Chapter 7

Derek was agitated. Tophyr had gotten away from him three days earlier and that had made him unhappy. Then she refused to be near him. He didn't know what it was about her that made him want to talk to her but she was doing her best to stay away from him. Even on campus she stayed away from him.

He would see her with her brothers or some of the professors as they walked around going from class to class. It amazed him how more comfortable she was around the older adults than the people her own age.

Percy kept an eye on Derek as he continued to watch his sister. She was doing her best to ignore Stark but he wasn't going to let that happen. Percy and Alex had taken turns to make sure Stark wasn't a space case and going after his sister. They knew Stark liked her but they weren't sure if he would go to extreme lengths to get to her. Right now he was just studying and glancing up to see if she came around.

"You know, spying on your sister's suitor…not smart."

"Hey, Johnny," Percy said as he took a swig of water.

Johnny Hayes sat down by his best friend and looked at the person he was watching. "One of these days Tophyr is going to put you in your place and when she does, I'm going to say I told you so."

"You don't care about my feelings do you?"

"I've been around the two of you since middle school. You have pushed her around since I can remember. She listens to you but in this matter I have a feeling she won't."

"How can you tell that?"

"Dude, I've had this huge crush on her since 8th grade. Then she tested out of high school. I never got a chance to tell her."

"So you've watched her from a distance."

"Just like you do, but I don't make a spectacle of myself."

"Are you saying my sister can't trust me?"

"No, I'm saying you try too hard to watch out for her. Let this play out and see what happens. I know for a fact Tophyr can take care of herself. Maybe you need to learn it as well."

Percy looked at his friend. He trusted Johnny with almost everything, except his family. That was his to protect. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to step back and let Tophyr take things into her own hands.

"All right. I'll step back."

Johnny smiled. "That's my boy. Now let's go get lunch. I'm starved."

"You always think with your stomach."

"Tophyr, you look amazing," Lily beamed at her sister.

"You really should dress like this more often," Britani said.

Tophyr turned and looked at the mirror. She was in a silver dress that her sisters had picked up for her. It was their birthday gift to her. They knew better than any how their sister was. She didn't like to dress like everyone else so they had bought her dress from a second hand store.

Tophyr had to admit that they did really well considering her taste was so different than theirs. The dress was held up by two thin straps. Her hair was swept up into a loose ponytail with thin wisps caressing her face. Britani had done her makeup flawlessly and Lily had picked out a pair of grey peep toes to go with the outfit. She was stunned at what she looked like.

"Well, baby sister, you're 23 today. How does it feel?" Britani asked.

"I feel the same. It's just another year," she replied as she turned away from the mirror. Her sisters smiled at her. "Thanks, Bri. Thanks, Lil."

"Not a problem." There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Lucille came in to see all her daughters dressed impeccably. "Hey, mom."

"My baby girls look so nice. And my baby's twenty-three. I feel so old!" Their mother cried.

"Mom, you're only 55. You're not old," Lily consoled their mother.

"I have six children who are already grown and two of them have children of their own." Lucille waved a hand in front of her face and sniffled. "Never mind me. I'm just going on. Tophyr, I have something for you."

Tophyr watched as her mother pulled a velvet box from her bag and handed it to her. She opened it and stared at the piece of jewelry inside. It was a sterling silver ring with a T on it etched in calligraphy. Tophyr looked at her mother. All the girls in their family got an initial ring when they turned a certain age. Apparently twenty-three was the age. She took it out of the box and slid it on her right pointer finger.

"Thanks, Mom. It's beautiful," she replied.

"I thought you might like it. Now the party starts in 20 minutes. You and Percy will make your grand entrance." Lucille kissed all three of her daughters and headed downstairs.

The youngest looked at her older sisters. "I hate October." Britani and Lily laughed as they followed their mother.

Not long after they left, Percy ventured in. Decked out in a black suit and silver tie, Tophyr had no doubt he would be the envy of all the young men at the party tonight. He was dressed to compliment Tophyr. He smiled when he looked at her.

"You look great, Toph. Sometimes I wish you dressed like this all the time but I know you have your own way of expressing yourself. I wouldn't change you for the world," he said as he crossed the room.

Tophyr smiled as she hugged her brother. "Do you really think I look good?"

"Honey, if you weren't my sister, I'd be after you myself." She lowered her head in slight embarrassment. "Toph, Mom invited the Starks and Vanderbilts. I thought I'd give you a heads up before you walked down the stairs and had a shock."

"I know she did. She's been friends with Caroline Vanderbilt since we were kids. I understand her wanting James and Stephen to be invited."

"What are you going to do about Derek?"

"I'll be civil, Perce."

"Good because I hear the Starks are great on gifts."

Tophyr laughed at her brother's self-centeredness. He had his moments and most of them were spent cheering her up. There was a knock at the door which signified their mother was making the announcement since all the guests had arrived.

Percy looked at his twin. "Ready?"

She looked at him with his blue eyes. "Ready as I'll ever be."

He offered his elbow. When she took it, they walked as one to the stairs and down them.