The Bronze Urn

Percy POV

"Percy, how did you get these?" Annabeth asked quietly. She was still brushing my back with her hand. I winced as her fingers fell upon the recent scar from a few days ago.

Gabe was furious that I hadn't come home early. However, I was serving yet another detention for Ms. Dodds. I couldn't go home in time to entertain his friends. He launched a beer bottle at my body.

I turned around to protect my head, and it shattered against my back. The glass sunk into my skin, leaving me with a horrible gash across my lower back.

"My life isn't as pretty as everyone thinks," I whispered.

I grabbed my shirt off the ground and quickly put it on. Then, I turned around to face Wise Girl. I didn't want to tell her, but I couldn't let her think that I didn't care for or trust her.

My hands gently cupped her face to look into her eyes.

"I'm not ready for us, Wise Girl. I want it to be right when I get in a relationship with you because I don't intend to stop. I don't intend to play you," I explained. Her hand grasped my left wrist as she leaned her cheek into my hand.

"You need to tell me everything," Annabeth commanded.

I kissed her yet again. It was our third kiss, and it felt just like our first (only better). This kiss was a promise that I was making to her. I will tell her in time when I'm ready.

Then, I pulled away from her.

I have my reasons for not committing to her. First of all, I was not ready emotionally. I just lost my mother, and I still felt terrible. I was grieving and depressed all the time. She shouldn't have to deal with that, especially at the start of our relationship.

On the inside, I'm only half a man. I don't love myself or my life.

As such, it didn't feel right to love her.

More importantly, Gabe knew about her. He had pictures of us together, and he threatened my friends all the time. Essentially, Gabe didn't want me to leave the house. He wanted to keep me as his slave and punching bag for who knows how long. As long as Gabe and his friends held the leverage, I had no choice.

I wasn't going to risk Annabeth's or my friends' safety.

"I will tell you. Just not yet. However, you're probably already putting the pieces together, and I won't stop you from finding out the truth," I paused. "I'm just not ready to come clean because I'm still dealing with a lot of pain all the time."

Annabeth wrapped her arms around me. I gasped before melting into her embrace. It felt so good to be in her arms.

The worlds around us melted away. It was just us.

"I can help you with the pain," she murmured. "Am I causing it?"

My hold on her tightened. My one hand rested along her back while my other gently held her head against my shoulder. "No. It's not your fault."

"But, I forced you into this proposal. I didn't know that you were dealing with all this," her voice cracked. "Even so, I still made you suffer."

I did suffer, and I'm still suffering.

"It's not your fault. Sex indeed did help me with pain relief and distraction, but I wouldn't change anything between us. Our relationship is one of the only highlights and rushes of warmth in my life right now."


Suddenly, we were interrupted by a blast of music. My gaze wandered to the open doors before I let go of Annabeth. My clothes were slightly damp considering she was wet after swimming.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything," Piper said softly.

I quickly wiped my face before putting on a fake smile. Annabeth was still lost in thought, so I was talking to both of us. "You didn't interrupt anything, Piper. What's up?"

"Well, they're cutting the cake. Everyone should join," Piper expressed nervously. Her gaze locked onto Annabeth, who was still upset.

"That's fine. Let's get back to the party," I responded.

I didn't wait for either of their replies as I walked back to the pool area. Even though the party continued, I wasn't paying much attention. I barely interacted with anyone because I was thinking about everything with Annabeth.

I was scared of my feelings for her. I was scared that she was in danger because of me. Moreover, I was scared that I'd lose her before I am healed enough to be with her.

I'm scared all the time because of all the things that could happen.

"Percy, is everything okay?" Grover asked.

He pulled me to the side after the cake-cutting. It ended with Travis and Connor getting icing all over their faces. Needless to say, we probably won't be eating any cake.

"I'm fine, Grover. I was just talking to Annabeth, and she pretty much knows."

"About the proposal or Gabe or your mom?"

"She already knew about the proposal. The girls told her last week. I didn't tell her, but I showed her what Gabe has been doing to me," I answered sadly.

"It's because I want her to believe that I love her."

"You did the right thing, Percy. You can't keep this secret forever. The people who need to know should know because they can help you."

"NO, THEY CAN'T," I snapped as I broke away from him. "THAT'S THE PROBLEM."

Everyone in my nearby vicinity turned towards my shout. Jason's eyes washed over me as the rest of my friends and classmates watched our interaction.

I sighed before turning away from the party.

I was in no mood to continue. I walked into the parking lot to get some air, but someone had followed me outside. The other guy and I were alone together.

"Grover, I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Relax, your friends aren't here to protect you," a deep voice boomed. I whirled around to come face-to-face with Luke Castellan. Ugh, I despised him.

"What do you want?"

"I saw what you did in there. Your hands and lips were all over my woman." He glared, causing his facial scar to constrict. It made him look menacing, but I wasn't scared.

"She's not yours, Luke. Annabeth is her own person, and no one can own her. She's never going to be a possession, so learn some respect," I growled in anger.

"I'm interested in Annabeth. I don't like being sidestepped for a random guy."

"Then, give it your best shot," I snapped. "I'm not scared of you."

His punch came faster than I expected. Regardless, I jumped back and dodged the impact. My hands raised to block another one of his strikes. Fighting him was a fool's game compared to the other people that I've dealt with (ie Atlas, Gabe, and his buddies).

Luke raised his leg to kick me, but I caught it midair. Then, I pushed him, and he fell onto the concrete.

"STOP THIS, LUKE," I shouted. "What's wrong with you? Get over it."

"You try losing Annabeth, and let's see how you react. I severed my connection to Annabeth over a mistake. You think that it's easy seeing her with you," Luke grunted while standing again.

I sighed before walking closer to him. His eyes shone with desire, and I could see the genuine in his eyes. He earnestly wanted Annabeth, but he lost his chance.

"I get it, Luke. We'd be fools to not fight over her. That's how special she is, but you have to move on because she's not interested in you anymore."

"No. She liked me before. She'll like me again if you aren't in the picture."

"You know that this isn't about me. Annabeth has changed between the time that you both were together and now," I paused to let that sink in. Luke's fists lowered slightly.

"Luke, you can be the bigger man and move on. At the end of the day, I believe that you can be a good guy. You will do the right thing in the end," I expressed.

His expressions softened. I wasn't sure that he's ever been told that he's a good guy. I felt like the whole world only sees the negatives of his facade. I have a facade too, so I understand how deceiving personalities can be.

His gaze locked onto mine. He was taller, but he was also slouching. It put us at the same level.

That's the other thing, we were at the same level. Everyone is at the same level. It's perspective that leads to hierarchy and status.

"Go, Jackson. Go before I lose it again," Luke huffed.

I patted his shoulder before walking away. If I can create a change in even one person, that was better than nothing. I didn't feel like returning to the party, so I went home.

I went back to hell and the devil who lives there.


Nurse Hestia, herself, visited my home on Saturday. Fortunately, Gabe wasn't there. That didn't stop her from widely analyzing our disgusting home. I hesitantly explained that Gabe hasn't been that clean or sober since my mother's death.

I avoided giving any specific details for fear that I'd slip up. Whether Hestia believed me or not, she didn't push me for answers.

Instead, Hestia had other important news and a package.

I opened the delicate cardboard package with shaking hands. Inside, my mother's urn was present. Hestia personally delivered her ashes to me.

I think that Hestia knew that my home life is bad. She wanted to make sure that my mother's remains went to me rather than to Gabe.

"Thank you, Nurse Hestia, for coming here and bringing this," I responded as I stared at the bronze urn.

Hestia sat next to me and placed a warm hand on my shoulder. I wasn't sure how long we simply sat like that. I didn't cry. However, I was depressed, and her presence was almost as warm as my mother's. Almost, but I still appreciated her.

"I can see things, Percy. As a nurse, I'm very observant."

I nodded. I didn't know how to respond to her accusations because they were 100% accurate. She probably knew all along, but she remained quiet out of understanding.

"We can't do anything until you decide to fight," she expressed.

"I can't fight him, Hestia. On the one hand, he's the reason why my mother lived as long as she did. On the other hand, my friends and the girl I love would be in danger," I explained. It felt good to talk, but it also illuminated the helplessness.

"First, your mother fought to live as long as she did. She wanted to be there for her baby boy for as long as possible. That's her strength. Don't give anyone else the credit."

'Secondly, your friends are gonna be in danger whether you're free of his grasp or not. After all, he knows about them regardless."

"But, if I stay with him, he'll stay away from them."

I gently took the urn into my hands. I had to find a time to travel up to Montauk beach so that I can release her ashes to the winds and waves of the sea. My grip tightened around the bronze canister.

Hestia rubbed my back while turning my face towards her.

"It's your choice, Percy. However, I can safely say that you're disappointing your mother right now. She'd want you to be happy, safe, and free," Hestia said firmly.

Sadness welled in my chest. The prospect of disappointing my dead mother was gut-wrenching. I knew that she was motivating me, but could she have hit me with a worse comment?

I wanted to curl up in a ball and just sleep.

And, that's exactly what I did after Hestia left. I pulled the urn close to my chest before falling asleep. I decided that I'll visit Annabeth again after my nap.