I changed into more comfortable clothes, washed off my make-up and up to my room locked all the doors and i started reading like a mad person, maybe I never told you about this before but I am a bookworm I put on my airpod and started listening to music from SELENA GOMEZ, ARIANA GRIANDE Aand my favorite ED SHEERAN.

We were to have chemistry and Computer test today so I quickly chatted the girls on the group ' ON MY WAY TO SCHOOL, COME ON THE GO GIRLS as I ran to the bus stop with my book, I arrived school by 6:45am and saw Amelia reading, we joined and revised for the examination.


Everyone has been arranged in different classes from your original class.

Surprisingly, Andrew was two seats away from me 'choo choo' which was our sign, he said, he turned back smiling and waved at me, 'ready for chemistry, babe's he mouthed, I was shocked and replied who's ur babe, I've got a boyfriend. He just smiled and didn't reply back, this didn't go well with me bcoz the normal Andrew would he not be mocking me by now, or make silly jokes, he just didn't talk to me again till we were in the middle of the chemistry Exams. When I saw a paper at my front 'The labelled diagram of KREB'S CYCLE and glycolysis relating to respiration', so he now admitted that I was his guru but how can a whole almighty ANDREW ask such question. But what came next, I tried remembering the diagram, but I couldn't get the labelling of the diagram, why now of all times when Andrew asked me a question.

Well Andy, I drew a sad face,' 😟🤥 don't know. Mua as I passed the paper when the inspector quickly shouted, 'g'et up, the one on red' I stopped on track, how possible!; I immediately stood up in fear,  when he said 'not you, the one two seats away from you' that was when I realized that we were putting on the same color of outfit. I'm sorry he said, it's a rough sheet of calculations when he quickly slipped into his jacket and brought out another piece of paper.

Well that was settled for the day, we finished the exams, when Andrew dragged me to a corner and said, Hey Pierson, l wore the same outfit because I want to say some things. cough)wh when he held my hand and put a flower on it "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, Pierson 💕😍😻🙍🏼‍♂️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 PLEASE BE MY BABE I'M, I MEAN GIRL FRIEND. Oh no this wasn't what I planned, I thought Andrew will hate me all my life. Oh no, imI sorry Andrew, I thought that after today will sour, um shatter, hmmm even destroy you know I can't even stand that disaster especially after what I told you about me and Alex relationship when he hugged me tight, I understand, love, I mean Pierson but you guys can still sort everything out and start afresh with me your gonna break up with him, I mean,