Chapter 10

More than an hour has passed since the ladies parted ways and this has resulted in them getting a lot closer. Moreover, it is in giggles that Amber and Chelsea are back among the others with their discovery. However, this crazy laugh does not please some young ladies and, not wasting a second, Anais and Kelly, who are already back from their search, take their friend aside.

- Where are you girls going? Jessica immediately stops them seeing them go away.

- We are going a little further to discuss... Anais replies immediately.

- Don't stray too far.

- What's going on? Chelsea asks them as soon as they are within reasonable distance.

- That's an excellent question! Kelly replies. On the other hand, I rather believe that it is up to you to tell us.

- I don't understand you...

- It's mostly us who don't understand you anymore, Anais asks. At first, you defend Amber and then you go back to laughing!

- What's wrong with it? Chelsea immediately asks them.

- It's a joke! It can't be true... Kelly is surprised. Do you realize we're talking about Amber here? This filthy plague who did not hesitate to ridicule Daphne in public?

- Yes, I know...

- So, you condone what she did? Anais is surprised.

- No, I don't endorse it. We talked about it and she explained to me what happened.

- In that case, give us the explanation! launches Kelly.

- You still do not believe that I am going to tell you! It's a secret and I promised never to divulge it.

Anais and Kelly look at each other.

- You disappoint me Chelsea, Anais suddenly launches.

- It is the case for me too, adds Kelly. I can't believe you can become friends with that bitch.

- I understand that this surprises you, but if you made an effort to know her, you would realize how adorable she is.

- Know her? resumes Anais. Never!

- You're pathetic… Chelsea blurts out loud when it wasn't her intention.

- Excuse me? Kelly wonders, not expecting such remarks. What's wrong? We don't recognize you anymore.

- The saddest thing about this whole story is that she will completely forget you as soon as she finds her friends...

- Exactly! takes them back Chelsea. Since we're talking about it, how would you feel if someone had said the same thing to you that Anais said to Amber?

- There you go, it's going to start again, launches Kelly, raising her eyes to the sky. No matter what you think, Anais has absolutely no regrets and I can assure you that we will make her drool every time we have the opportunity.

- It's up to you girls. However, rest assured that you will have to deal with me every time you try to make him miserable.

- If that's what you want, there's no problem. On the other hand, don't be surprised if everyone turns their back on you.

- At least that won't be the case with Amber.

At these words, the two young ladies burst out laughing.

- Who's funny? Chelsea wonders.

- Bah, what you just said! Amber will never turn her back on you... I'd like to see it hold; Anais replies immediately.

- If you made a mistake and you want to make amends, wouldn't you like someone to reach out to you?

- That's when this person regrets his actions. As for Amber, she absolutely does not regret what she did!

- How can you know? immediately raises Chelsea.

- Did you see him regret his gesture on the yacht? On the contrary, she looked down on us all as usual, surrounded by her two dogs.

- I'm not talking about when we were on the yacht! I'm talking to you from here... replies Chelsea.

- Excuse me, but that's a little too easy. Now that Mademoiselle finds herself alone, does she blame herself? She really takes us for idiots, launches Kelly. And, you, you fell headlong into his trap.

- What does that mean? asks Chelsea. That I'm stupid?

- Indeed, you are a big bitch... continues Anais.

- Well, since apparently, you're smarter than all the others, why are you wasting your time arguing with me?

- That's an excellent question! I'm starting to wonder, Kelly replies.

- Thank you, girls, that's very nice. I think we have nothing more to say to each other now.

- It's up to you. Either way, you'll be the one to bite your fingers the day you realize Amber made fun of you.

Preferring not to answer, understanding that she will not be able to reason with them, Chelsea leaves when she realizes that she has not said everything. Suddenly, she stops and turns around before speaking.

- By the way, I guess you're hungry. Bah, know that it was Amber who had the decency to look for something to put in your mouth. No need to thank her.

Disappointed by what has just happened, Chelsea returns to the others, demoralized. As she moves forward, Amber realizes that her friend is not on her plate. Suddenly, she approaches to take his news.

- Given the face you're making, I guess it didn't go very well with them, did it?

- Exact. From now on, we are no longer friends...

At these words, tears well up in Chelsea's eyes.

- My poor darling, saddens Amber before hugging her. I warned you it was a bad idea to be on my side. You can always change your mind you know? I would absolutely not blame you...

- I would never do such a thing. I'm sad because we've been through a lot together, but it's going to pass eventually.

- You want me to try to speak them?

- That's a very bad idea. They will definitely bring you down like last time.

- Maybe, but I can't watch you suffer without doing anything.

- You're adorable, you know? It's a shame no one sees that part of you.

- I must warn you that everyone has their eyes on us. You won't be long in attracting the wrath of other girls...

- I really want to solve this problem right away... Chelsea informs her before getting ready to go face all the others.

- Hey, hey, hey, you stay there, Amber stops her, pulling her by the arms. What's wrong with you?

- What's the problem?

- You really dare to ask me this question? You are fragile right now. I would prefer that you do it later and separately, contrary to what you intend to do now.

- But...

- There are no buts, Chelsea! I'm asking you as a friend...

- All right, give it up before you smile again. I'll do it later.

- I'm sorry... suddenly launches Amber.

- Why are you apologizing? Chelsea wonders.

- Your life was better before I accepted that we were friends. If only I had been miserable as usual, you'd be better off right now...

- Because you think I would have given in? It's wrong to know me dear.

- Except that there, you lose your friends...

- I'll stop you right away. If they were really friends, they would have understood the reasons why I am getting closer to you. It's Let's take your example. Even if Anne-Sophie didn't appreciate what you did to Daphne, that didn't stop her from continuing to be your friend...

- It's true that on that one, I had many chances... Now you understand why I miss her so much.

- I understand my darling...

After talking with Amber, who cheered her up a bit, Chelsea nevertheless feels the need to isolate herself. She spent so many beautiful things with Anais and Kelly that it hurts her. Overwhelmed by emotions, she walks away with tears in her eyes. Sad for her friend and feeling at the same time a little guilty, Amber has every intention of putting them in their place and she goes in their direction.

- I have to talk to you.

- We're not interested in hearing from you, Anais replies curtly.

- What you are doing at Chelsea is unacceptable. She's a person with a heart of gold and you turn your back on her on the pretext that she offered me her friendship! There she isolated herself to cry. What do you want? Turn my back on him? There is no problem. On the other hand, keep in mind that you will never come close to Chelsea. You can say what you want about me, but what you put your supposed friend through a few hours ago is just pathetic.

- I'm going to kick his ass at that one. Anais came back up. By what right does she speak to us in this way?

- She's not wrong Anais. We did wrong with Chelsea.

- Are you on his side now?

- What she just did for Chelsea is super cool! Maybe she's not wrong that Amber has some goodness in her.

- What you say here disgusts me.

- Don't be so stubborn. I'm doing what I can to salvage our friendship with Chelsea, but it doesn't seem that you're interested at all.

- Chelsea have chosen sides. It was she who turned her back on us, I remind you.

- We're the ones who turned our backs on him, I'll tell you. She just got closer to Amber her. To be honest, I don't think I could stop talking to him, especially not after everything we've been through together…

- After all, nobody's stopping you from talking to him, huh! As far as I'm concerned, Chelsea is a thing of the past. I don't want to know anything about her anymore.

- So, you're turning your back on me too, right?

- What do you mean?

- Forget it. Anyway, whatever I'm about to tell you won't change your mind.

Kelly didn't wish to hurt anyone and knowing that Chelsea is doing badly - somehow her fault - bothers her a lot. So, while she doesn't buy into the fact that Chelsea has grown closer to Amber, she still can't deny that she misses her friend. Suddenly, the only solution available to her is to talk to Chelsea again, even if it means getting closer to Amber.