Registration and date?

Asta woke up in the middle of the night. Making sure no one was around, Asta activated full demon form and flew far way from Xyrus city. Asta landed in a forest and assembled his core. The surrounding area was destroyed by a large amount of energy released by Asta. Asta closed his eyes and tried to use the mana particles generated by his core, rather than manifesting any core elements he generated a ball of plasma like energy.

"Interesting, I can control the direction and power of energy. My magic must be energy manipulation." said Asta. "I wonder can I fuse the mana cores I gathered from killing those mana beasts with my own" said Asta. Asta used all of the mana present in the mana cores to boost his own mana core. Asta's core quickly went past black stage, red stage and orange stage into light orange stage. Asta was surprised how quickly his core evolved however pushing that to the side he said. "I should go back to Xyrus now, I'll be registering as an adventurer tomorrow, wouldn't want to be late." said Asta.

Time-skip next day

Asta and Jasmine went to the adventurers guild in Xyrus to make him an official member of the twin horns party. Outside of the adventurer's guild hall Jasmine said "When we head in let me do the talking okay.". "Okay, as long as you get me registered I'm fine" responded Asta. Asta and Jasmine went inside the guild hall and got in line for registration.

"Next" said the receptionist. Asta and Jasmine walked up to the registration counter. "Welcome to the Xyrus adventurer's guild hall. How may I help you?" asked the receptionist. "I would like to sponsor him for a rank examination." said Jasmine. "To spons--ooh of course please follow me" said the receptionist. Opening the registration booth the receptionist lead them to an office.

The receptionist, Asta and Jasmine entered the office. "A-class adventurer Jasmine Flamesworth has requested this gentleman to be taken in for a rank examination." said the receptionist. "Yes, I am quite familiar with Miss Flamesworth, you may wait outside Mary" said the man in the office. After the receptionist exited the room the man in the office spoke.

"Miss Flamesworth how are you these days? I met with your father not too long ago." said the man in the office. Jasmine tensed up and started sweating a lot, to calm her down Asta held her hand this seemed to have been effective. "It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Kaspian Bladeheart and I am the manager of this branch." said Kaspian.

"Usually, there would be an application to be filled with along with an inspection of your mana core before series of practical exams. But since it is Miss Flamesworth here sponsoring you, I will waive those steps." said Kapian. Asta put two and two together and realised Jasmine was probably royalty. He really appreciated her for not boasting about her royalty like Noelle. Asta also made a note to self to remember that Jasmines father is a sensitive topic for her but was also curious about why she was sensitive about her dad.

"The only thing left is for you to do a practise test against one of our examiners. However, I can't tell what combat type you are, you don't seem like a melee fighter but the only possible weapon you have on you is that book. Regardless, it is not mandatory for an adventurer to register a name however considering you are close with Miss Flamesworth is there a name I can address you by ?"

"Volt, Abel Volt" said Asta. Kapian reached his hand out for a handshake Asta suspected he wanted to measure his power but saw no reason to refuse the handshake as he planned to measure Kaspians power as well. After the handshake Asta recognized Kaspian as strong but didn't favour him due to the way he made Jasmine feel.

"Very well, Mister Volt it was a pleasure meeting you. Mary will show you to the examination hall." said Kaspian. Kaspian was worried about Mister Volt as he knew he was powerful but was not able to identify what made him that powerful. "Very well, follow me" said the receptionist. Asta and Jasmine followed the receptionist through the halls until she stopped at a gateway.

"Miss Flamesworth, Mister volt past this gateway is an arena sit and wait until Mister Volt's name is called." said the receptionist. Entering the arena, Jasmine and Asta sat until the announcer said "Mister Volt, please come down for the practical exam.". Asta slowly walked into the arena and faced the examiner. "Let's see if all you have are noble ties." said the examiner.

"3,2,1 fight." said the announcer. Asta wasn't in the mood for a fight so he released some of his pressure. The examiner saw no man but rather a demon waiting to swallow him whole. The examiner put his sword down and said "I concede.". "How boring" said Kaspian as he entered the arena. "Since the examiner is unwilling to, I'll be the one to test this examinee." said Kaspian.

"Show me your power, Mister Volt" said Kaspian drawing his sword and attacking Asta. Asta wanted to fight this guy because he was curious about his relationship to Jasmine and her family. Asta dodged the attack and manipulated his grimoire to move in front of him. Surprising everyone in the arena (apart from Jasmine) he pulled out his demon slayer sword and using the blunt end slammed Kaspian into the arena wall.

Quickly recovering Kaspian charged at Asta attempting to stab him in the stomach however he was unable to penetrate Asta' stomach due to Asta channelling A layer of antimagic under his skin for defence. After which Asta slammed him into the arena wall again. Kaspian recovered from testing and said "You didn't use any core magic, just by using your sword and defence you were able to defeat me, Mr Volt 'A' rank" said Kaspian.

Everyone in the stadium was shocked, this was the first time that any newbie got an 'A' rank on joining the guild. Afterword's Asta officially registered as a member of the twin horns. The twin horns party members all celebrated Asta officially joining the party that day.

Time-skip to later that day(5pm)

"Jasmine I'd like to talk to you about some stuff over dinner at the Oak's Café please be there at 7:30 pm" said Asta to Jasmine. "Okay, Abel I'll be there" said Jasmine. "You finally got a girl, I'm proud of you Asta" said Liebe. "It's not like that Liebe" said Asta. "We'll see, we'll see." said Liebe.

That's it for this chapter folks, thanks for reading as always. I tried to make this chapter more larger than the usual ones so hope you like it. If you haven't voted yet please vote on last chapter about the lemon, cause it's gonna be there in the next chapter or skipped depending on the poll results.