
I wake up the next day to my cell phone ringing. I have a headache after crying all night and I roll over groggy and such for my phone. My hand makes contact with it and I hit the answer key...

Hello, I say sounding as if I have sandpaper in my throat.

Cindy... Hey its Tonya... are you still asleep?

I quickly sit up, a little nervous to hear from Tonya after last night.

Oh Good morning Ms. Holt, I'm sorry yes you caught me just waiting up.

There is a pause on Tony's end before she asks...

Have you quit? Joanny stated that you didn't come into work today and I wasn't sure why so I thought I'd call.

I'm so confused, didn't Tonya text me last night saying that she would see me Monday?

Ummm... no I thought that last night when you said that you would see me Monday, you didn't want me to come back until then.

Tonya gives a smile chuckle...

Again with the chuckling, why the fk does she find any of this funny. I can't even imagine being in her position last night or this morning and wanting to laugh.

Claire, I said see you on Monday because I don't plan on being back in the office until then. I'll call Joanny and tell her your on your way. I know you live close to the job but not where. About how long should I tell her you might be.

Ohhh... sorry I misunderstood stood... ok tell her to give me about an hour and a half.

Will do Claire, if anything pressing come up let me know. Other than that I'll see you all on Monday.

Once Tonya hangs up I jump out of bed and get ready for work. I shake my head wondering how she can be so calm after everything that happened. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth though.