My theory was wrong?

After calming down He thought, 'I think it would be better to stay on this earth to gather information'

As he was very surprised after entering the atmosphere, he realised that he was wrong about them not having any powers.

'How come I don't feel any Qi or any powers, and these powers aren't mutants'

He was even more confused than before, as his theory was falling apart.

'If Thanos won the war, then why do they have powers and abilities?'

Then an idea came up.

'It's either he is choosing the people who receive powers or he is not capable of watching them at the moment.'

It didn't matter to him, as either way he would find the one who nearly killed him and take revenge. Currently, it was night as he recognised that he was in a city.

'Geez, it's even hard to know what a city is anymore.'

He has been thinking that he saw someone getting attacked in the street.

These people were clearly villains, but what surprised him was that there were no heroes in the city simply because, as Thanos once said, everything had a balance, which destroyed his theory even more.

He still wanted to help. After all, he needed to start to get information about this world as soon as possible and he was still a human.

He landed on the ground at an extreme speed, causing shockwaves.

The villains said this in shock and fear.

"Who are you!?"

"Youre demise"

"Tch, he is just bluffing." Said one of the villains.


"After all, all the heroes are dead."

"Honestly, these people irritate me."He thought, after all, they were people who stole, killed, and probably raped people, which was enough to push him to act.

Before they could react, all that was left of them was blood.

He then just turned his head to look at the victim, who was shocked, then disappeared.

"Now I know that there existed heroes in this world before, but that they are dead."

We cut to someone else that Alex didn't see, as the person could turn invisible. This person filmed the birth of a hero.

which hadn't appeared in hundreds of years.

*Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't know what I could add more to this one. *