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In Washington, D.C., the President of the United States is in the oval office, reading about The Outlaw with a headline asking if the dawn of new heroes has arrived when a knock on the door interrupts him and the door opens. Four agents inform him he has a visitor and a well-built man named Curtis Stang with slick back brown hair wearing sunglasses and carrying a silver metal briefcase enters the room.

U.S. President: Curtis. Good to see you again.

The two men shake hands, appearing to know each other as Curtis removes his sunglasses and takes a seat. Curtis is the founder and director of a secret, non-government organization called H.O.U.S.E, which the President is aware of after the organization was approved by President Nixon back in 1971. The organization protects the world not just from terrorists and other enemies that want to destroy America and the entire world, but from threats beyond Earth, from beyond the stars of space. Extraterrestrial threats.

U.S. President: What can I help you with, Curtis?

Curtis Stang: You've seen the reports, the papers regarding this new hero in Crystal City. What if I told you there are more of them out there? Only superior, stronger?

Curtis walks around the room, examining the books on the shelves.

U.S. President: Wait, you're telling me that The Outlaw isn't the only superhero out there?

Curtis Stang: I wouldn't necessarily call him a superhero, yet. More of a vigilante. But, regardless, no. No, he's not the only one. As a matter of fact, we have managed to already recruit two of them as we speak. I believe that these people can do things that our men and women in the military can't do and I say that with the most respect. I believe we are on the verge of a war, Mr. President. A war that can't be fought with just guns and knives, but with people of extradionary abilities. Superhumans.

Curtis places his briefcase on the desk, opens it and takes out two files and places them in front of the President. The President opens them to find they are about a powerful and immortal werewolf named Hybreed and a native American woman called Lady Sentinel, although Hybreed is not human and wouldn't be counted as a superhuman, but more as a supernatural being while Lady Sentinel is labeled as superhuman.

Curtis Stang: With your permission, Mr. President, I would like to open a new program. Something that will make your children sleep much better at night, knowing that the monster in the closet won't ever bother them again.

Curtis gives him a farewell and leaves as the President looks over the files again as he pulls another file out from under Hybreed's with the name "Freedom Fighters" written on it and begins to read through it, then smiles.

U.S. President: Curtis, you sneaky son of a bitch. Okay. Let's see what you got.

He closes the file and sets it down, puts his blazer jacket on and leaves the office for a press conference.