gaze to Hera, who seemed to be very different in purpose to the rest of her siblings.

"What about her? What is she meant to do? She is not like us, is she here to leash us?" The almost forgotten anger began to rise again as she spoke making her voice edgier like metal ignots in an individual blender caught in the middle of a tornado. At this, Hera chuckled before returning to her stoicism, which caused Bailhu to grow even angrier.

Everyone else went silent. Qinglong bowed his head to inquire. "Father, though she be impertinent, she raises doubts many of us share. "Just what is the purpose of Hera?"

Travis seeing and feeling the emotions of his Primordials, had his gaze filled with concern. He looked each in the eyes then sighed.

"Hera is here for a very important reason. But she is not more important than any of of you. Have you not noticed that many of you are diametrically opposed to each other? There is a reason for that. Which you all will discover for yourselves as you continue to exist into the future. It does mean, however, that you are destined to come into conflict among yourselves. Hera is here to be the arbitrator between any Primordial when things get to the point where continuing would harm yourselves, your creations, or your multiverse. She is here to make sure that there is balance between you and the primordial forces you each represent. Too much of any one thing is dangerous. However, there is an extremely wide margin of freedom there before your actions could be considered a threat to the balance between your nature's. So let loose, Hera won't show herself until it is necessary."

Travis let all of that sink in for a minute before wrapping it up. "Are there any other concerns?"

When they shook their heads no, he looked visibly relieved. Then, he started getting excited. He shrunk down to their size and appeared next to Xuanwu.

Taking up the large tortoise/snake heads into each arms embrace. "I am so happy you all were born, Xuanwu, you did well not to spoil the surprise even though you knew what was coming. Don't ruin the future by telling them everything. Let them discover things for themselves and enjoy yourself as well." Xuanwu, who expected this, simply nodded and smirked at his siblings shocked faces, his scales filled with exploding big bangs flashed brighter for a moment as he did.