Route 7

The camp was set up, and Dust was sitting in front of Riolu while the others were training, It was still daytime but they agreed to train and Charizard would take him towards Celadon.

"Okay, Anubis...Pay close attention."

Bringing his hand up, he formed a spiralling orb of Aura. Riolu marvelled at it but then turned a questioning look towards his trainer.

Smirking slightly, he stood up and walked over to a tree. With a slight grin, he slammed it into the wood.

The tree exploded, along with the ones behind it in the blast zone.

Riolu was amazed, the way he looked at him seemed like he devine, Genius... A god!....Okay no, not that.




After showing Riolu the ropes, Dust started making dinner. Halfway through, his Pokedex started ringing. Opening it up, it was professor Oak, somehow, it was sad that he was the only one calling him, and it was only if it was something he wanted.


Answering the dex, He waited for his task.

[Dust, My boy. how are you?]

And with that, he knew this was something big, Oak easing him into it.

"Oh, well, im making dinner while the others are training... And... that's it, I met a lot of Eevee' a few days go on route 6, so that was nice, I pet them a lot."

He had a feeling that the professor nodded on the other end.

[That's good, I also have news for you...]


[The league has taken an interest in you and they are sending you a list of threats, so be prepared to receive a message if you are near some odd occurrence, you can decide not to do anything though, someone else will come to deal with it at a later time.]

"...Thay dont expect me to do things " Out of the goodness of my heart" do they?"

[...You won't?]

Bruh. He wasn't Ash who was happy to throw his life into a dangerous situation, of course, he wanted some compensation.

"When fighting that wild Gyrados, I got a Gyrados out of it, which is currently in your possession. I could have died there if Zuko was still a Charmeleon, so no, I won't risk my life for a pat on the back."

Oak remained quiet for a bit, seemingly mulling over his words.

[That's a good way you are thinking Dust... Anyway, let's get to the second offer, you were invited to the ranger core, First division, dealing with C, B and Trying to pacify A-rank threats.]

...he had no idea what to do, Rangers huh? that was a good job, paid well too... but ultimately not what he wanted to do.

"I'll think about it, but hey, has there been a Coviknight line migrating lately since about a month ago?"

There were a few clicks that were probably keyboard buttons. while waiting he looked over to Corvisquire who was avoiding attacks from Luxio.

[Yes, that line has been migrating back to the Galar region, why do you ask?]

"One sec. Hey Corvisquire! come here for a sec!"


[Are you sure about this?]

Charizard flew them to Celedon after the talk with the professor. Corvisquire wanted to go back to his flock.

"Yeah, Can't keep a pokemon if he doesn't want to stay, he would probably leave anyway when he evolved into a Corviknight."

Oak nodded before accepting the transfer. Dust saw the Pokeball on the other side, held by Oak.

It was fine, one couldn't go out of town and not see a Pidgeotto.

Hanging up, he turned around to go to the pokemon centre, he needed to grab his pokemon for travel.

He would put off the fight, for now, he had a Pidgey to catch.


How hard could it be to find a pidgey...

Very damn hard apparently.

He and the Charizard have been in Celedon for about five days now, and each morning they would go out to find Pidgeys, they would find some, but they would be too young.

The older ones were too scared to fight since the aura of all of his pokemon was overwhelming them. Wimpod couldn't do anything to them, and The birds were naturally afraid of Luxio, which seemed to be getting more and more agitated lately, He suspected that he was ready to evolve.

It wasn't until the sixth day that something happened...


Dust looked up, a little startled when he noticed a giant bird, as large as his Charizard, barreling towards them with white energy surrounding it.

(Oh shit, that Brave Bird...OH SHIT, THAT'S A BRAVE BIRD!)

"Zuko! Dive!"