Coming from the Andersons though I'm having a different name, when they all clapped for me and gave me a seat.

Finally it's a first day in a new class, it was the lunch time and I was alone on my seat eating from my lunch package when the cute boy from the morning came to seat next to me, Hey Pierson, I'm Andrew Parker and also 17, you see I'm a very cool and cute guy, where everyone are trying to come close to me so I don't have a friend, please be my friend. I was surprised to hear that from my crush when I quickly said Yes and he gave me a warm smile when the maths teacher came into the class, Today we'll be good to switch to Data processing so all to the lab when Andrew winked at me and mouthed ''He is Mr. Peter the maths guru when I smiled and nodded as we all left for the lab when three girls came to me and said ''i Pierson as Andrew was looking at us from afar came close, yeah she's my friend, he said, when he introduced them to me, This fair girl is average and cut her hair is called 'JOELLA ROBERTSON' and the very dark and petite one with small stuffs is called AMELIA GEORGE while the last one that is annoying, stubborn and destructive is GABRIELLE PARKER from the plot Harry Potter, we all laughed as we walked towards the hall where we processed the coding app on our laptops as me and Joella was in a group with another snub guy. Sky, who happens to be shy around girls but a guru in computer science, oh my gosh, why am I just surrounded with smart gurus and I'm not one, I thought about Andrew and smiled and decided to show them that I'm a guru in coding, chemistry and English after we started coding.

         .      it&:n g89 I coded as Joella screamed in amazement when everyone gathered and was awesome by my capabilities, when the bell rang as we all left for the drama class, now everyone wants to be my friend just bcoz of coding when Andrew hung his hand on my shoulder as I looked at him with suprise as most of the girls became jealous of me because I was taking people's attention away from them. Like now, Ms Eva green pretended to fall and pushed me away from Andrew when her co friend Allessia tried to pull me up and then pinched me hard saying, that serves you right bitch.

Huh me a bitch, I was tired, just so many things happen in one day, as I stood up and rushed down to the principal's office.

 Good day, Miss Stewart, can I go home for a day, I'm home sick already, I said when Andrew came in,  ' Good afternoon ma, Eva, Skylar, Allessia and kewa were harassing Miss Pierson Garry, that's why she became homesick. Ok Mr Andrew, I hand her over to you