The Rangers


(Oh god, that's a steel wing.)

"Zuko, spin."

The giant Charizard spun to the side, narrowly dodging the wings of their enemy.

This giant bird was fast.

"Flamethrower. aim at the wings."

As soon as Pidgeot's wings stopped glowing, Charizard launched a pillar of flames towards its wings.

Folding its wings, the Pidgeot dove down, avoiding the attack and heading towards them.

Charizard charged Dragon Claw, swinging it at the Pidgeot who was using Arial ace.

This Pidgeot had to be trained because the Pidgey line can't learn Steel Wing naturally.

Greninja came out of Dust's shadow and threw Water Shuriken, trying to hit their opponent's wings. The best way to capture a flying type is to ground them, and right now they were failing.

His Pokedex buzzed. Dismissing it, Dust called out his Gardevoir who Immediately used Psychic to suspend Pidgeot Mid-Air.

"Get closer. Slam it down."

Obeying the order, Charizard grabbed the Pidgeot by its wings, and with a spin, hurled it to the ground.

Flying towards it, the three of them landed on the ground, Gardevoir still holding the Pidgeot to the ground with a Psychic.

Calling out Nidoking, He instructed the ground type to pin the Bird down.

When the bird was subdued, He walked closer and kneeled in front of its face.

"You did well. your strong, trained, but whoever it was had no idea what they were doing. So we have two choices here, either I catch you and make you stronger than you would ever be in the wild... or I can just hand you over to the Rangers who will probably lock you up, "Tame" you and then hand you to the first green as grass trainer they can find."

Pidgeot narrowed its eyes at him, before huffing.


Looking over to his Gardevoir, dust gave her a questioning look, Be didn't speak bird... yet.

[He wants to come with, Master. You basically gave him no choice.]

Raising an eyebrow, Dust looked over at the bird who was being released by Nidoking, He did look Prideful and was able to use Beavebird, he either had it as an advanced egg move or was strong enough to pull it off naturally.

With a shrug, he pulled out a Pokeball and extended it to the flying type. Pidgeot bent down and tapped the button, turning into red light and getting sucked inside the sphere.

The ball didn't even shake when it pinged, indicating that he did not put up any resistance to the capture.

Not a moment later, a Skarmory and a Noivern landed near him, Two trainers jumped off their backs, wearing the same type of wear: Black shorts, a red jacket and white shirt under it, red fingerless gloves and red boots with white parts to it...

Who in their right minds would wear that?

"Have you seen a larger than usual Pidgeot fly by?"

So, this guy was being chased? Not surprising really, since he was attacked out of nowhere.

Instead of answering, Dust lifted the Pokeball in his hand, showing it to them.

"You caught it?"

The female one questioned with doubt, walking closer.

"Who are you?"

His Charizard, Gardevoir and Nidoking were out, they couldn't attack him, and they would risk a full out brawl, Besides, Greninja was ready to use Shadow sneak to attack them from behind.


she fumbled around in her jacket and took out a golden badge.

(Ranger force...What a coincidence.)

"Yeah, I caught it."

Dust relaxed but his pokemon did not, they were still ready to pounce.

"We will take that pokemon off your hands then."

Dust just raised an eyebrow at this, Charizard opened its mouth ready to fire off a flamethrower, Nidoking's horn started glowing, indicating a mega horn and Gardevoir quickly surrounded herself in her psychic energy.

"Mind repeating that?"


[You didn't give it to them?]

Oak asked, eyebrows raised.

"Of course not! Why would I? I caught him, he agreed to follow me, even if Lance came down and told me that he needed my Pokemon, I would ask gardevoir to fling him across Kanto."

Who do those idiots think they are? He worked for it, he would get it. Dust wasn't running a charity here.

Hanging up the call, He stood up. It was time to check on the progress.

Growlithe was Using Flamethrower, trying to sustain it longer. Greninja was trying to master Camouflage which was irritating for him, Changing a pokemon type was hard for anyone to do.

Riolu was still trying to make Rasengan form but was on the second step, judging from the lack of wet patches of grass.

He looked over to Gardevoir, who was maintaining a Shadow ball between her hands, Being a fairy type, it was difficult to produce it fast enough so she was working on the speed.

Charizard was teaching Nidoking Fireblast, and he could see a small flame flicker in the ground type's mouth.

Wimpod was still mastering Metal claw, an egg move that dust had no idea he could use.

Luxio was perfecting the Electric Terrain.

Now It was time to see What his New Pidgeot could do.