
Meredith's POV

What felt like a dream soon ended and it was time to wake up.

"Mary! Mary! Please can I get a glass of water?" I mumbled in my sleep while I tried to open my eyes slowly.  It was really cold in here and it felt nothing like being in my room. I parted my eyes apart slowly and the feeling I had was right.

I was in a place that didn't look like the hospital and nothing like a room in the mansion.  "Mary!" My dad will not leave me anywhere without Mary at least.  So I believe she was somewhere here. 

"Here you go," someone said in a soft tone, my throat was too dry to look at the person. It was hurting from calling out for Mary. I took the glass from the person and took a sip, then emptied the glass. I had no idea how long the medicine had knocked me out.

"Does it hurt anywhere? Luckily your blood pressure came down," the lady said taking the empty glass from me with a smile. Her smile was far too attractive I must say.