Chapter 2

-Year X774-

"So it has already been a year since we first met huh Dino?" Said a loud voice to a child lying on the ground like a dirty rag. His clothes are all tattered and stained with swear and blood. Not the childs blood, but blood of different kinds of monsters and animals.

(Dino means 'little sword' in italian)

"Huff- Huff-, You said that you would teach me your magic and how to fight. Why the hell do you keep throwing me to all kinds of places!? Your threw me to a bottomless pit, a cave filled with those perverted apes, you even tied me to a balloon and let me float to the sky!? How the hell did you even tie me with your huge body Kurnugi!?" The child named Dino yelled at Kurnugi.

"You're already talking back to your father! I did all that to make you a strong wizard! Of course I will also teach you magic. But before teaching you magic, you need to have a strong body to withstand your magic." Said Kurnugi

"Bullshit!" Dino snapped. " I almost died to all the things you made me do! Besides, is that how your treat your child. Always making me do dangerous things almost killing me in the process! Do you even have a heart old man!"

"How dare you talk to your father like that! Take my flick of love!" Kurnugi curls one of his claws and flicks Dino's forehead, making him fly to the stack of animal carcasses that he hunted.


"It hurts!" Shouts Dino while getting out of the animal carcasses. 'This stupid father. Flick of love my ass. Is this how Luffy was trained. No wonder he wanted to be a pirate so much!" He thought.

"It hurts because it's filled with my love. You stink! Go take a bath in the river and eat. Also get your things, were going somewhere." Kurnugi said to the tearing Dino.

"Really? Where are we going?" Dino asked.

"Just get ready. I'll be back after and hour or two." Kurnugi said and flew-off to the distance.

Looking at Kurnugi dissapearing from his view, Dino sighed "Haaa~, I cant believe that it's already been a year since I came to this world. That god almost killed me with his surprise. Who the heck will surprise someone with a giant dragon anyway!" He said.

After a while, Dino took his short sword and proceeded to remove the guts and hide from the animal carcasses he hunted. After cleaning and gutting them up he lit a giant fire to cook them while some of the meat and hide were being treated to sell and make some preserved food for snacks. After seeing everything done, he took some clothes and went to the river to wash himself.

-1 hour later-

Kurnugi came back and saw Dino eating. He sat near him and took one of the roasted meat to eat.

This has been their daily routine. Kurnugi throws Dino to some dangerous place in the forest to hunt/train and also cooks both of their food every single day.

Kurnugi looks at Dino while eating and thought to himself 'This kid is really getting more and more interesting per day. He has abnormal battle sense and talent, he made a lot of progress in just a year, even creating his own sword style. What did he call it again, Flying Heavenly Sword Style (Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū). Haa~ if only he isn't an idiot from time to time.'

Remembering the time he keeps on saying 'There is nothing I can't cut. Wrrrryyyyy!' Kurnugi chuckled and ate the last piece of meat.

"Dino, here take it. You've earned it." Kurnugi hands him a katana. It has a white scabbard with a dragon design. Its handle is black and the hilt is cicular with and engraving of dragon coiling around it.

[Image here]

Dino excitedly took the sword and unsheathed the sword, raising it above his head. Seeing how beautiful the sword was, he immediately went to a nearby tree and tried cutting it.


As soon as he slashed the tree, expecting to feel resistance he added more strength to his slash. But what amazed him there was no such resistance, it felt like cutting butter with a hot knife.


Hearing the sound of the tree falling. He woke up from his shock and yelled "Amazing! It just went straight throught, I didn't even feel any resistance."

"Of course you won't feel any resistance. That sword is made from one of my claws, and the sheathe is from my scales so it would obviously be amazing." Kurnugi said with pride looking at his adopted son.

"Thanks Kurnugi!" Dino said, but then "But, how did you make this? Did you force someone to make it?"

Kurnugi was haooy hearing his thanks but was mad when he heard the next one. "You ungrateful brat! That was made by my acquaintance! Do you really want to taste my 'flick of love!' "

Whitout even hearing an answer Kurnugi flicked Dino's forehead making him fly to one of the trees.

"It hurts! What kind of father flicks their child's head making them fly!?" Said Dino while holding his forehead.

"My kind. Now come, were going to 'Iceberg'." Kurnugi said while using his claws to pick up Dino and placing him on top of his head.

" 'Iceberg' so we're leaving 'Stella Forest.' Why?" Dino asked, but deep inside him he had a feeling that they need to go there fast.

"I sensed a Demonic energy there sometime ago. I will be leaving you there to train, while I go find it." He said while taking all the animal hides and flying to the sky.

"Wait you're just going to leave me there to train while you run-off to God knows where? Why not take me with you?" Dino said.

"Shut it. You're too weak, and would only be a liability if I did take you. I will be leaving You near a town there. Go sell those animal pelts for some jewels or whatever and train for now. I'll come take you back after I finish with my business." Kurnugi said.

"Tch! Fine. Be sure to comeback or I'll hunt you down old man and take care of yourself out there." Dino said but mummbled the last half of his sentence not wanting him to hear it.

But it was still heard becauseof Kurnugi's sharp hearing. He smiled and just chuckled and gave something to Dino.

"A lacrima?"

"That is a record lacrima. It contains all the basic knowledge of Sword Saint Dragon Magic. It also seems that you have talent for Take-over magic so I will teach you that before I leave. Kurnugi said.

"Thanks Dad." Dino gripped the lacrima and stored it in his bag.

The Dragon-Human father/son pair then continued to talk while traveling to Iceberg.


Hey guys. I did say that the new chapter would be on Saturday or Sunday. But one of my cousin died because of stroke earlier today so I uploaded earlier. See you guys next time

  ( ̄▽ ̄ )ノ  Chiao~