The New Home

Bonus Chapter - Jason POV

"This is nice. We haven't been out on a romantic date in so long," Piper whispered. The beautiful features of her face were illuminated in the candlelight. Her multi-colored eyes sparkled and flashed with love.

"Yeah. We've been so busy lately," I replied.

"The food looks delicious. Let me take a picture before we eat." This was classic. Piper liked taking pictures of beautiful things, especially during dates.

I took off my glasses and set them on the table. I only used them for reading or when I was running a headache. However, after arriving at the restaurant, I was feeling a lot better. It was probably Piper's close presence that soothed my mind.

"Happy Anniversary, Piper," I whispered.

I pulled a small present out of my jacket and placed it in front of her. She smiled while gazing into my eyes. "Thank you. You shouldn't have."

"It was nothing. I can't believe it's been a whole year."

"It was the best year of my life," Piper responded. Gods, she looked so gorgeous today, and the best part was that it was all-natural.

I am such a lucky guy.

"Mine too" I reached forward and took her hands in mine. I was hungry, but I wanted to hold her for a few more minutes before eating.

We were at a luxury restaurant for our anniversary dinner.

After a few minutes of simply gazing at each other, Piper pulled away. She took my present and opened the box.

"Aw, Jason, it's beautiful," Piper cooed.

"Go ahead and put it on."

"Put it on for me," Piper replied. She placed the necklace into my hand, and I got up. I stood behind her and placed the silver necklace and gold-encrusted heart on her. I gently clicked the lock before kissing her cheek from behind.

"It looks amazing on you. No surprise there," I said while sitting down again.

"I love it, and I love you."

The dinner date was enjoyable like all my experiences with Piper. I couldn't believe that she'd been my girlfriend for an entire year. I was so happy to have her. We were different, yet we complimented each other well.

We were eating fairly early because (1) we were at a high-end restaurant and (2) I had to get back to the house for Percy's arrival. He was moving in tonight.

"Are you nervous about getting a new roommate?" Piper asked, reading my thoughts.

"I'm not nervous. I've just never lived with anyone besides my family. It's going to be a new experience for sure. However, Percy's like a brother to me and Thalia. It'll be great, and I'm glad that I can help him."

"You never told me what's going on with Percy," Piper commented.

"I want to tell you, Piper, but it's not my story to tell. It wouldn't be right to Percy if I revealed his secrets," I said earnestly.

We were walking hand-in-hand to the car. It was a peaceful night, which was perfect for the occasion. Piper was wearing a purple dress that glittered in the moonlight. The wind was gently blowing her brown hair.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her.

Her hands traveled up my chest and into my hair. "I love you, Jason. Happy anniversary," she cooed before kissing me again.

The car ride home was quiet and comfortable.

"You know that I'm great at reading people. Percy did a great job of hiding his personal life, but I'm able to see through it," she explained.

I smiled. "I know, Piper. Percy has a life that you wouldn't predict considering his popularity and persona at school. He's usually so easy-going that it's hard to see the pain."

"Yeah, he's a great friend. I'm glad that Annabeth sees that. She's usually so stubborn about relationships. However, even she couldn't deny the magic of Percabeth."

I laughed along with my girlfriend.

Piper was such a cheerleader when it came to her friends. She was passionate about making sure that they were happy and loved.

"Percabeth is goals. Don't you think?" Piper asked.

"Honestly, guys don't talk about this stuff, but I guess so," I answered. "However, Jiper isn't so bad either."

Piper laughed while leaning out and kissing my cheek. Since we were at a red light, I turned and kissed her as well. Don't shun us for kissing so much; it's our anniversary.

By the time we got home, Percy was pulling into the driveway.

"Stay for the night, Piper. We can continue this date after Percy gets settled in," I requested while in the driveway.

"Sounds perfect," Piper responded.


My dad owns a national airline company. I'm not trying to brag. I just need to include this detail when explaining that our driveway is quite large. It had enough space to park Percy's trailer in the side without blocking our garage or multiple cars.

Our home is large as well. Thalia and I lived alone for most of the time. Our butler also stays in the home, and a private chef visits a few times every week.

"Hey, Perce, if you need anything, let us know," Thalia acknowledged.

"And, if you have a problem with the very intimidating Grace siblings, let me know and I can help mellow them down," Piper commented. Percy chuckled at that.

"Shut up, Piper. We're not that scary," I said.

"Actually, Thalia is pretty scary, but you're cool," Percy added. Thalia glared at him before knocking him off the barstool.

It was the day after Percy moved in. It took a few hours to move Percy's stuff into our home last night. Most of his nonessentials were still in his trailer. Since it was the weekend, he said that he'd take his time unpacking.

He also had to donate a bunch of things later.

"Seriously though, thanks for letting me in. The new home is awesome, and I'll try not to be too messy," Percy said earnestly.

"It's okay if you're messy; Jason will clean it up. He's the only neat freak in this house. Even the butler isn't as bad as him," Thalia answered. Piper and Percy laughed at my protests.

Percy and I were making breakfast together in the kitchen.

We were both wearing blue and red "kiss the cook" aprons. He was mixing the different color batters while I was handling the stove and flipping the pancakes. The girls were waiting semi-patiently for their food at the bar table.

Percy and I defied old-age stereotypes every day. A relationship was all about being equal and fair. It doesn't matter who does the cooking, cleaning, and working.

Besides, Thalia would only burn our food. She would hand us burnt biscuits rather than fluffy pancakes.

"Here are you pink pancakes, Pipes," I said while handing her the plate.

"I love that apron. Come here," Piper ordered. She leaned forward, followed the instructions on my apron, and kissed my cheek. "So cute."

Thalia gagged much to everyone's delight. "I really hate that one of my best friends is dating my brother. What do you see in him?" Thalia gagged.

"Piper sees the muscles and handsomeness," Percy commented on my behalf before giving me a fist bump. "I got you, bro."

"Anyway, if only Annabeth was here to oblige to Percy's apron," Piper smirked.

Suddenly, Percy reddened and turned back to the pancake batter. It's funny how he has so many comments about my relationship yet shied away about his. Piper, Thalia, and I shared a look. Yup, we could have fun with this.

"Hey, bro, how many times have you guys kissed?" I asked with an innocent smile.

"Jason, what are you doing?" he asked. "You can't just bring this up in front of everyone, especially Annabeth's friends."

"We're your friends too."

"Yeah, but everything I tell you guys will go back to Annabeth. I know all about best friend agreements."

"It's just a simple question. Did you and Annabeth kiss yet?" I asked again.

"Yeah, a few times," Percy replied quietly. He was blushing as he took over the pancake station. I've never seen him freaking out of a girl. He was usually so chill with them. His actions emphasized how special Annabeth was to him compared to everyone else.

"I already know you guys kissed. I need details. You're more willing to talk about relationships than Annabeth is," Piper replied. "She doesn't give the juicy details. She just tells the story as is."

"Oh my god, is this my life now?" Percy asked in annoyance.

"You live here, you answer our questions," Thalia stated. "Now spill."

Percy rubbed his face and flushed. "I don't know what's happening. I want to be with her, but I don't feel ready. You guys know everything that's happened recently."

I remained quiet while he handed me a plate of blue pancakes. Everyone was served, so he started a batch for himself. It must've been very hard for Percy. I lost my mom when I was a toddler, so I never felt any pain.

While my dad (Zeus) was neglectful, he never abused me and Thalia. As such, I couldn't imagine what he was going through psychologically.

"Take your time, Percy. Annabeth's not going anywhere. I can tell you that she'll be by your side," Piper answered supportively.

"I fear that she'll get tired of waiting. She'll find someone else. After all, someone as amazing as her shouldn't have to wait on a boy, especially someone like me."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Yeah, bro, you're an amazing guy, and you no longer hold a player persona either. The whole school is saying that you've changed because of Annabeth."

"Well, I have changed," Percy smiled. "Just not ready."

"Wait, so-"

"Guys, as much as I like talking about myself, I really have to get going. I have a job interview at The Jewel. Leo set it up for me, and I can't be late," he interrupted.

'Bro, you don't need to get a job and pay rent."

"Yeah, it's fine, Percy,' Thalia replied quickly. We both approached Percy to tell him that it was all right. However, there was no changing his mind.

"You've done enough for me. I'm not a helpless kid, okay? I can make money and pay rent. I'd feel awful if I didn't sustain myself a little bit."

"That's respectful, Percy," Piper acknowledged. "I can tell you that Annabeth loves this quality about you. Good luck on the job."

"Thanks, Pipes. I'll let you all know how it goes."

With that, Percy rushed out the door. He was dressed in khakis and a white button-down. He'd be fine at the interview because Percy is great at interacting with people. He is a very sociable person.

Thalia, Piper, and I finished breakfast in silence. We've had many experiences like this one, and now, Percy would be joining us. I was excited.

I couldn't wait to get even closer to Percy as a friend.

"Guys, I feel bad for him. I know that I shouldn't, but-"

"Don't feel bad, Piper. If he realized that you're pitying him, it'll make it worse. Percy is strong, and he's getting himself out of a bad situation," I said firmly.

"We just need to support him," Thalia continued. "I know that it took a lot for him to even ask us for help."

That's just how Percy is. He liked making other people feel better rather than showing his own weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

"I may or may not have a plan to help him out," Piper commented. Thalia and I waited for her to continue. Any way that we can help, Thalia and I were on board.

"We can set Percy and Annabeth up."

"Piper, they're pretty much together already. We don't need to set them up," I stated. Piper shook her head and smiled brilliantly. I practically melted.

"Trust me. Percy and Annabeth love each other. There are many ways to bring two people together," Piper paused while Thalia and I smiled. I was liking this idea.

"All we have to do is give them a little nudge."