
Pure Bloods

"What? But hat makes no sense.. he was already in a Kinship with Gena.." Dagon spoke, confused.

"Yes. But as I said, a Kinship with a Dragon God is different. Meaning a Dragon Kin could be bonded to both a dragon and a Dragon God at once. And your father was bound to the king." Ald grinned slightly. "Even though he wasn't a pure blood."

"What does being a pure blood have to do with anything?" Dagon asked.

Ald narrowed his eyes. "Some half blood has no right to be bound with the Dragon God King. It is an insult to all the Dragonic races. It's disgusting honestly how far the Dragon Kin have fallen… to contaminate our pure, dominant blood with disgusting human blood. It is truly distasteful."

"I don't care what your opinion is, but you better not insult my father." Dagon growled. "I won't look over any insults to my father."

"Kid, you couldn't hurt me if you wanted to." Ald mocked, "either way, I wasn't insulting your father. I was just stating my opinion of the way things are. It can't be helped now, seeing as half bloods are more commonplace than pure bloods. And your father was quite the amazing man. He did many astonishing things no pure blood ever thought could be possible. But, I won't go into detail, as I'm sure you already know."

Dagon but his tongue. The truth was, he did not know. He didn't know much about his father at all, really. He wanted to know… but his own pride prevented him from asking. He didn't want to accept the fact that this pure blood racist knew more of his father than he did.

"And it would seem, yet another contaminated Dragon Kin is to ascend to the throne of Dragon King." Ald sighed. "No matter. I have a question for you, Dagon."

"What?" Dagon asked simply. He didn't want to talk to this man any more, Ald pissed him off.

"Don't be so aggressive, boy. I'm your superior, and I am a pure blood. Show me some respect."

Dagon wanted to yell at Ald and rip off his head, every word the man spoke pissed him off. But he held his tongue. He knew, when it came down to it, Ald was more experienced than him and he would certainly lose in a fight. That much was for certain.

Ald sighed. "What will you do? Once you hatch the egg and become king?"

Dagon thought for a long moment, and then an idea struck him.

"I will create three kingdoms. One of them will be ruled by a human, and the other two by Dragon Kin. But in all the kingdoms, both humans and dragon kinds will coexist." Dagon spoke.

"And if it turns out they can't coexist? Then what?"

"Then I guess I'm left with no choice but to wipe out the human race from Seryad."

"I like the idea, but do you actually think you could do that? You think you could kill that many?"

"I believe I could, with my own hand. But it won't come to that. With there being two kingdoms ruled by Kin, the humans will always be at a disadvantage, meaning we would have the most power. But we still won't be enslaving them."

"And how do you suppose you will create two kingdoms of Dragon Kin? Have you forgotten they are all dead?" Ald asked.

"No… I found one. And there have to be more. I'll bring back our kind, I'll bring them all back."

Ald sighed. "You make it sound so easy, boy. And I hope goes just as easy as you describe it. Though… your father was much the same way. So I suppose, with you, it is like skipping a rock with your eyes closed and taking your best guess as to whether or not the rock will reach the other side of the river."

"I have a question." Dagon spoke then.


"If my father was bonded to Elderren.. then why didn't Elderren save him?"

"Well, if the Dragon Gods were to inter-"

"I already know why the Dragon Gods didn't join the war, you don't need to explain that. I just want to know why my father was not saved."

"I am sorry, Dagon. That is the one question I do not know the answer to." Ald spoke grimly.

"Of course you don't.." Dagon grumbled, clenching his fist.

"Well, either way. Down you go." Ald said. "Twas good making your acquaintance, but you haven't much time left to waste. Tell Phenor I said hi."

"Wha-" Dagon suddenly felt the ground give way beneath his feet as Ald waved his hand. The earth below him began to shift and churn, forming a hole that he fell into, flying down it like a slide.

— — —

Gena's hackles rose as she turned to the dark sky. Bella placed a hand on Ellira, who was growling as well.

Sephtis was the only one who seemed unfazed. He simply stared blankly into the my above, as if he had known this would happen and had accepted it.

And then, from the clouds emerged the massive figure of a black dragon, atop its back being a man clad in black armor glaring down at all those below him.

"Zickarys…" Gena growled.

"So that is the black dragon.." Ellira hissed.

"And it's rider." Bella said.

Sephtis glared up into the sky, unmoving and showing no sign of emotion.

"Well, look at this. It would seem Ayden's brat found himself a mate, how cute." Mourtas called down. "It's too bad you will all die. But who knows, maybe I will let you live as my slaves.. if you tell me where Dagon is." He looked at Bella, "I will treat you especially well, my dear."

"Piss off!" Bella roared.

"Really? I show you mercy and you spit it in my face? Well. It doesn't matter. I'll find Dagon myself then, you can all perish."

"How shall we dispose of them?" Zickarys asked. "Should we have some fun first?"

"I don't see why not. I imagine the boy is in the temple, so we have time."

Bella hopped onto Ellira's back, the dragon hunching down as if she were about to pounce.

"You aren't getting your hands on Dagon!" Bella called as flashes of lightning began to shoot out from Ellira's metallic scales.

"Oh," Mourtas said, seeming interested. "A lightning aspect Kinship, huh? That is a rare thing, you know. You really should accept my offer, I could use you."

"Well, too bad. Because I'm gonna kill you!"

Mourtas's tone changed to grim and dark. "Fine. Then I'll just kill you and enslave your dragon."