(From father being to mother.)

Chapter twelve:

"Why does it feel like you're rushing me? Don't we have all the time in the world? Sorry, in the multiverse?"

"Well, normally you'd be right. However, A.) I'm tired of explaining things for now. B.) It's my duty to keep you safe, but I'm not exactly able to dedicate my entire being to it for the foreseeable future. Which leads to C.) The safest place for you to be is exploring other universe's while you're still growing and developing. When you run low on energy. I will consume the Primordial chaos and direct it to you."

"Well... that makes sense." Travis thought, but then caught a train of thought that had him pale and green, which is odd considering he looks like he's made up of the chaos of creation.

'I can't help but notice, that... this seems an awful lot like an incubation period... Hurk... I- like you'll be... which-".

"I know. Just stop that thought, and think of it more like we're marsupials. Please." Jack started to rub his temples while bending over slightly, showing his exasperation at the way Travis was starting to think about the situation. His suggestion didn't seem like it was helping at all, either. Travis was still having a queasy look on his face. About to hurl bits of creation all over the place, it seemed. "For crying out loud, I realize I don't have a human sensibilities anymore, but this is ridiculous. Hmm... could this help?

Suddenly, he had an idea. His form shifted to more a full figured and feminine one. "Try to remember that we don't have genders. As much as I am the father of your new form, I am equally your mother." His... new voice now a shade higher in pitch and more airy. "I tend to take my life in halves, five hundred thousand years. I'm male, the next I'm female. I'm not exactly at the next switch point but... close enough. I recommend you try it. If you want to understand life, you have to understand all of it, experience it, from each sides perspective. Jack Kirby was one of the forms I've taken, but it's not my name nor my whole identity, I've had countless identites over the years. My actual name is Unova."

For a second it looked like it might have worked, but soon it seemed that Travis was upset over an entirely different reason. Unova read his surface thoughts to figure it out. What-!? Jack Kirby's face with this body? Oh for the love of the first!

"That's it! In you go!" She reached down as her hand was enveloped in a bright light. The light soon pushed out all other sights from Travis's vision.

And when he could next see he found himself in a field of golden clouds with towering golden pillars in the distance.

"Recognize it?" Asked a woman from behind him. The same voice, it was Ja... no, Unova. Looking he saw a woman suffused in silver light, auburn hair with streaks of gray, with almost shaped y eyes, and rosy skin with a few wrinkles. She looked beautiful and dignified. She had a concerned look on her face, that made Travis think he was being shown specifically because of the last image he held in his mind. That's probably exactly how it is, he thought as he turned away.

He then noticed he's also in his previous human appearance. Panicking, he felt for the Primordials mentally. After a few seconds he noticed nothing was amiss, Zhuque and Siwang were having a sibling spat, but that's normal, so he sighed in relief.

Unova looked upon Travis as he explored himself, and chuckled to herself at his antitcs. She once again got a proper look at him, the first since the New York City Comic Con. Five foot eight with brown hair. He honestly looked like Clark Kent if Kent lost his glasses and went for a hipster look. Chiseled, square face with deep set brown eyes, a roman nose, and a permanent five o clock shadow. If nothing else, he looks the part of the usual superhero type. He should fit in fairly well. She thought to herself as Travis finally started to take of his surroundings.

"I didn't recognize this place. Isn't it where Thanos and Adam Warlock were brought to after they destroyed universe 616?" He asked as he reached down and played with the fluffy clouds. They felt like Egyptian cotton, satin, velvet, and silk all at the same time, if that can be imagined.

"Yes it is. So, does it feel gross as you thought it would? Because yes, you are in one of my universe's now."

Travis thought for a second. "Well, while the prospect of being inside another being still irks me a bit, I can't exactly say I feel gross... in fact it feels comfortable, which is weird, but not... I don't know. It's confusing. Can we move on?"

"Gladly... now. Is there any particular Marvel- wait. Travis looks a bit flustered as Unova concentrated on his face. "My parent gave me a new name when I was reborn as an Origin... so I should do the same for you." So she started to pace the thought.

"Uh... what's exactly wrong with Travis? Travis LaRowe? I mean I've had it all my life, I don't mind having it for the rest of it too." He interjected, hoping that he can avoid having a weird name.

"Nonsense. Such an ordinary name doesn't fit with beings of our stature. In this form sure it's fine, but the one outside? And to your Primordial gods? It needs to have some oomph. And maybe some references to celestial bodies... I got it!

She stops pacing and faces Travis- soon not to be Travis. She places a hand on her waist as the other points at him. Her eyes glow with a golden light and she says loudly. "In my name, Unova Titania, the name henceforth and unto eternity shall be, the realm they were occupying started to quake. "Corvus Rigel."

Seven colored lightning wove through the clouds and rose to the air, separating in seven different ways and striking seven points surrounding Trav- Corvus. Kraak-ooooom. As the surroundings tumbled, and his eardrums felt like they'd be a milk shake if it wasn't for being nigh indestructible, he felt as if a basic and fundamental part of himself shifted and now the name for himself that mattered was that one, Corvus Rigel.