
The Crimson Dragon

Ellira bolted through the air, many times faster than any of the other dragons. She and Bella exploded upwards before shooting down like a comet, lighting bursting from her silver scales as she slammed into a dragon from above. The sound of the dragon's spine cracking resounded through the air as Ellira crashed into it from above, her talons digging beneath its scales as she drove it into the earth just outside the West gate, the impact sending cracks shooting through the earth.

Ellira turned her head upwards at that moment, then shot skyward, her talons digging deep into the underbelly of another dragon as she ripped its rib cage open, it's blood splattering through the air before she threw the dragon into another, knocking both out of the sky.

Bella placed a hand on Ellira and raised her spear above her head, and as she did, a blinding light shine from Ellira's silver scales as a massive burst of electricity exploded from Ellira, scorching and crashing into anything within range.

Treasya was not far off near the gate itself. He flew high above the castle walls and spread his wings wide, and as he did massive walls of stone erupted from the earth, slamming dragons out of the sky while, at the same time, creating a secondary barrier.

But that didn't last long. The air became hot and the snow began to all melt, turning to water that soaked into the earth. A massive burst of flames erupted across the tundra, slamming into the wall, heating it up until it began to melt down into molten rock. Then, a dragon slammed into the wall, sending hot, flaming debris and molten lava through the air, killing multiple Dragon Kin and injuring many.

"NARGASH!!" A furious roar tore through the air. The red dragon and it's rider turned, seeing Gänhir and his dragon high above the battle facing them.

Bella looked over, seeing the red dragon. *What?! How is he alive? We killed them! Did we not?!*

*It would seem they have some kind of magic at play that we were not aware of.* Ellira growled as she raked her talons across another dragon's throat.

"Gänhir! You are a damn traitor and a coward!" Nargash roared. "Come, let me be the one to take your head!!"

"Fat chance of that!" Gänhir returned. "You are a hot headed brute, you won't ever beat me. You never could."

Gänhir raised an axe above his head, then brought it down. The air became cold and a storm of white came as massive blades of ice formed in the sky, dropping down like glaciers from the heavens.

Nargash turned his attention upwards and raised his hand, a whirlwind of flames flying upwards like a scarlet storm, engulfing the ice and melting it down, blowing it up into smaller chunks that came down in a glittering drift.

Shiratt exploded towards Keagor, the dragons crashing into one another and clawing and biting, each trying to overpower the other. Gänhir unlatched himself from his dragon and leapt onto Keagor, burying his axe into the red dragon's flesh to hold himself in place as he swung at Nargash with the other axe.

Nargash leaned back before drawing in a deep breath and breathing out a plume of flames. Gänhir pulled his coat over him, blocking the flames before using magical energy to create thick ice atop Keagor's back, weighing the dragon down as Gänhir got back on Shiratt who began to plummet, pushing Keagor faster and faster towards the earth.

Both dragons crashed into the ground, sending tremors through the tundra as the ground gave way beneath the impact.

Keagor hissed angrily, flames brimming from his scales as the earth became molten rock. Shiratt jumped back, flying into the air above Keagor. Spikes of ice formed in the air before crashing down, but they melted before they could even reach the crimson dragon.

Keagor got to his feet and Nargash extended his hand towards Shiratt and Gänhir. The air began to turn extremely hot, melting Shiratt's ice armor and burning Gänhir's skin.

"Just keel over and die already!" Nargash roared, and then the earth split, erupting open in a spray of flames, but just as they were about to consume Shiratt, a flash of gold slammed into Keagor.

Gena flew through the air, crashing her talons into Keagor's skull and slamming his head to the ground, cracking his neck and sending cracks through the earth.

"You.." Nargash spat.

Gold flames burst from Gena's scales. She gave Nargash no sign of recognition, instead an explosion of blinding, blazing golden flames burst from her body, consuming everything around her.

— — —

Dagon and Sephtis dropped low to the ground, flying towards the brutish soldier. On the way, Sephtis sprayed acid across the soldiers below, resulting in their agonized screams of agony and pain.

Dagon drew his sword as Sephtis spun. He swung it above his head towards the soldier as they flew past him, but Dagon's sword deftly clashed across the soldier's axe, resulting in a painful ring reverberating down his arm. But that attack was not his main goal, and the soldier's axe began to melt down, turned to mercury and flowing across his arms and seeping into his skin. Soon, he would die to the poison and Dagon didn't need to worry about him any longer.

As Sephtis leveled out, Dagon held his arm. The clang of his sword against that axe had hurt his arm a lot more than he would've thought it would, especially his wrist.

And then a wave of hot air shot past him, pulling at his clothes and hair. Dagon turned about, seeing the massive amount of destruction by the West gate as a burst of golden light flashed across the tundra.