Triplet revelation: Fear and Joy

Matthew's POV

"I know I hurt you, Meredith. so badly when I hid the truth from you about your mother and when we got separated but we can make it work as a couple. we are married, and we will find a way to be happy as Meredith and Matthew the same way Megan and Logan were happy at the beach house,"

"You just need to trust me and have faith in me. I read your journal and I know... I know how scared you were and everything but please let me make it up to you," I said holding her hand.

"You have my journal?" she asked surprised, well I took it or say I borrowed it without her knowledge.

"Yes, I will return it I promised," I hissed looking at her.

"I see, we have not married Matthew, that was just us trying to be two different people," she said.