
(A/N - For this fanfic to work properly, Asta is gonna arrive in Elenoir the same year Tessia and Arthur are born cause plot)

Asta woke up on the shore of an ocean, his plan had succeeded, he was on a new continent. Asta was a little sombre as he didn't know the way back since the whirlpool washed him up here. Asta entered his mindscape and shouted "Hey Liebe you alive ?". "Don't be so loud I'm fine" Liebe said. "We should probably figure out where we are." Asta said. "There's a caravan a a couple miles north from here they should have a map" Liebe said.

After a bit of flying in full demon form Asta reverted back to base form, landed and asked the people in the caravan "Do you guys have a map I can borrow ?". A man from the caravan spoke up "Here you go, you can have it for free, I was gonna throw it out anyway.". "Thanks man... Um... do you by chance know where we are?" Asta questioned. "We are on the shore of the kingdom of Elenoir, home of the elves." the man answered.

"You can have your map back" Asta said reaching out to the mans hand. "It's fine you can keep it." the man said. "Thanks for letting me keep the map." Asta said. "No problem, we need to get going now see you later Mr ? ". "Volt, Abel Volt " Asta said.

"Abel Volt, seriously that's the new name you came up with." Liebe said in a humiliating tone "What's wrong with Abel Volt I think it's a great name." Asta said. "Whatever Asta, whatever" Liebe said. "Anyway, we should probably find a place to live and train" Asta said. "The map shows a huge forest next to us why not live and train there." Liebe says.

"That's the first good idea you've had this whole trip." Asta said. "Say that again, I dare you." Liebe responds. "Let's just go to the forest" Asta said in a nervous tone.

Time-skip 2 years later

(For Asta's appearance post time-skip just look at the book cover)

"It's been 2 years, Asta you've changed your appearance so much I bet if the black bulls saw you now they wouldn't even recognize you" Liebe commented. "I'm not Asta now, I'm Abel, so I need to look like Abel not Asta" Asta responded. "Yeah, yeah whatever anyway does that make five hundred mana beasts. You've been killing so many of them, their probably scared to their core when they see you by now"

"The mana beasts her are pretty weak plus killing mana beasts is good training, besides I'm sure these cores they drop are useful for something." Asta said. "Asta aren't you tired of living in this forest." Liebe said. "For once in your life you're correct Liebe, I was just thinking we should head to Ashber town today." Asta said. "Don't forget Asta, the only reason why you're able to fly is cause of me" Liebe said. "I'll remember that Liebe" Asta said in response.

Asta packed the mana cores in his bag, activated full demon form and started flying to Ashber town. During the trip, he saw some adventurers fighting a high tier mana beast. Asta decided to help them, he deactivated full demon form after landing on the ground far away enough from the adventurers so that they didn't see him.

Asta pulled out his demon dweller sword from his grimoire, coated it with anti magic and sliced through the mana beast like it was butter. The adventurers stared at Asta in awe, after a moment of silence one of the adventurers spoke up "Thanks for helping us kill that mana beast. I'm Adam Krensh from the twin horns party, what's your name ?"Adam said. "Abel, Abel Volt" Asta responded.

"Nice to meet you Mr Volt let me introduce you to my friends." Adam said. "I'm Angela, Angela Rose appreciate the help." said Angela. "I'm Durden, Durden walker that magic you used was very unique." said Durden. "I'm Helen, Helen Shard the leader of this party I've never seen a book like that before." said Helen. "..." Jasmine said nothing. "Don't worry she's cold to people she doesn't know you'll grow on her eventually." said Adam

That's the end of chapter 3 folks, Thanks for reading as always.

This time the poll is about who you want Asta's bond to be.

Should it be :

1) A dragon (Don't really want this cause that's Arthurs thing but if readers want this I'll do it)

2) Liebe (I could change the story to make Liebe a mana beast and having him be Asta's bond I think this would be really cool)

3) A different type of creature (Paragraph comment the creature you want)

To know if the poll has ended check if there is an authors note if so the poll has ended.