
Tophyr Stark ran out of the chancellor's office a happy person. She had passed her master's course and was now certified to teach journalism on the college level.

That wasn't the only thing good that had happened in the last few months. Back in February Alex had gotten married. That made four of the six married and happy. A few weeks after the wedding, Tophyr and Derek announced their engagement which got a loud response. Then Percy chimed in that he was engaged as well. Penelope and Tophyr had looked at each other and had the same thought.

So in April, there was a joint wedding that was the social event of the spring. Everyone who was anyone showed up. Many of the art dealers were there because Tophyr had invited them.

When Penelope walked down the aisle, Percy stood a little straighter. Dressed in a black suit with a blue tie, he was the devil in disguise. Many of the young ladies sighed at him. His eyes were only for Penelope. She smiled at him in return and took her place beside him. Both turned at the same time.

Derek's smile widened when the doors opened once again. Jim Hurst stepped from one side of the doors as Tophyr stepped from the other side. They looked at each other and smiled. They came down the aisle together. The green sash about Tophyr's waist matched the vest and tie of Derek's tux. Jim kissed her and handed her to him after they made it to the end of the aisle.

The ceremony was short with an insane after party. Percy and Tophyr danced together, as did all the Hurst siblings with the bride and groom. The whole family was ecstatic to have a new brother and new sister in the mix. The couples shared a slow dance before both took their leaves for their respected honeymoons. Percy and Tophyr hugged it each other one last time before they took their first vacation apart ever.

When they returned home from Barbados, Derek had taken Tophyr to their new flat in Brooklyn. He had fixed it up according to the instructions Percy had written down. She was completely happy, especially when she found out the two of them would be jet setting in the upcoming months. Derek had finally stood up to his father and changed his degree to art. He graduated with honors and was now a sought after artist. Tophyr's Native American collection was a big hit and she was also a sought after artist and journalist.


The man turned around when he heard his name being yelled. He caught Tophyr just as she landed from her leap from the bottom step. Her laugh was infectious and spilled over to him. "You got it?"

"I got it! I can become a professor whenever I want!"

He laughed as he held her away from him. He kissed her then laughed some more.

That night, the family gathered around a large table in one of Manhattan's most sought after restaurants. Tophyr and Derek sat between her parents and his family. Everyone was there; the Hursts, the Starks, the Laurences, the Statemans, Matthew Connelly, and the Peters. They were all talking and laughing at each other's statements and stories that were being told.

Jim Hurst tapped his wine glass and stood up. David Stark smiled as his wife took his hand. Jim laid a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Lucille and I would like to thank all of you for coming tonight. Our families have shared in a beautiful gift together. We welcome three new members of our family; Penelope, Kat and Derek. The three of you have taken the last of my children from me. For that I will always be grateful." Everyone chuckled at the remark, the children looking at their spouses.

"I have never said anything to my children because I was waiting for the right time." Jim looked at his oldest son. "Alain, my eldest, you were always a stickler for the rules, until Mia came along and then Alonso. May your family be blessed with many, many children and plenty of love." Alain nodded at his father.

The patriarch's attention turned. "Dear Britani, though you caused your mother and me a lot of stress with your clothing choices, you always made the right choice in men. May you and Jason have a prosperous life." Britani sniffled at his remark.

Lily was next. "Lovely Lily. My wild child. You were always the most outspoken of my children. I thought you would never get married, but Everett came out of nowhere and swept you off your feet. Please give your mother more grandchildren she can spoil." That got a laugh from everyone.

To Alex he said, "Sensitive Alex, I could always trust you to feel what the rest of us couldn't. You were always the most difficult to place, but now you have finally gotten your catch. Hold on to her. I fear she is the only one who can put up with you." Alex laughed despite his emotion.

"Percy, my outrageous son. You were always the one who got into trouble. There was never a day that we didn't get some call from your bosses or teachers that you were into something. I've seen the changes in you and they are for the good. I can only hope Penelope is the reason for that." Percy nodded then took his wife's hand.

When Jim got to Tophyr, he had to stop and catch his breath. He felt Lucille shutter slightly under his hand. He took his free hand and ran it along her blond head. "My beautiful Tophyr. I think it's safe though I have loved my children the same, you have always been my favorite. From the moment I held you in the hospital, I knew you would do something special. I didn't know how special until I saw you paint. Although Lily is a master abstract painter, you, my love, are my heart painter. For that I am eternally grateful. I had hoped you would never marry, but Derek came along and you

were gone from me. Now I understand why. He makes you happy, the happiest I've seen you in years. I hope you remain this happy for the rest of your life."

Tophyr looked at Derek as she tried to hide the tears from her father's heartfelt appraisal. She didn't hear the toast to everyone because she was too busy calming down. It was a happy emotion but now wasn't the time to break down. So she sat through the rest of dinner with a fake smile on her face.


"How does a woman get a catch like you?" Tophyr asked. She and Derek walked towards the terminal to catch their flight to Milan.

"How does a man get a catch like you?" he answered her question with a question.

She smiled as they walked through the terminal. "I can't believe we're doing this."

Derek stopped and looked at her. "I can. You're an amazing artist."

"So are you."

"But this isn't about me. It's about you. I'm just along for the ride." He turned to look at her. "What shall I call you?" She frowned. "Well, you are now a Stark."

"Well, don't call me Mrs. Stark. My father calls my mother Mrs. Hurst when he's annoyed with her."

"Then what shall I call you?"

"Why are you quoting Pride & Prejudice?"

"This is how our relationship started out. You hated me because I had money and I was pursuing you. Now we're married and about to set out on a journey. I'd like to know what I can call you."

Tophyr acted like she was thinking about it. "Well, Tophyr will do."

She smiled when he laughed and kissed her forehead. "All right, Tophyr. Let's begin our artistic journey."

They stepped out on to the tarmac then boarded the plane, unaware of where their travels will take them but knowing they had the ultimate things that would keep them grounded; family and love.


Catch the next installment His Past, Her Future soon!