The Church

Percy POV

Over winter break, Gabe dragged me back into the house. I had decided to spend the entire break in my trailer. However, Gabe found me one day and forced me to come back.

You could probably imagine how my winter break went.

Gabe was careful about not touching my face. He knew that people would get suspicious if I had visible bruises on my face. I can cover body bruises, but covering my face was harder. After the horrible gang beating last month, he was being more careful.

That didn't stop him from hitting me everywhere else. I couldn't go back to my trailer because I didn't have any more money saved for food.

If I wanted to eat, I had to live with Gabe. Also, there was another reason.

"Hey, boy, I need my pasta, and it better not be burned," Gabe scolded.

I silently nodded while biting my tongue. Blurting out my thoughts won't do any good. I was a pretty good cook, and that saved me from Gabe's wrath multiple times.

I quickly finished dinner and served it to him.

However, he forced me to sit down with him. I practically inhaled my pasta for two reasons: (1) I didn't want to be around Gabe, and (2) I had a lot of homework to finish. I hated school, but I promised my mom that I'd try my best.

"You were out of the house for weeks. I hope that you enjoyed your vacation," Gabe said gruffly.

"I was in the parking garage. It wasn't a vacation," I lied. It was a very nice break from him, and I cherished it.

"The medical bills are getting more costly."

My gaze snapped towards his face. Anytime that he talked about my mother was when he was discussing the financials. I didn't know even know how Gabe still had a job. However, his job was paying to keep my mom alive.

"I'm not so sure that paying for Sally's treatment is worth it anymore," he snapped. His smirk was so infuriating, but I held back. My hand clenched into a fist as my jaw hardened.

"It is worth it, Gabe. Mom's gonna get through this," I begged.

"You're not giving me a reason to continue. You won't even stay at home and serve me and my buddies. Why should I pay for your mother?"

"Because she's your wife," I muttered.

That comment earned a slap across the face. My left cheek stung as I gazed down at my empty plate. Empty was how I felt on the inside as well. My eyes stung with tears. He couldn't stop my mother's treatment. He couldn't.

Surprisingly, besides the slap, we were having a civil conversation for once.

"I'll do anything you want," I whispered. "I'll cook you food. I'll serve your buddies during your poker games. I'll be a punching bag when you're stressed. I'll do anything. Just please don't stop my mother's treatment. She needs it to live."

"You care about your stupid mother that much?"

My insides flared in anger. My nails dug into my palm as I restrained myself from shouting and punching him. No one insults my mother. No one.

"She'll always be the person that loves me the most. And, I'll always love her the most. More than anyone else," I expressed. I choked on my words as the memories flooded my mind.

"My mom is everything to me. I love her so much. She's my person."

Tears bristled in my eyes. I didn't want to lose her. I couldn't let Gabe pull the plug on her. I wasn't going to let him kill my only family.

I sniffed while wiping my eyes.

"Well, she is my wife as well. I don't want to lose her either. However, her worth to me is dependent on your behavior. Remember that," Gabe remarked.

I stared at his retreating figure in shock. Sometimes, I forget that Gabe (at one point) loved my mom. After all, that's why he married her.

My mind raced as I sat alone in the dark dining area.

Seven years ago, my mom was a poor woman who worked 2 jobs while taking care of her son. Technically, besides her kindness, she had nothing to give. Regardless, Gabe liked her back then. Gabe treated her and me with some respect.

I remember when Gabe wasn't the raging alcohol that he is now. He was okay to be around. He would bring ice cream for me. That's pretty much it, but it was better than nothing. It showed character.

As the years passed, he changed.

I shook my head while getting up to do the dishes. I had to finish my chores before starting my homework. It was gonna be a long night.

However, I was glad that Gabe is continue to pay for my mom's treatment. I was going to make sure that things didn't change. I need my mother to survive even if that meant that I had to deal with Smelly Gabe and do anything he says.


"Hey man, have you ever considered religion and faith?" Grover asked. I looked at him in surprise. I wasn't expecting that question.

We were walking out of school on Monday. Last week was a rough week with school work. As soon as winter break ended, our teachers bombarded us with content. It was so dumb on their part. Gabe's bursts of violence didn't help the situation.

"G-man, what are you talking about?"

"With everything that you're going through, have you ever considered praying to God. I don't mean casually. I'm talking about serious faith in the church."

I've never been religious. I'd consider myself an agnostic. That is, I believe that there is a higher presence, but the identity of that presence is unknown. The almighty could be Jesus or Vishnu or Zeus, but I don't know.

Regardless of that, I've never been to church. I've never devotedly prayed.

"I don't know, G-man. I've never been to a church."

"Bro, my family and I are going to church today. I want you to come with me. Even if you don't believe in Christianity, it might be peaceful for you."

I looked at my best friend. Grover's eyes were sparkling as he awaited my answer. I had so much gratitude for his everlasting support, so I accepted.

That's why I was in khakis and a blue dress shirt later that day.

Grover said that he could pick me up from Demeter's cafe because it was on the way. My apartment was several streets away from the route to the church. I had a cup of coffee in my hand while I waited for Grover and his family. They were running late.

"Why are you so dressed up, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked as she settled into the seat opposite of me. She looked so casually beautiful today. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and her skin was glowing in the warm lighting.

Her pink lips looked so inviting.

"I'm waiting for Grover. He's taking me to church," I replied as I straightened my thoughts. My eyes focused back on her eyes.

"I didn't know that you're religious." Her gray eyes sparkled with intrigue.

"I'm not, but Grover thought that it would be good for me. He said that it'll be peaceful and comforting for me with everything that's going on in my life."

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked firmly. Her voice radiated with strength as she demanded an answer. She wanted to know me. However, I couldn't tell her about my life.

"Nothing, Wise Girl. Anyway, our deal ends next Friday. 11 days left. Are you ready for our special night?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

Annabeth groaned in response.

I was nervous about the proposal ending. Not because I wanted to have a night with Annabeth. I was more scared that the end of the deal would mark the end of us. I wanted to get with her, but not under these circumstances.

"I'm surprised that you made it this far," Annabeth commented.

"I'm gonna make it all the way, Wise Girl. If I were you, I'd be prepared for the best night of your life," I said confidently before shooting a wink.

Annabeth rolled her eyes before frowning. My smile faded as I watched her sad eyes.

You could see her frustration. She didn't have a problem with me, but she had a lot of pride. Annabeth wasn't a loser, and she always remained in control. She didn't want to lose, and she certainly didn't want to sleep with me. Annabeth had more self-respect than to give herself away to someone she didn't care for.

Losing our deal would greatly hurt her.

The thought that Annabeth didn't want to be with me stung deeply. However, I didn't blame her. I wasn't worthy of her anyway.

Before I couldn't comfort her, Grover called me. We were already running late, so (unfortunately) I couldn't stay with Annabeth even though I want to be by her side.

Uncle Hedge and Mellie greeted me warmly. Actually, Mellie welcomed me nicely while Uncle Hedge didn't say anything aggressively. That was his way of greeting someone he liked. Juniper and Grover were talking quietly, so I was left with my thoughts.

I kept thinking about Annabeth.

I didn't want her to get hurt by our proposal. However, I had no intention of sleeping with anyone else. My feelings for Annabeth forbid it.

I couldn't deny my feelings for her anymore. They were too strong.

We arrived at Jupiter Church in no time. The inside of the church was walled with wood and colorful glass paintings. Rows of benches were placed for the audience members. At the front, there was a giant cross.

I followed Grover's actions to copy the sign of the cross. Then, we each lit a candle near the front of the chapel. The flames created an atmosphere similar to a fireplace.

Later, I sat with Grover and Juniper as they started to pray and read the Bible. We were sitting near the front. I looked around at everyone in the large room before refocusing on the holy cross upfront.

I'm not a Christian, but I did understand the appeal of having faith.

The silence in the room was warm and welcoming. The classical music flowed in my ears and sent gentle vibrations in my brain.

Grover was right. This place helped comfort me. I didn't think about Gabe at all. I thought my mom, yet, but I didn't about Gabe.

The positives washed over me while the negatives washed away.

It was all in my head, but the serene atmosphere geared my head in the right direction. I was grateful to have come here.

For the first time in forever, I felt calm and relaxed. I didn't realize that it was a false sense of security.