(A glimpse of power.)

Chapter fourteen:

"You know, I'm getting a little tired of blinking and finding myself in a different place. It's seriously the third time this has happened in my life. And the funny thing, is that it's all guaranteed that this won't be the last time, Corvus said to no one in particular. However, he knew Unova could hear him. However, if she was listening, she didn't deign to show him a sign of it. If she was though, he imagined she'd be chuckling to herself with a smirk and confirming that it most definitely would not be the last time.

Shaking his head of these thoughts he blinked into the glare of the morning sun. As his eyes adjusted he couldn't help but think, I'm what anyone would consider to be an almighty being, abeit a still developing one, and yet my irises are unable to filter out and focus ultraviolet light at a better rate than regular humans. Or is this just another change that came with being inside one of mother's universe's. As soon as the crossed his mind, he shuddered. He definitely preferred her female form over her Jack Kirby form, but it would take time to get used to the concept of a gender fluid entity, which he apparently now was as well.

As his eyes adjusted, the first thing that entered his vision was green. Verdant rolling hills of deep green plant life with waves forming in the grass due to the swift crisp wind, the sunlight evaporated the morning dew and formed a light mist over the top giving the world a bit of an ethreal feel. Corvus smiled and felt refreshed looking at the pleasant scenery. The cool morning wind brushed over him and helped clear his mind.

"Wow, this is something. I'm sure I'm going to have something ruined this day later with the way she sent me off. But this moment, right here? I can only say thank you for letting this be the first thing I see."

What Corvus didn't realize, was this impactful moments like this that resonated with his entire being did exactly that in the literal sense. The reactions were mixed as the image and the feelings involved with the scenery bubbled up from within the Primordials. However, each of them could see their dominion at work in the scenery.

It provided them with a concrete example of how Eternity, Infinity, Order, Life, and Death all together could create something wonderful. As they pondered this thought, they each regarded each other's presence before dismissing it for now.

The quickest to return to creating their yet unfinished domain was Siwang as she felt her power in that scene the least. The second was Bailhu, who felt that the scene could use an explosion or two. The third was Hera, who felt it didn't really matter to her anyway. She just filed it away as something that was possible when balance was achieved. Xuanwu made a note to look forward to the point in time when such scenery was achieved by them and then returned to his work in order to bring about the eventuality sooner. Qinglong, Zhuque, and Nuwa all basked in the feelings of the memory for a bit longer before going back to work, all three taking away something different from the experience.

Corvus allowed himself a moment of emptiness until the mist settled and disappeared before he started moving. As he did his attire came to his attention. It looked like a rough- spun gray robe. It had several layers underneath covering him from shoulders down. Behind his neck, he felt a bit of extra fabric that could be used as a hood, probably for the rain. On his feet were soft leather sandals with a hard leather sole. Overall it was quite comfortable, but it reminded him of something. They were reminiscent of monk robes from Asia, he couldn't place the exact region. They were to move in, but protective enough from the elements.

Interesting choice but not altogether inappropriate. Would really stand out in the city though. Maybe I'm supposed to live like a hermit for now? It's not as if I'd lose any time or anything. I don't eat or sleep, I'm basically invulnerable, so I suppose it really doesn't matter where I go.

Then again, it would be nice to have some company and meet someone new. So I could look for sapient life. This environment has the perfect conditions for supporting intelligent life, so there's bound to be some. But on the flip side, if someone shook my hand without knowing the proper force... eesh. Hermit life it is then, at least until I can figure out just what all I'm capable of and how to control it. Besides, I bring my company with me. Corvus smiles at the thought of seeing his Primordials again so soon after their last meeting.