Chapter 17

The atmosphere is great in the kitchen and to prevent the surprise from being spoiled, Chelsea locks the door before going to help the cook. As soon as everything is ready an hour later, Anais serves everyone. Once they all have a plate in front of them, the lady serves Amber, Chelsea and herself. Meanwhile, having finished in the kitchen, Chelsea goes to find Amber in her room to inform her that they will have a surprise guest. Completely unaware of what is going on in the kitchen, Amber is lying in her bed. As she knows that Chelsea intends to bring the food to her room, she prefers to stay in a bikini so as not to dirty her dress. Meanwhile, as Chelsea goes upstairs, her gaze is suddenly caught by a flickering light as she walks past a window. Realizing that it can only be Daphne, or maybe all four if they're together, she runs to Amber's room. Not caring how she's dressed; Chelsea pulls Amber by the arm and leads her to the window.

- What's going on? Amber wonders, having no choice but to follow her.

- Look! launches the lady by pointing a specific place of the finger. Can't you see anything?

- It looks like a campfire over there…

- Exactly! replica Chelsea. You may have found Sophie! I can't say for sure it's her, but you're on the right track.

- Finally, there is a change of plan: I will go find them after dinner.

- Are you crazy? Chelsea intervenes. You can't go there in the middle of the night! It's so dark outside that you're bound to get lost!

- I'm willing to take that risk. What if they move before I get there tomorrow morning?

- It's not easy to light a fire without bricking. Do you really think that Daphne is going to take pleasure in lighting it up in several places? Chelsea asks her with the idea of ​​ringing her.

- I don't know…

- You're not going to find them if you go there in the middle of the night. The worst part is that we're going to worry until you get home.

- That doesn't answer my question. What do I do if they're gone tomorrow morning?

- If you find the place where they made the fire and they're not there anymore, they won't be far away.

- I want to find Sophie so badly that I don't know what to do anymore… Amber cracks up once again.

- I see that! I understand that you are really looking forward to finding your sweetheart, but you must not put your life in danger either. If they survived one day, there's no reason why they shouldn't for another day! Daphne knows how to make a fire and she knows where to find food.

- "Chelsea is right. I'm probably worrying for nothing." I hope they are all together.

- You'll know tomorrow when you pick them up. You must consider yourself happy; you already know where to start…

- I didn't think about that, Amber realizes, finding a smile at the same time.

- I have news for you. We will have a guest for tonight.

- Really? Who is it?

Before Chelsea gives her an answer, Amber sees Aurore walking up the stairs with a tray in her hand. The young lady immediately understands that she is the surprise guest.

- Anais? Amber wonders, not particularly expecting to see her. So, you're the surprise guest?

- Yes, it's me. Unless you're not interested in me coming to eat with you...

- Oh, yes!

- What's the problem?

- By the way, I didn't have time to tell her that you were coming. On the way up, I spotted a light and immediately caught his attention.

- It must be Daphne. She's the only one who knows how to do it, says Anais when she arrives at the window.

- That's what I said to myself too... continues Chelsea.

- Things seem to be going much better between you!

- Yes, we made up and, at Chelsea's request, I agreed to take a step towards you and get to know you, explains Anais. Time will tell if I was right or wrong. I see you brought some food...

- I made you your favorite dish...

- Seriously? Amber gets excited immediately. Were you able to prepare lasagna?

- Lasagna? Anais resumes immediately. No, that's not what I was told. I made you fries with sausages...

- Ah... It's not my favorite dish, but it doesn't matter. Considering how hungry I am right now, anything will pass...

After teasing Amber, Anais lifts the lid and, just at the sight of what she is going to eat and the perfume that accompanies, the young lady's eyes light up to such an extent that they even fill with tears.

- Is it really for me?

- Yes, my darling, Chelsea replies with a smile, happy that her surprise had the expected result. Only one question remains to be resolved. Can we taste it at home?

- Of course! It is out of the question that I refuse such a thing. It's been almost six months since I last ate it...

- Why so long? Anais is surprised.

- To keep the line.

- Can we eat it at your place?

- By the way, I have a little problem with my room. I have a small coffee table, but it's not enough for us to eat together.

- It's not a problem, continues Chelsea. What I suggest is that we put our plates on the coffee table and sit on the sofa to eat.

- It's a good idea, accepts Anais. There are plates and cutlery. I've not forgotten anything.

Not wasting a second, the ladies return to Amber's and, once inside, they organize everything with the aim of having a good time. Once the coffee table is installed, they take place on the sofa while Amber remains in a bikini. The smell of lasagna pervades the whole room, Amber can't help herself and she starts to eat.

- Oh, that's really good! she says as she has a mouth orgasm.

- Glad you like it. On the other hand, there is something you need to explain to me, begins Anais. Why so much wickedness towards us during the competition?

At this question, Amber looks at Chelsea, very hesitant to reveal her secret to her.

- Know that Chelsea didn't tell me about it… She told me to ask you the question if I really want to know and that's what I'm doing.

- If I tell you, the others will also be informed...

- Not necessarily. If you don't want me to talk about it, I won't talk about it, Anais told him.

- All right, I'm going to trust you and tell you...

- Anais, before she tells you anything, I would really like you to promise us that you won't say anything at all. This secret could destroy his life if leaked.

- I promise you it won't get out of here.

- I trust you, Amber replies before taking a deep breath. In fact, I'm not mean by nature...

- Excuse me? Are you serious there? immediately raises Anais.

- Yes, I am. I had to do it...

- You can't force yourself to be mean.

- Do you intend to interrupt her every time she speaks? Chelsea suddenly asks him.

- I'm sorry... I'm listening.

- Actually, I'm not mean. In fact, I am a lesbian.

- No! Anais does not believe her ears.

- It's true...

- I thought there were only two me!

- Two? Amber wonders.

- Well, that doesn't explain to me why you were mean! How does being a lesbian affect your character?

- Who are the two lesbians? I only knew one! Who else is there after Daphne?

- Oh, you don't know? Yet you were still together! She didn't tell you?

- Who, Aurore? No, that's not possible. She was in a relationship the day of the audition...

As she thinks, Amber finally understands who the lesbian in question is and she finds it very difficult to believe it.

- Sophie is a lesbian? No, you must be making a mistake...

- No, there is no mistake. Anne-Sophie is attracted to girls. I'm surprised she didn't tell you.

- I'm surprised too. Well, the first time my eyes landed on Sophie, it was love at first sight. I went to her and, as the current was going well, I made sure to befriend her. We developed very strong bonds and my love for her continued to grow. I'm madly in love with her and it's destroying me not knowing where she is...

- I understand and what you're saying is beautiful, but what I still don't understand is why you've been so petty with us from the start?

- I didn't want you to approach Sophie. I knew there were lesbians in the group but, since I didn't know who they were, I preferred not to take any risks. If only I had known...

- So, if I understand correctly, you agreed to alienate everyone for the simple reason that you didn't know which of us is a lesbian?

- Exactly...

- So that's why you made Daphne miserable! she concludes immediately.

- As weird as it may seem, I swear on what is most precious to me than not. When I did, I fired randomly and it always landed on Daphne.

- I'm having a lot of trouble pinning you down, to tell the truth... Anais suddenly launches.

- Why do you say that? Amber wonders.

- Because it's the truth! Looked. We agree that you are supposed to be close to Anne-Sophie and yet she has never told you that she is a lesbian and neither have you.

- Yes, we agree.

- As close as you were with her, are you going to make me believe that you really never noticed that she was madly in love with you?

- What? Amber wonders. Please stop talking nonsense. The young lady suddenly turns to Chelsea. Did you know that?

- No. I have just learned it.

- What nonsense? It's not nonsense. It's a reality. Anne-Sophie loved you and that's why she was always by your side, even if she didn't approve of some of your actions.

The fact of learning that Anne-Sophie loved him and that she didn't see him goes very badly. Suddenly, her eyes fill with tears.

- I understand that you find it hard to believe, but you can ask Aurore. I heard them in the toilet. They didn't know I was there when they were talking about it.

- "How did Aurore manage to keep this a secret?" She knows very well how I feel about Sophie. If she had told me, I would surely have taken the first step! Why did Aurore do that to me? Amber

can't believe her ears. She doesn't understand how Aurore, with whom she is also very close, had the audacity to hide something so important from her. Preferring not to rub salt in the wound, she decides not to broach this subject any longer until she has a discussion with Aurore. However, she is no longer on her plate. If she was planning on having three slices of lasagna, she only settles for one. Anais, meanwhile, enjoys the moment. She realizes that Amber isn't actually as bad as she made her out to be and, once they've all finished their meal, she returns to the kitchen before returning with ice cream, delighting the ladies. By tasting it, they take so much pleasure in it that Amber, for a very short moment, forgets her pain even if she stops praying that Anne-Sophie is safe and sound where she is.