
Next morning

I decided to talk to Thea before I leave, to see how she's doing since last night.

"Ollie" Thea

"How you doing Speedy." Ollie

"I'm doing better, just wrapping my head around it." Thea

"I hope you know it doesn't change anything between us, you are still the baby sis that I love, who has been chasing me everywhere I went ever since you could walk. I missed out a lot of time with you when I was stranded on that island, and I'm hoping you can catch up with me when I get back later." Oliver pulled her into a hug.

"Thanks Ollie", Thea, as she starts tearing up

"I have something for you." Ollie

"You did not come back from a deserted island with a souvenir," Thea said, trying to lift the mood.

" I did. It's a Hozen and in Buddhism, it symbolizes reconnecting. I kept it in hopes that one day, it would reconnect me with you, and it did. Maybe it'd be your new lucky charm." Ollie

"A rock! That is sweet. You know, I want one of those t-shirts that says "My friend was a castaway, and all I got was this crappy shirt." Tommy as they all started to laugh

"Don't let him get you into too much trouble. You just got back. Take it slow." Thea as they finally pulled apart

"Ahem. The city awaits, bye sis." Tommy

"You've been waiting to say that, huh" Oliver said before they started chuckling as Tommy and Oliver left.

CNRI Offices

Tommy goes on and on about having a get-back party, and Oliver looks outside, seeing how bad the Glades really are as they are on their way to Laurel.

As Oliver walks into C.N.R.I. Offices, he notices how much better it is than the TV show; it's way bigger. He starts thinking of ways he could help them out, since he's planning on being a big difference both inside and outside the green suit. Oliver ignores all the people that are staring and whispering about him as he walks over to Laurel's desk. He found her sitting, reading over some files on her desk. He had been thinking about what to say to the Lances ever since he flew back. He didn't think it was fair for either Laurel or Quentin to keep on believing she was dead when she was not. And since he's planning on making a deal with the league, Malcolm for Sara, later this year, he could try to give them some peace in knowing.

"Hey Laurel," Oliver said, trying to get her attention.

"Ollie", Laurel whispered.

"Can I speak to you real quick", Oliver said, before Laurel led him to an empty office.

"Why are you here, Ollie?" Laurel said, glaring at Ollie, wondering what kind of bullshit that was going to start pouring out of his mouth.

"I wanted to apologize for cheating on you with Sara, instead of manning up and telling you I wasn't ready to move in together, for not treating you better. I'm sorry." Oliver

"Thanks for apologizing, but I don't think I could forgive you just yet." Laurel said, her anger deflating just a little bit.

" I know and I'm not asking you either." Oliver

"I want to know is... " Laurel said in a quiet voice trailing off in the end. Not able to ask if her sister was really dead.

"No, I believe she's alive." Oliver

Laurel was standing frozen, she wasn't expecting that response. " Then why wasn't she with you then?" Laurel

"We got separated after the crash. I didn't see her till a year later. She was on a boat, the Amazo. Long story short, men were fighting on the boat, causing it to explode. I ended up drifting back to see the island and the last time I saw her, she was getting sucked back into the ocean. She survived a category 2 hurricane, and the night of the boat fire it was calm waters. I'm going to look for her no matter how long it takes," Oliver said as he looked at her saddened expression.

"You should tell your parents. I know it's not what you're expecting, but I hope it can give them a peace of mind." Oliver

"I don't know what to say." Laurel, as she was wiping tears from her face

"You don't have to, it's a lot to take in. If you have any more questions, just let me know, I can answer them." Oliver said as he pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you for telling me in person, but it doesn't change anything. I still hate you for cheating. Taking Sara on the boat doesn't get rid of the anger I have. I think you should probably go." Laurel, as she pulled away with an unreadable face.

"I know I'm sorry for reopening these old wounds, I'm going to let you go back to work." said Oliver as he started walking away.


Tommy and Oliver walk back to his car when suddenly they are ambushed by armed men who shoot them with tranquilizers. They fell down before they got dragged into a dark-tinted van.

"Mr. Queen," a dark, scratchy voice said as the bag was whipped off of his head. "Mr. Queen!"

"W-who are you, where am I?" Oliver asked, faking a stutter. Since I'm taking a no-kill approach with most of the villains I'm going to be facing, it doesn't make sense to fight back just yet.

"I ask the questions, you give me the answers," the demon-masked man in front of him said, sparking the taser in his hand threateningly. "Did your father make it to the island?"

"Yes," Oliver pleaded.

"Did he make it off of the boat?" the demon-masked man asked, continuing to spark the taser threateningly.

"Yes," Oliver said slowly. "He made it off of the Gambit."

"Did he tell you anything?" The demon-masked man asked.

"He-He told me that he wasn't a good man, he told me how I have a sister that I didn't know, how he wasn't proud of how he was running the business, he told me that I could do better instead, he told me to be a better man than he was, be someone that's worthy, that I needed to survive," Oliver said.

"Did he say anything about Queen Consolidated". The demon-masked man questioned him as he held the taser closer to Oliver.

"No, he didn't, I swear, that's all he said before he - he killed himself. I buried him on the island."

"Thank you, Mr. Queen," the demon-masked man said, and nodded to someone behind Oliver. Oliver felt the prick of a needle entering his neck, and he fell out of consciousness.

Queen's Mansion, Shortly after

"So that's your story. A couple of guys dressed in black, with demon masks and big guns knocked you and started asking some questions before knocking you out." Detective Lance

" Yeah, they wanted to know if Robert made it to the island and what he said to me before he died. I just answered scared out of my mind." Oliver

"Did Robert have enemies or something?" Quentin asked.

"I don't think so, we never had a problem before." Moira

"Maybe they should've just watched the news, saved themselves some trouble." Quentin asked sarcastically. "They've made a pretty big deal about you being the only one that got back."

"I never said anything to them though, we all made it off the boat." Oliver paused as Quentin turned his head towards him with a conflicted look.

"David, dad and I were on a life raft, searching for Sara but we couldn't find her, we were drifting for days before we started running low on supplies. David and dad fought over the rest before dad shot David. He told me about Emiko, my half sister, and the fact that Thea was Malcolm's daughter before he shot himself. I was on the island a year before I met Sara again."

"What!" Moira and Quentin asked at the same time.

"Yeah she was found shortly after the crash and was held captive on a boat called the Amazo, run by a man named Dr. Ivo, he was searching the island for a super soldier serum that was created by the Japanese during WW2. They found me and some others that were with me on the island and tortured us if we didn't help them look. Some of us on the boat decided to fight back and escape but it didn't work as planned. One of the mercenaries ended up shooting the engine, causing the boat to catch fire. The last time I saw Sara she was being sucked back into the ocean and I ended up getting shot and woke up back on the island." Oliver

Moira started crying as Oliver told his story, hugging Walter. Tommy starred in shock. Quentin closed his eyes in disrepair, Hilton put a hand on Quentin's shoulder in support.

" I think she's still alive, since she survived worse than a boat crash. I'm going to call for a search, I won't give up on her." Oliver

Quientin didn't know what to believe. He didn't want to get his hopes up again after everything. He'd have to dig into Ivo and the boat to see if it was true and if it was, maybe just maybe he'd find a way to find her again. His baby girl might still be out there, waiting for a way to get back home.

"Well, we'll get out of your hair, we have got everything we need", Detective Hilton said as he pulled Quentin away.

"If we think of anything else, we'll be in touch. Thank you for coming." Oliver

Once they left. Moira and Tommy pulled him into a big hug, as Moira was crying on his shoulder. Oliver rubbed her on the back, whispering, saying" it's okay, I'm safe now."