Chapter 4

"So who's this guy?" said a childish voice.

"Dunno, I just found him in a cave at the mountains screaming." Said a feminine voice answering the child, her name being Ur.

She was looking at the child while remembering how she met him. She can still clearly remember the sight she witnessed inside the cave.


[A couple of hours ago]

Ur was walk8ng around the mountains trying to find something to hunt, when she hear a scream. She hurriedly went to the source of the voice, rushing to the top of the mountain and finding the cave where the scream came from and what she saw frightened her.

A child screaming in a pool of blood. Just from the screams, she felt her entire body have goosebumps. The screams were painful and scary at the same time. She looked at the kid and felt that she should put him to rest, atleast it's better than letting the kid be in pain before dying.

But she can't. Its not like she is afraid of killing the child, but she feels danger everytime she tries to get near the kid. She can also see the child wanting fighting to live. Everytime she saw the childs eyes, she can see that he is still trying to fight whatever he is experiencing.

She then sat down somewhere and waited for the child, not knowing if he will live or not but she just waited, watching the child go to inhumane torture. Her heart felt pain looking at the child, she wants to go near him and hug him thinking that it can ease the pain but stopped and just sat at the corner.

She doesn't know how long but she's sure its been a couple of hours already. The child had long stopped screaming after 2 hours or so but the light on his eyes never wavered even for a little.

She was amazed at how long the child was fighting for his life 'How strong is this child's will to live? What kind of life did he live to have such will' she thought. As she was lost on her thoughts, something happened.

The blood pool started swirling with the child as the center. The blood from the pool started entering the childs body while his body is changing.

His black hair turning silver white, nails are getting longer and sharp like claws, his amber grey eyes changed to gold with slit-like black pupils.


A dragon-like roar echoed through the cave causing it to shake. Ur had to cover her ears from how loud the roar was. "What the hell! It sounds like a dragon's roar!" she cried.

After a while, the dragon like roar finally stopped and Ur looked at the childand was surprised.

He looked fine, unlike the image of him earlier covered in blood and thousands of wounds, he now looks completely fine.

There were no wounds or even scars in his body, its like he was reborn. The only thing that made Ur sure that she wasn't going crazy because of the sight she saw earlier was the tattered clothes the child was wearing barely even covering anything.

Slowly the child's silver hair turned back to black, his is nails retracted back turning normal, and his golden eyes returned to being amber grey.

Ur was looking at the child and the child was looking back at her, he smiled and started falling to the ground.

"Kid!" Ur ran and caught the child checking if there is anything wrong from the child.

"Haaa~ Thank goodness he just lost consciousness. Well anyone would be after experiencing that." Ur said with relief.

"But to think I will find a kid with a will like you. Looks like you will hive those two a run for their money." Ur then carried the child back to her home and took all the things she saw from the cave.

[End of flashback]


"So what are you going to do with him?" A pale blue haired boy asked.

"Well, lets just wait for him to wake up before we do anything. Gray. Lyon. Go take some food in the kitchen. The kid will surely be hungry when he wakes up." Said Ur to the two boys named Gray and Lyon.

"Tsk. Fine." Said Gray going to kitchen followed by Lyon. But Lyon was looking at the child sleeping at the bed before shaking his head and going to the kitchen.

"Looks like this house is going to have another troublemaker. Not sure if you are a troublemaker or not, but from the thing earlier I'm pretty sure you are." Ur said looking at the kid on the bed.

[A couple of hours later]

Waking up. "Urgh! My head." Grumbled Dino clutching his head feeling groggy. He takes a while to get his bearings and looks around the unfamiliar place.

"Where am I? I was sure I was at the cave earlier. Urgh, my head and body hurts like hell." His head was messy and his body hurts, he tried to raise his body while massaging his temple.

He then hears a creaking sound and sees a door opening.

"Oh you're awake. You've been out for quite a while." said a voice from the door.

What Dino saw made him stunned. He saw a beautiful woman only wearing her undergarments making his hear beat fast.

Before he can think or say anything he heard another voice.

"Hey Ur, is he awake?" Said a childish voice and two boys a bit younger than him followed after the beautiful woman going inside the room. The problem is the two boys are also only wearing their undergarments.

'Why the fuck are they only wearing their underwear?' Dino thought and felt a cold breeze on his crotch.

Dino then raised the cloth covering him and realized he's in his birthday suit.

"Sorry kid, I had to remove all your clothes. But I didn't know you were carrying something dangerous in between your legs, hahahaha." Said the beautiful woman laughing.

'Remove my clothes? Between my legs?' Dino's mind was getting more confused by the second.

The trio of strippers were looking at the kid waiting for him to calm down.

"Have you calmed down?" The lady named Ur asked.

"Yes. Thank you for taking care of me." Dino said.

"Great, so let's start by introdu-" Before Ur could finish her sentence, Dino interrupted.

"But I will never be your boy toy!" Dino yelled.

"Huh!?" The three people were startled and confused by the childs words.

"You're definitely perverts just by your attires! And no matter how beautiful you are I will never give my body to you, you shotacon!" Dino said.

"What are you talking about!?" Ur was flustered being called beautiful, but became angry and confused with the end of the sentence.

"Don't try to talk your way out. I have read so many shota doujins to know what is happening. You picked me from the cave to have your way with me. Just from me being naked something definetly happened. You even have two other guys to accompany you, and seeing the three of you only wearing your undergarments you just did the deed. I wouldn't mind being your lover, but I will never share a woman with another man!" Dino said with all his heart.

The three of them were shocked with his words and weren't able to comprehend his words besides Ur who is blushing as red as a tomato.

"You perverted brat!" *Baam!* Ur who was embarrassed and angry at Dino and punched him in the face making him unconscious again.


Hey guys! What do you think about the chapter?

Truth be told, I don't know what to do next. maybe That was the lastchapter is the last time MC sees Kurnugi I don't know. I just literally wrote this 2 hours ago afrter my cousin's burial.

Any comments or suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks. Chiao  ( ̄▽ ̄ )ノ