

She called again...I ignored it..... Then she sent a text saying...

"Hey baby, I know I screwed up a bit....

I know I hurt you and broke your heart into bits.....

But as you said to me, these are only human errors in that we all can make mistakes....

plz forgive me one last time and take me back as your boo..."

After I read this text, then I replied

"Alicia how long will we keep on doing this huh?.... I tolerated your nonsense and that Egoish behaviour of yours, buh you don't seem to change"

"Please Jason, you're the one I can never lose...

I get egoic because of you... I don't want to lose you in any Accord....

Please Jason, teach me how to be a good person ....

I cannot be the best amongst the rest, but I promise to be better"

After hearing this from her, I got so touched by her words. Then I replied;

"Ok babe but please change for good"....

"Sure thing sweetheart, I promise" she replied.

"Will Alicia change for good? Will she really give up being selfish?"

I wondered.

Then I chilled down for a bit, knowing that Alicia and I were back together didn't change a thing coz I had totally lost interest in our relationship.

But anyways we'll see if she totally changed.

4 days passed on, Alicia showed a good impression over her attitude.

Alicia is one pretty girl... So cute and adorable.

Though she acted stupidly sometimes, buh I really loved her and hopefully she'd change for good.

But here comes confusion....

A guy named 'Kace Maximus' had just been accepted to work into our organization as an ICT technician... Jxt like I was...

Meaning that we were gonna be working in the same department. Okay, just to admit, this dude was a knockout...!!!

Even though am a guy, it's ain't weird to compliment another guy's outlook. Although he was loved by many, I was not happy with him coz of his outrageous character of being competitive.

His proximity in the company melted every girl's heart to some deep affection....

Kace's arrival made caption of the whole entire organization's topic.

Though the guy was charming, buh still, I was fed up with his trending stories in the management.

Some ladies described him as hunky, dishy and hot..... While some said he was a drop- dead gorgeous, fanciable tasty dude....

Anyways, this didn't bother me alot coz I had the most cutest girl in the entire management.

It was on a Saturday afternoon around 02 45 .p.m did I and Alicia go on a dinner time date, when we went at East park mall where I bought us some smoothies, then later bought Pizza and two packs of hungry Lion for the two of us...

We both don't drink beer, so some soft drinks had made complete of our beverage.

There we were, sat on the dinner table, enjoying our meal at the moment.

Alicia: Hey babe, what do you think about Kace? Our new Co-worker .

Me: Hey, we're here having dinner, and not at work ok... This isn't the ryt tym to talk bout Kace... Don't ruin this moment...

Alicia: hey, don't be angry ...

I jxt think the guy is hot, stunning and legit u know.. .

No sooner had she said these words, than I drooled off my smoothie drink from my mouth, as I glowered at her in a really repulsive way.

Alicia: Hey, wats up?

Why are you looking at me like that?

Me: Oh! are you serious?.... Hot!... Stunning!.. Legit?.....

Alicia: oh c'mon Jason, are you gonna be angry over just complimenting someone?

Me: ah! So u're like really serious with that shit talk Huh?

Listen to me....

Complimenting Kace isn't a problem, but u can't jxt talk that kind of shit with me around... !!!

Alicia: oh Jason,,,, don't be a creep

Me: oh wow! Now am a creep ryt? ..... Hahahaha (fake laughter). .ok

Then I squeezed my smoothie in anger, splashing the juice out....

While glared i at Alicia, I stood up angrily from the table, then I ...