Chapter 11

It hurt to think.

It hurt to breathe.

Derek kept looking at the picture of his family at the family banquet. They all looked happy, especially him. Tophyr was leaning against him as they posed together. She was against him fully. He towered over her five foot five form. She was tiny but he knew she packed a punch.

That night was one of the best in his life. She hadn't seen anyone else but him while they were together. She had seen him as a person instead of someone trying to manipulate her into doing something she didn't want to do.

He had walked her home after the party. She had refused to get in a cab with him because they were slightly tipsy. So they walked in the chilly November air the three blocks to her penthouse. She had talked animatedly with him the entire way, more than she had any other time.

When she tripped, he couldn't help. His first instinct was to catch her, which he did. They had looked at each other like it was the first time they had met. He hadn't wanted to scare her off but he had desperately wanted to kiss her. Which he had. He was ready for her to push him away from the very beginning. When she didn't, he had wrapped her in his arms more tightly and made the kiss as heated as he could. He knew she was enjoying it.

Then she had pushed him away and stared at him like he was the devil incarnate. The look in her eyes had been complete shock mixed with longing and horror. She had just stared at him for several seconds before turning and fleeing. Was that the way she got out of every uncomfortable situation, by running away?

He set the picture down and looked at the mirror. What was it about him that she didn't like? He was handsome that much he knew. His mother always told him he was. He was always thinking of other people though. There were many girls he knew were after him only because of the money he would inherit. What was it that threw Tophyr away from him?

Grabbing his jacket, he set out to find out exactly what it was.


Percy watched his footing as he ran through Central Park.

Tophyr had given him the entire rundown of what had happened between her and Derek. To say he wasn't surprised was the truth. That boy had no idea what the word no

meant. He was just itching for a whooping.

He knew that their little ploy to drive a wedge between Dayton Stark and Caroline Rochester was still in the works, but after that little mishap, he wasn't sure how Tophyr was going to deal with seeing Derek for the rest of the two weeks that were remaining. The wedding was set for Thanksgiving Day night, that way the guests could have a nice dinner with their families and nice entertainment that night. Alain was slightly unnerved that he wouldn't get to watch the football games that night since their entire family was invited.

He skidded to a halt as Derek Stark showed up out of nowhere. Percy narrowed his eyes as he looked at the other young man. His eyes were sunken in as bags showed on his normally clean shaven face. He must be kicking himself about the kiss the other night. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket.

"Percy, can I talk to you?" Derek asked. His voice was laced with sadness.

Percy stalled a moment then nodded. He led them to the fountain and sat down. When Derek sat down, he ran his hands through his hair. At that moment, Percy knew exactly what was going on. Derek Stark had somehow fallen in love with his sister.

"Be honest with me," he said after a moment. "What did I do to make your sister hate me?"

"I don't think she hates you," Percy replied.

"She won't answer my calls or my e-mails. She ignores me at school. I don't know what to do."

"So you come to talk to me."

"You're the closest one to her. You know exactly what she's thinking and can tell what her emotions are."

"Yes, but what makes you think I'll share that with you?"

Derek stared at him for a moment. Percy had never seen anyone with such intensity before. This guy was good for Tophyr. He could keep her on her toes. After a few seconds of uninterrupted staring, Derek shook his head and looked down at the cement.

"Tophyr has the ability to annoy people easily without even meaning to do so. She's a genius but she's lacking in the social department. She likes you but the fact that you have money is kind of intimidating to her. She doesn't even spend the money our parents give to her once a month. She has it in the bank in a savings account. I think she wants to buy a flat in Brooklyn and live there. I don't know, but I know she doesn't spend it unless she's buying art supplies," Percy said.

Derek looked at him.

"She doesn't like the idea that someone who is as wealthy as her parents wants to date her. She's always had the dream of living somewhere other than the city. Even though she has degrees in psychology and journalism, she's always been an artist. She wants to be able to love someone with the passion she puts in her art. She thinks money is evil unless it goes to a charity she likes. She doesn't even buy retail. She shops at second hand stores because that's where she's comfortable."

Derek's mind was reeling. Seriously? "She doesn't like me because I have money?"

"She doesn't like you because she thinks you squander your money on thoughtless items. I don't know if you do or not but she thinks you do. If you do, you're screwed. If you don't, make sure she knows that."

Stark looked at the young man beside him and suddenly had an epiphany. He jumped up and grabbed Percy's hand. "Thanks."

Percy was shocked as the other man ran off. "I have no clue what I said." He got up and started running again.


"What?!" Tophyr yelled as she went for the door.

No one was home and she was spending the day making art. Today was a good day to paint so she had turned on some loud music, moved the furniture in the living room, threw a drop cloth down on the floor, and put her easel in the middle of it. She had been dancing and painting at the same time when the door bell rang. She kinda hoped whoever it was would go away but they didn't.

"What do you want?" she asked as she opened the door. Seeing Derek standing there made her breath catch but her resolve came back and she looked at him. "Seriously, what are you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"Do you have to?"

"Tophyr." She sighed and turned away, opening the door so he could come in.

He walked in and shut the door, turning around as he walked in. she was in the middle of her living room with a paintbrush between her teeth and a pallet in her hand as she stared at the canvas. Paint was all over her, including her face. He placed the package he brought with him on the floor by the wall and ventured further in.

He stopped behind her and looked over her shoulder. It was a savannah with mountains as a back drop. She was in the middle of painting a gazelle so he watched.

The lines of her face were etched deeply as she worked. She was in the zone and he didn't want to disturb her.

As he walked around the living room, he found a few she had already finished. They weren't all landscapes like the one she was working on at the moment. One was of a storm on the ocean. It was dark and moody. The vibrant color was the lightning. The next one he picked up was of a country house with a dog in the front. It was plantation style with vines creeping up the columns. Horses were in the side pasture and one was running.

The last one he picked up was a sunset but the shadow was that of a wolf howling. She caught the essence of the wolf by the way he lifted his head and let the world know he was around.

As he turned to look at the final one, it astounded him. It was another wolf but this time he was standing on a waterfall with his head thrown to the sky. Behind him gleamed a white moon as big as the mountain on which he was standing. The water foamed at the bottom of the cliff. A few feet from the foam the moon gleamed in the ripples.

"That's my favorite one."

Her voice startled him as she showed up beside him. She was leaning the finished piece against the covered couch to dry. She looked up at him when he didn't say anything.

"What made you paint it?" he asked lamely.

"I'm doing a Native American collection for an exhibit I'm entering in December. I've got most of them done."

"Are you going to sell any?"

"I might. I'm not really sure yet. I don't know if I really want to."

"If you don't want to, then don't." She gave him a glare. So he changed the subject. "Why an African safari?"

"That one's for a gallery in SoHo. The owner is doing an African safari theme and is asking for amateurs to submit art. The top eight will win a prize of one thousand dollars."

"You're a shoo in to win."

"No, I won't. There are others better than me. Plus the sales of those ten will go to orphanages in the state."

"So it's a charity gallery?"

"That's the only kind I ever deal with. I'd rather the money I would make go to people less fortunate. Which is why when I graduate from getting my master's I'm going to Africa for a few months. Duke's been helping me get a crew together to go help people in the southern countries."

Derek stared at her. She was selfless. His guess was the reason she was saving up her money was because she needed to go to Africa. Everything she was had gone into these paintings for a charity. She was someone he could admire. Hell, he did admire her.

"Are you going to tell me why you're here?"

"Oh, yeah." He walked back to the door and picked up the package he had dropped off. He came back and handed it to her. "I was going to give it to you on your birthday but you left so I didn't get the chance."

She looked at him before opening it. Her breath caught. "This is the piece I was looking at when I was at the Guggenheim. How did you get this?"

He pointed at the initials. "A.S. stands for Author Stark. Author Stark was my grandfather. This piece was donated by me to the Guggenheim when he passed away two years ago."

"Then why are you giving it to me?"

"You liked it and your friend Duke said I could have it back. I'm giving it to you."


"I thought you might like it."

"Who's the woman in the picture?"

Derek smiled. "That's my grandmother. He painted her right after they were married."

Tophyr shook her head and handed it back to him. "I can't take this even if you wanted me to. This belongs in your family. Not here. You can see yourself out."

He was astounded as she left the room and disappeared upstairs. He quietly slipped the painting back in the box and walked to the door. He cast one look over his shoulder and left the penthouse.