Wayward Son

(Authors Note: This is an AU version of the Arrow fanfiction was inspired by a few different fanfics, like Green Arrow: Paralaized, Destiny Rewritten, and the Legend of the Green Arrow. Check them out. I highly recommend it. I'm going to drop this chapter today and it's going to be updated weekly. I don't own Arrow, which is owned by The CW, and I don't own Green Arrow and these characters, which is owned by DC Comics.)

Chapter 1: Wayward Son

He was falling in and out of consciousness when he finally woke up again. He had a splitting head, two different sets of memories, one of Jamie Richards, a former army ranger, cyber security consultant and a vivid dc fan boy. Raised in Dorcester by a single mother, graduating from high school and joining the Army Rangers just like my dad before he died. Going to BU after serving in finance, starting my own cyber security consultant firm here in Boston. Dying when I tried to save a little boy who was in the middle of the street and I pushed him aside, getting hit by a speeding car instead. Another is of Oliver Queen, a playboy billionaire. He remembered graduating from Berlanti Prep, being best friends with Tommy Merlyn, dating and cheating on Laural Dinah Lance. He remembered taking Sara on the Gambit, it sinking, his father's pledge before he shot himself. Getting trained on and off the island, teaming up with Argus, he remembered all the lives he lost. He was confused, it's exactly how it was from the show Arrow. He fell back out of consciousness. As the two different sets of memories, experience and training merged together. He was now whole.

He woke up to the knocking of the doctor.

"Where am I" Oliver asked groggily.

"You're in a hospital room in Hong Kong, you just finished your check up after the boat saved you from Liam Yu. Don't you remember Mr. Queen?" Spoke Doctor Lamb

"Yeah I'm sorry, I thought it was just another dream and I was going to wake up back on the island." Oliver lied smoothly.

"Think nothing of it, Mr. Queen. Your mother is on the way, she should be here soon to pick you up." Doctor Lamb said as he walked away.

Shortly afterwards, the door to his room opened up and, walking in, was his mother, Moira Queen. He knows what's coming, her fate, and he'd be damned if he let it happen this time around.

"Oliver?" Moira asked tearfully.


"Oh my beautiful boy", rushing towards her son in a bone-crushing hug

"I'm so sorry mom, I'm back now, and I'm here to stay" Oliver said as they cried in each other's arms.

"I promise, I'm going to protect our family and save our city. I'll make sure everything will end up better this time around", he thought to himself as he watched as his mother wiped the tears from her eyes.

Next Day at the Queen's Mansion

The limo ride was the same as he remembered from the show. He was excited to be back home. Pulling up to the mansion, everything played out the same, from the driver trying to grab the case from the trunk, to the doors opening and his mother talking about not having a heart to change anything in his room.

"Oliver, it's damn good to see you." A familiar voice spoke as he noticed Walter walking up.

Oliver happily extended out his hand and shook the hand of his new stepfather. "Hello Walter. It's good to be back, not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" He knew already but he played dumb. Something he's going to be doing a lot.

"We got remarried Oliver, sorry for not telling you on the car ride over I just.. I did not.." His mom pointed out, worried about what his reaction would be.

He spoke to his mother with a small smile. "It's okay, I'm positive dad would've wanted you to move on and be happy," He turned around and faced Walter and said " I'm just upset, I missed out playing the displeased son who secretly approves of the relationship since his mother is finally happy again." As the three laughed he noticed his favorite maid Riasa

Oliver: " It's good to see you, Raisa" As he walked over and gave her a big hug

Raisa: "Welcome home, Mr. Oliver. Mr. Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner."

Moira: " Wonderful"

A door opens and closes, "Oliver?"

Oliver walked toward the staircase.

Oliver: "Hey, sis."

As Thea jumped into his arms at the bottom of the stairs

"I knew it. I knew you were alive. I missed you so much." Thea said as she cried in his arms with a huge smile on her face.

"Not as much as I did Speedy, you were with me the whole time." Oliver said, hugging her back, swinging her around with Walter, Moria and Raisa, smiling at them, looking from the side.