One moment Asta was eating food in a restaurant and the next , he was standing in front of a jury of nobles and a Judge." Where am I ? and who are you? " Asta asked. In an annoyed tone Damnatio responded "You are in the supreme court of the clover kingdom , I am Damnatio Kira judge of the supreme court of the clover kingdom and you Asta are under trial for damages against the clover kingdom and the murder of her citizens".
"Murder ? Damages against the clover kingdom? I would never murder innocent civilians or do anything to harm this kingdom. If anything I should be rewarded for defeating the demon and saving the kingdom. Besides shouldn't this trial be held tomorrow ?" asked Asta.
Damnatio started laughing maniacally, after sometime he stopped laughing and said "The audacity! not only does he murder our citizens and destroys our kingdom but he also views himself as a hero." The jury all looked at Asta with disgust in their minds they thought 'This commoner dares declare himself as the wizard king's future successor when he cannot even admit to his own crimes'.
After a moment of silence Damnatio said "Those are a lot of questions for a murderer like you to be asking however I suppose I will answer them for you as a courtesy to a deadman. You are indeed guilty of the accused charges this cannot be refuted as there is insurmountable evidence which cannot be disproven against you such as that demon you have inside your grimoire. As for the time of this trial you signed a waiver which you thought was regarding the food you were going to consume in the restaurant due to your large order however it was actually an agreement to prepone this trial.
"So, what are you going to do about it ? , you can't do anything to harm me without getting the wizard kings consent or my consent which you clearly aren't getting." Asta said in a slightly cocky tone. After a small pause Asta was surprised to see Damnatio smiling , "You are correct I may not be able to punish you however I can still deliver justice to your disciples and fellow accursed ." Damnatio said in a righteous tone.
"My disciples ? Fellow accursed ? what are you on about ?" Asta said in confusion. "Pretending to be ignorant wont make me grant them mercy. Bring them out." Damnatio said. Asta went from confused to worried very quickly when he saw Nero and Marie being brought into the court room.
"Why are they here? they have nothing to do with the incident." Asta said. "They are as guilty as you are , the little girl was seen using magic to attack civilians during your attempt at destroying the kingdom. As for the other woman , her horns show clear evidence of using forbidden magic. Due to this they will both be sentenced to death. Guards execute them at once." Damnatio said.
As they were about to kill Marie and Nero. Asta shouted "Wait". The guards lowered their weapons and all eyes in the room were on Asta. "I have a proposal my life for theirs." Asta said. "It is best to eliminate the problem by targeting the core , magicians cast a holy execution spell." Damnatio said.
'So, this is how my life ends eh.. I guess none of the black bulls or my rivals were bothered enough to come help me. Fair enough, from the start of my life I was probably always a burden to them. Even, with antimagic it was inevitable that Yuno would one day surpass me after all he had no demon restricting him like me. If I could ever live again I think I would try to live a life where I can find people who care about me more than in this life, I saved the whole kingdom and not a single soul was thankful enough to come help me ain't that something' Asta monologued.
A bright light consumed Asta, accepting his fate Asta let the light flow through him and closed his eyes. After what felt like a very... very... long time Asta opened his eyes.. he expected to see God or Death to guide him to afterlife but was surprised to see a boat in a cherry blossom forest leading to an ocean.
He looked at his reflection in the water, he looked the same as usual he was surprised he was alive. He went into his mindscape where he asked Liebe " How are we still alive shouldn't we be dead after that holy magic spell ?". "Kekeke I don't know how but before that spell could hit us we were teleported here almost like divine intervention." Liebe responded. "Regardless of how we're still alive I will make the most of this second chance."Asta said. Liebe nodded in agreement as holy magic isn't nullifiable by antimagic hence he would have also died with Asta had they had not been teleported.
"Anyway do you know where we are ?" Asta asked Liebe. "We're on the shore of the neutral zone, an ocean this wide cannot exist within the continent and there are no villages for many kilometres so we can't be at the shore of any other kingdom either." Liebe said. "Liebe, I may not have died but I still want to start a new life in someplace different from this continent. I would be very happy if you came with me on my journey however if you wish to remain on this continent I will respect your wishes" Asta said.
"I'll come with you after all without me who'll keep you in check you are my little brother after all." Liebe said. With a glint of tears in his eyes Asta said "Thank you Liebe". Even when everyone he knew abandoned him Liebe was willing to follow him to a whole new continent. "Anyway, we should start preparing for the journey after all we need pure water and some vegetables cause eating fish all day is gonna get old quick."Asta said.
That's it for chapter 1 folks thanks for reading this chapter next time we'll either have a chapter about :
1)The reactions of Asta's friends and family to his execution
2)Asta preparing for the upcoming voyage
The one which gets the most votes will be the topic or more likely I'll just flip a coin to decide cause no one is probably gonna read my trash fanfic anyway.