What A Mess

Flying towards the sea, trying to avoid any collateral damage. Greninja came out of his shadow and balanced himself on Charizard, prepared to retaliate.

The thunderbolt was shot towards them and Greninja placed his hands on his thighs, getting two shurikens and sending them forward.

The two attacks connect in a large explosion of mist and electricity.

"Tobirama, prepare a cut, make it as sharp as you can."

Obeying the rare command his trainer gave, Greninja channelled his normal energy, but instead of forming a Kunai like usual, it was a katana, which he held by his hip, ready for a slash.

Dust grabbed the Pokeball of Gardevoir and released her. She floated in the air with her psychic.

"Yuki, Use Psychic to get it away from the shore."

Concentrating on the task, a purple hue appeared around Gyrados, She couldn't lift the giant lizard in the air, but managed to drag it away from Vermillion.

Looking over to the city to see if the citizens were evacuated, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them moving out as soon as they could.

(...Are those reporters? Those are reporters...What's wrong with them, A stray Hyper beam might hit them... Fuck it, im not responsible for their lives.)

"Tobi, if this doesn't work got for it."

He has to test if the Gyarados was a wild one or an owned one. If it was an owned one, Greninja would have to kill it.

He didn't want to kill it.

"Zuko, Get closer but be ready to fly away at any moment."

Taking out his Great ball, just to increase his chances, He tossed it towards the water type which was distracted by Gardevoir.

As soon as it went inside the ball, be breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he didn't catch it on the first try, he could avoid killing it.

Not staying in the ball for long, it broke out and the great ball was lost in the sea.

(Arceus if I don't die here moms going to kill me.)

It let out a roar and clouds gathered in the sky. Looking up ad the drip of water that hit him, he idly noted that the giant beast just used rain dance...

Oh, Shit It Just Used Rain Dance!

Looks like Charizard noticed it too. wince he sped up. A smart dragon.

"Tobi, Don't kill it."


Greninja jumped forward, using Charizard as a footing... yeah that didn't go well. Due to his strength, Charizard and by connection, him, spun out of control.

Luckily, Gardevoir caught them mid-air. Charizard straightened and Dust landed on his back again.

Looking at the Gyrados again, he narrowed his eyes.

Thirty Greninjas were standing on water, Yes he taught greninja how to walk on water, Sue him, distracting their opponent.

"Yuki! Use Hypnosis while it's distracted."

Narrowing her eyes, Gardevoir let out a burst of psychic energy towards Gyrados.

Its eyes started closing, slowly but surely, it would soon be asleep.

Taking out another Pokeball, he tried to catch it again. this time, However, nothing broke out.

(Okay... Now I need to get ready for the onslaught by everyone that knows me. and a lot of people know me by now.)


[What were you thinking?! How could you go and take on that Gyrados all alone?!]

God this was torture. He just saved a city, why couldn't he get a "good job"?

"Mom, I wasn't alone I had Tobi, Yuki and Zuko with me And there were no casualties, Why are you mad at me?"

She released a sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose. His father was in the background grinning at the camera.

Standing up she walked off leaving the spot open for his father.

[Hey champ, you look like your having fun.]

Bringing a hand to his face, he releases a sigh much like his mother.


Looking at his Pokedex, Dust checked his messages, there were a few of them. Nessa, Gary, Ash, Oak...

Sighing in annoyance, he started reading them one by one. he might look annoyed but anyone could see the slight upturn of his lips.

Oak was worried, Naturally and ever since he got the Gyrados, he had been running some tests on it. Those were rare, Only a few water specialists had a Gyrados as their pokemon, and he didn't want it on his team.

Ash and Gary were promising him a Pokemon battle, after asking if he was injured. Nessa just asked him how it felt to battle a giant Gyrados...


Looking up from his dex, He watched the first pokemon he caught on his journey.

"What is it, Odin?"

He nudged Dust again, frowning heavily.

"...You want me to use the moonstone on you?"
