Chapter 6

Two hours have passed and the survivors are still sitting on the grass. The current passes very well between them and they tell lots of anecdotes, some of which end in a burst of laughter. It's the first time the ladies have talked so much and, as the conversation progresses, a friendship begins to form.

- By chance, when you were alone, did you come across wild animals in the area? Gabriella asks.

- I haven't seen any. However, at some point, I felt like I was being watched. I was scared but so far, I haven't been attacked. Why are you asking me this question? Would you like to see it?

- On the contrary! I just hope not to come across any. This island seems deserted and the animals there must be starving. I don't want to serve them lunch. We'll have to look for something solid to protect us during the night. Speaking of which, do you have any idea where we can spend the night? I don't think it's safe to spend the night here, even though I know that's what you intended to do before you found me.

- I agree that it would be better to find something in case it gets cold, but it's better to be here than in the forest. The predators will have nowhere to hide and you will see them approaching. And, then, you don't have to worry because I'm going to make a fire. We will not be in complete darkness.

- It's true that if a man passes by here, he won't hesitate to take advantage of us. We're easy prey in bikinis...

- Er... I was mostly alluding to wild animals myself, Daphne continues, amused by her friend's comment. I remind you that it's very likely that this island is deserted...

- Yes, interrupts Gabriella, but let me remind you that you said "very likely". We have no certainty that this is indeed the case.

- You're right, concedes her friend. Anyway, unlike you, I'm comfortable in nature. I was in scouts when I was younger and I can make a fire without lighters or matches. We may spend a night or two under the stars, but we'll be warm.

- It would be better to get started before the sun goes down in this case. I would be more reassured if we had a fire before nightfall.

- Look over there, says Daphne, pointing to a nice spot. We could build our fire on the sand and sleep on the grass, how about that? The fire will only be a few meters away from us...

- That could be nice... It will be my first night under the stars.

- It's cool to sleep outdoors once in a while. You can appreciate the nature around you.

- What will you need to make the fireplace?

- Don't worry about that. I'll manage.

- Do you seriously think I'm going to sit there and do nothing? It would be better if I helped you. It will go faster.

- - You're right. Collect as many large dry corals as you can to start.

- Very well. How long can a fire take to be lit? Gabriella asks her as she already begins to look around.

- It can take a few minutes, hours or even days.

- Days? she wonders. I could already see myself sleeping warm near a large campfire!

- In fact, it's to make you understand that everything you bring back to me must imperatively be dry. If you bring me wet wood, for example, it will take several hours to ignite. However, if you give me something completely soaked, I'll have to wait for it to dry, you know?

- I understand...

- It rained a few hours earlier. So hopefully we'll find usable things by searching places that have been exposed to the sun.

- Noted, Gabriella told him with a smile.

As soon as the indications have been given, the young ladies disperse and go their separate ways. As soon as they find something, one like the other deposits their find near the place intended to accommodate the hearth and leaves. Once a good number of corals have been collected, Daphne begins to make the hearth.

- What else do you need? asks the brunette while her friend is busy with the household.

- Wouldn't you rather that I finish with the hearth first and then we look for the rest together?

- If I still put myself there, it will allow us to take a little advance. At least, that's my point of view. If you want us to search together, that's no problem.

- I need straw and pieces of wood of different sizes. However, do not forget that everything must be dry.

- Do you have an idea where I can find some?

- This part of the island is filled with coconut trees and casuarina trees. You should have straw near the coconut trees. Birds drop many of them to make their nests. For the pieces of wood, you can pick up a lot of them near the casuarinas. Start with that. Later, we will find larger pieces of wood. We will take the opportunity to find food: I spotted some banana trees over there.

Touched that Daphne involves her in the creation of the home, Gabriella goes to the coconut trees where she picks up very dry straw. Having obtained a good amount, she puts it all in the hearth and goes to the casuarinas where she tackles the twigs. Having also harvested a good amount, she returns to rest with her friend. Even though the amount of wood isn't enough, Daphne is still impressed with Gabriella's efforts. As soon as the hearth is ready, they go in search of larger pieces of wood. After several minutes of searching, they return with a good amount of wood and a bunch of bananas they picked during their search. Having everything she needs, Daphne begins by placing the straw, which she has rolled into a ball, into a coconut shell. Then, she takes a long stick of wood and places it in a small hole she has specially dug in the hull. Then she quickly rubs her hands together with the piece of wood protruding from the hull between the palms of her hands. Meanwhile, Gabriella observes his every move. If on the first try no results are visible, Daphne continues by taking breaks from time to time, allowing Gabriella to do a few tries. Twenty minutes later, the survivors begin to see smoke emanating from the hull. Immediately regaining courage, Daphne rubs her hands as quickly as possible and, visibly, the smoke becomes thicker and thicker. Seeing that her friend's hands hurt, Gabriella takes over and, a few moments later, the straw turns red. Daphne gently blows on it, causing it to catch a flame. Quickly, she deposits the straw on fire in the hearth before supplying it with wood. Little by little, the flame grows just like the joy of the young ladies.

- Congratulations Gabriella! You made fire! her friend enthuses.

- Thank you. The nurse can't believe she made a fire. She is immediately overwhelmed with a feeling of pride. This is so cool! If someone had told me that one day, I would make a fire like this, I would never have believed it...

- Like what, anything can be achieved with a little willpower. Thanks to you, we'll be warm tonight. We just have to maintain it well so that it does not die out. We have enough wood for the night, but we'll have to go get more tomorrow morning.

- Now that we have fire, we can fry fish! It will be great...

- Where are you going to find fish? asks Daphne, amused by this comment. Besides, we have nothing to capture.

- Walking near the water, while I was looking for corals, I saw several schools of small sardines at the edge. I could try to catch some, what do you think?

- I don't want to discourage you, but these fish are very fast. Besides, as soon as you enter the water, they will go away. Now, if you want to try and catch some, that's your right.

- You may be right. On the other hand, it would have been nice to have fish for this evening.

- It's true that it would have been nice... You know what? If you want to fish, I'll try to make you a homemade harpoon. This way, you can dive to find big fish.

- Really? Gabriella asks her as her face lights up.

- It will only be enough to find a large and long piece of wood. Well, I'm going to take the opportunity to try to find other fruits to eat with the bananas. You accompany me?

- Don't blame me, but I'd rather stay here, Gabriella replies, stubbornly wanting to catch fish by hand.

- You want to try to catch your fish... Try your luck. I'll see if I manage to find the wood for your harpoon.

- Thank you, Daphne. It's super cool. If I had known you were so nice, I would have been your friend much sooner...

Touched by so much kindness, Gabriella can't help hugging her friend. Then, as soon as Daphne moves away, she goes into the water and, as she steps into it, she quickly finds the fish which move away in the blink of an eye. Understanding that it will be difficult to catch any, Gabriella meticulously observes their actions when an idea crosses her mind. Taking off her white and dark brown patterned café au lait bikini, she ties them together. Then, after making sure there weren't too many holes, she tries a few tries which prove unsuccessful. Nevertheless, she doesn't give up until she finds the right technique. Instead of pushing the fish to the bottom, she takes the other direction and, when the small sardines are on the edge, they don't have much maneuvering and end up in the trap on her seventh attempt. Overjoyed, Gabriella hurries to put the five captured sardines on one of the bananas leaves they have brought. Now having the right technique, the young lady gets back to it and it becomes a mere formality for her. She captures thirty more before seeing Daphne on her way home with her arms loaded in the distance. Being completely naked, Gabriella hides behind a tree and undoes her bikini before getting dressed and joining her friend.

- Can I help you? Gabriella offers him arriving at his height while she is dripping everywhere.

- Yes, it's nice to ask, she answers him, handing him some fruit.

- You found a lot! We'll be able to have a good feast for tonight, rejoices Gabriella before putting on an embarrassed face. By the way, I have to apologize...

- Excuse you? Why, then?

- You saw me... naked.

- You don't have to apologize for that. Other hand, I didn't understand why you were naked...

- I used my bikini as a fishing net, she replies smiling.

- Very good idea! I would never have thought of it... Did you catch a lot of them?

- I reserve the surprise for you.

- From your radiant face, I guess so. Say, will you allow me a comment?

- Of course!

- You have a beautiful body.

- That's nice… Now that I think about it, you're a lesbian, aren't you?

- Yes, I am. Does that bother you?

- Of course not. I don't have these assumptions. Besides, even if that had been the case, I could never have looked down on you, especially after what you did for me.

- By the way, was the water good?

- Yes, she is very good. Go and enjoy it if you want.

- We can go together later, Daphne replies immediately.

Slowly approaching the fireplace, Daphne is far from imagining that she is about to make a great discovery. Intending to laze around a bit - having completely forgotten their discussion about the fishing - the blonde's eyes suddenly land on the banana leaf when she falls from the clouds.

- Wow! You caught a lot! Finally, I owe you an apology. I underestimated you, but now I'm amazed.

- Now, I leave it to you to cook them; I won't be able to do.

- It's simple though, says Daphne with a smile. I'm going to make a stand and you just have to put the banana leaf on top and watch the cooking...

- That's crazy! I feel like everything is so easy with you.

- Let's say that I acquired some experience in the scouts which means that this kind of situation is not foreign to me.

- I'm really very lucky to have found myself with you.

- It's especially me who have a lot of chances to have the most beautiful woman in Heartland by my side! immediately adds Daphne, which makes her friend blush.

- I have to say thank you, Gabriella suddenly launches while the other young lady is already busy preparing the support.

- Thank me? Why, then? Because I support you?

- Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for helping me feel good. Thank you for being who you are...

- There are way too many thanks in one sentence. Do you remember what I told you earlier? I told my mother that if I had to choose a friend from the group, I would choose you. You know why? It's just because you're a great person. I would very much like to be like you. So don't thank me for what I do for you because I do it with joy.

Touched once again by her friend's words, Gabriella can't help hugging her very tightly. Since there are still two hours before the sun goes down, the young ladies decide to go swimming before putting the fish to cook. Once they have enjoyed it, Daphne installs the support before the brunette puts the banana leaf on which the sardines are on it, making sure that it does not burn. For their first dinner on this island which is completely unknown to them, they eat their fill. At nightfall, Daphne feeds the fireplace with wood before lying down next to Gabriella. As there is a light breeze blowing, the ladies are a little cold. Suddenly, to keep warm, the blonde sticks to her friend and embraces her with an arm at hip level before both of them fall asleep in a few seconds.