Human Machines

That day, for some reason Callan's heart felt really uncomfortable with the behavior of the head of the Arsihean family, moreover, when he saw the queen's mocking smile for the woman they thought was the Shilu Princess under the building they were in.

 The man immediately came to the woman who was running and jumping from one roof to another.

 He moved quickly after the woman who had fired the bullet for Greisy and prevented her from continuing.

 "Isn't it weird if a Head of the Hze family interferes in a set matc? You've made a cheat, Lauren!" Callan said in a cold tone,

 He really didn't like the outrageous attitude of the woman in front of him.

 "So why?! Her Majesty asked for it and I just granted her wishes," replied the woman in front of Callan, and it made the man surprised,