Friends and the Past

Reed had a dream. There were people surrounding him. They were mocking him, laughing at him, and calling him weak.

"Hehe, look at the fucking loser. Even the weakest of us can kick his ass!"

"He's so pathetic. Why the hell does he even try?"

"It makes me sick seeing his face here. Why can't they just get rid of him already?"

He felt overwhelmed. He prided himself on not caring what others thought of him, but their hostility was too intense for him. He fell to his knees and covered his ears.

"Be quiet! I don't even know you! Shut up!" He screamed over the voices, however they didn't stop. They grew louder and more intimidating. He was reaching his breaking point and wanted it all to be over, he wanted to wake up. Then a hand touched his shoulder.

"Hey SHUT THE FUCK UP," the owner of the hand screamed at the surrounding people. "What right do you have to judge him? He'll be stronger than all of you soon enough! Just wait and see!"

Reed was thankful that someone had stood up for him, but also confused. "Who are you?" He asked while looking up at the person who helped him.

"Your friend, idiot." The person responded. Reed's vision started to fade before he could see the face clearly.

When Reed opened his eyes again he was in the hospital room.

"A dream, huh." He said, wearily rubbing his eyes. "My friend… sounds nice."

With sunlight streaming through the windows of the room he noticed something he hadn't before. On the bedside table there was a note with a sentence and phone number written down.

Thanks for helping me out, get better soon. -Ema

"Ah…" Reed's eyes started to tear up a little. Maybe it was because he was tired, or maybe it was because he had just had that dream, but Reed was touched by this very deeply.

"I'll make sure to pay you back some day, Ema." He said to himself.

Reed put Ema's number into his phone and sent a text so she had his number as well.

'I think she's probably different from how they were back then.' He thought to himself.


8 years ago.

Reed woke up and jumped out of bed. He was excited because today was the day he turned 10 years old.

Running out into the hallway Reed smelled something tasty. Homemade waffles! As a family that didn't have money for extra expenses, having homemade waffles was something very special for Reed.

"Mom! I love you!" Reed shouted, barreling into his mom.

"Honey, be careful! I'm working in the kitchen right now, you might get hurt."

"Okay mom. When will the waffles be done?" Young Reed smiled up at his mom.

"Most of them are already done. Your sister is waiting for you at the table."

Reed nodded and ran to the table as fast as his little legs could carry him.

After enjoying his breakfast with his mom and sister, Reed asked his mom a question.

"Mom, is dad coming home today?"

"Ah. Honey, I'm sorry." She said, looking down with a sad smile. "Your father couldn't make it to your birthday again."

"Oh." Reed said, staring at his empty plate. His father almost never came home, this was to be expected.

"However…" His mom said, "He sent you a present and a birthday card."

"R-really? Can I see them?" Reed asked with a little anticipation.

"Here you go honey." His mom handed him a box and a letter. Opening the letter Reed's eyes moistened up.

Dear Son,

I regret not being able to join you for your birthday very much. I may not be in your life all that much, but know that doesn't mean I don't care for you. I love you all with all my heart, and wish to return to you posthaste. It may be a bit before I can do so however. In the box I have sent you your own cell phone! I know that the financial situation is tight, but I saved up my earnings and bought it for you. I even put my number in it so you can text me when you need to!

With love,


Reed eagerly opened up the box and saw the phone.

"W-wow! My own phone!" He said with awe. "And it even has dad's number!"

"Honey, make sure you're careful with that phone! I don't even have one, so be very careful."

"Got it mom!" He replied, eager to start using his phone.

"Mom! Why don't I get a phone?" Amelia whined.

"Once you're older, honey." His mom replied, lightly smiling.

"Mom can I go show my friends?" A fidgeting Reed asked.

"Sure, but be back before dinner, okay?"

"Okay! Bye mom!" Reed said, already running out the door.

"Be careful!" His mom yelled at him as he was leaving.

Reed ran to the park, where he had planned to meet up with his friends. 'I can't wait to show it to them! They'll be so jealous!' He thought to himself, smiling broadly.

"Hey guys! You'll never guess what!" He said, stopping in front of a group of kids his age. "My dad sent me my own phone! Is that awesome or what?"

"Really? Can I see it?" A blonde haired kid said.

"Sure Matthew!" Reed handed his phone over, "it's pretty cool huh." He bragged.

"Yeah it sure is. Say, can I keep it?"

"Eh?" Reed looked at Matthew with a questioning face.

"C'mon man, we're friends right? I actually really need a phone, so it would be super nice of you to let me have it." Matthew stepped forward and put his arm around Reed. "What do you say?"

"N-no. My dad sent it to me, I'm not going to be giving it away." Reed said, still a bit overwhelmed at what was happening.

"Hey, I let you hang out with us and this is how you repay me?" Matthew pushes Reed away. "Give me the phone."

"I said no!" Reed shouted, attempting to snatch the phone out of Matthew's hands.

"Piece of shit." Matthew lashed out and punched Reed before he could react to it. His fist connected with Reed's face, smashing Reed's nose and causing him to fall to his knees.

"You should have listened to me when I asked politely." Matthew pocketed Reed's phone and walked away, laughing with the others of the group.

"N-no… my dad gave it to me…" Reed managed to mumble before passing out.

Reed returned later that night covered in mud and dirt, and with a swollen face.

"R-Reed? What happened dear, are you okay?" His mom frantically ran towards him and embraced him after she saw him walk in the door.

"Yeah. I'm fine, just tripped." Reed coldly responded. "I'm going to wash up and head to bed."

"Honey if you need to talk to anyone…"

"I'm fine mom. I threw away the phone, it didn't work. It was garbage." He said, his little shoulders shaking in anger and sadness. If his mother hadn't been embracing him and had seen the face he was making, she would've been scared. His face was morphed in an expression of murderous rage. 'Someday I'll make them pay for what they did here.' He silently determined.


Present day.

"Reed I was worried sick! What do you think I thought when I heard you were admitted to the hospital? I thought you were seriously injured or worse! You should know better than to get yourself hurt like this! I swear sometimes I don't know what to do with you."

Currently Reed was sitting on the hospital bed being lectured by his mom. It was just as bad as he thought it would be.

"B-but mom, I broke the record for how long someone has been in the mental test. Doesn't that justify it a bit?" He said carefully, trying to persuade her anger away.

"Not at all! You don't need to break any records, you just need to stay safe! Don't you dare start getting yourself hurt like this any more!" She shouted.

Suddenly, the door to the hospital room opened.

'I'm saved!' Reed rejoiced.

"Reed Chambers, correct?" A middle aged man entered the room, wearing a slick black suit.

"Ah, yes that's me." Reed responded, curious about this man's identity.

"I have come here to give you the results of your aptitude test." The man checked the clipboard he was carrying. "Congratulations Mr. Chambers, you have been selected as one of the few A+ ranked talents chosen this year.