
Temple of Raging Winds (2)

Dagon jumped down from Sephtis's saddle, his feet landing on the earth below him. He stared out in awe and wonder at the world around him. It was as though he were on another planet.

The forest was gnarly and mangled, the trees all looking warped and crooked, yet they still had a dark beauty to them. The earth itself seemed to hum and glow with magical energy, and here and there you could even see chunks of Drakeagen popping out of the ground.

Off in the distance, he could see countless masses of rock and earth floating in the air above the trees, leaving deep, water filled craters beneath them. Some of these floating land masses were as large as a small village!

Dagon stepped forward, looking over the cliff of the floating island they were on. The drop down was quite a ways, and he didn't think he could survive a fall like that. Then again, because of the Kinship, his body was much more durable now, so maybe it was possible. But he didn't want to test it, especially when his body was still sore and bruised from the Drake before. Every movement came with a tinge of pain, and his severed arm always stung immensely.

"It's like a whole other world.." Dagon said in astonishment.

Even when he was a child, before the whole war, Dagon had never been to the Skyward forest. He'd only ever known the Valley of Scales, which was on the South Eastern end of the continent, surrounded by the Crimson Desert. The furthest he'd ever gone from home back then was to the Iron Scales and the edge of the Emerald Scale Forest. Once or twice they had gone to the Annagon Castle as well, but they never really felt welcome, so it was never a long stay.

"Where is the temple?" Sephtis asked Bella as soon as she and her dragon landed, Gena also landing a couple feet away.

"It is directly below us. It lies within the crater left by this chunk of rock." Bella explained.

"How did this even come to happen?" Dagon asked, still admiring his surroundings with a grin tugging at his lips.

"When the Dragon God Phenor took residence here, his magical energy only added to the power already in the forest." Ellira growled.

"The Drakeagen?" Dagon asked.

"Correct. The increase in wind and earth magic caused the earth to crack and tremor in certain places while the wind magic distorted gravity and these shattered bits of earth rose into the sky. It was hence called the Skyward Forest, though, it's original name was the Drakeao Forest."

"Why do you think the Dragon God-Phenor- chose this area to reside?" Dagon asked.

"Most likely because of all the magical energy it has. That way, even while dormant, he can continue to absorb power and grow stronger." Bella spoke.

"I see.." Dagon looked down over the precipice, peering down and leaning over to get a better view. Down below, the deep pit in the earth left by the chunk of earth they stood on was completely filled with water. Long, gnarly branches stuck out from the dirt and rock walls along the sides of the pit, and below the surprisingly clear water, Dagon could make out what appeared to be a stone archway.

"So we need to go beneath the water." Dagon said, "But can dragons even fit through that archway?"

"No. After Phenor went within his hideaway, he had other dragons seal the entrance, making it only large enough for a human to go through, but there are many traps and challenges within. It is meant to be a test, and you can really only get through using magic." Bella said.

"Wait, are you saying neither me or Gena can accompany him?" Sephtis growled.

"Correct. And I won't be going with him either. But," Bella strode over to Ellira and scrounged through a side pouch on the saddle, then pulled out a small leather baggie, "take this."

She handed it to Dagon who, soon as he had it, opened it. Inside were what appeared to be a bunch of green Drakeagen stones.

"What are these for?" He asked.

"Your necklace and your own vessel can only hold so much magic. Have Sephtis put his energy into those stones, and then you will be able to use the magic from them. There is enough there for about five Shifts."

"Alright, thank you." Dagon walked over to Sephtis and placed a hand on the dragon's snout.

*Will you be alright?* Sephtis asked.

*What, you worried about me?*

Sephtis snorted. *No. I just need you to fulfill my own goals is all.*

*Sure.* Dagon laughed. *Shift to me, I'll need the magic from what it sounds like.*

*Yes, but are you sure you will be able to handle this on your own? You are still in training with your magic.*

*Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm stronger than you give me credit for.*

*Yes, but you must realize there are forces woven into this land much stronger and greater than yourself.*

*I know that. And that is why I have to get stronger. And I will be sure to ask the Dragon God for guidance. Maybe he can help me grow stronger.*

*I am certain he can.* Sephtis spoke, *According to legend, the Dragon Gods have unimaginable powers, all gifted to them by their father. So I'm sure, if not making you stronger, he can at least give tips and guidance.*


Dagon broke away from Sephtis after the dragon had Shifted to him and filled all his stones with magic. He clipped the pouch at his hip and then walked over to Gena.

"Wish me luck." He said.

"Be careful, Dagon. Come back alive." Gena growled.

"I'll be fine."