
As I floated through blackness I could still hear my mother's desperate cries and mournful whimper. I couldn't remember what happened but I now know that I had passed away in my sleep. It was at least peaceful.. After suffering on a hospital bed for the past two years it was probably the best way one could hope to die.. Although it pained me to realise that after everything I went through I still didn't make it.

"Yeah.. Sucks doesn't it.." my host said and my ethereal consciousness was magnetized by their presence. I was but a white outline of a vague human form but theirs was a body of ruby light, pulsing with radiant energy. "So that's what God looks like.." I mused and the presence laughed out loud as if able to hear my thoughts!

"I CAN hear your thoughts Peter and I am A god not THE god.. I'm afraid your world's theologists fell a bit short on that one. But anyway.. We are here today because I think you have been wronged!". They continued with a strange voice that echoed in the void. It sounded as if a few men and women were speaking to me at the same time in unison and a small spark of hope ignited in me at those words.

"You tried your best to finish college, got a job you didn't like just so you could support your family.."

"The pay was good.." I answered inadvertently almost as if defending myself. "I didn't enjoy working for them no.. but who likes their job anyway.. My mother needed the support and I was able to move out of the house.."

"Selfless.. You didn't have many friends but the few who managed to earn a spot in your heart could claim you were loyal, supportive and a giving friend. You never harmed anyone directly.. Aaand.." they went on as if reading through a chart containing everything about my life. "..And I think you would be just perfect for a little experiment I would like to conduct. Would you make a deal with me Peter?"

"Um.. I don't even know who I'm speaking to.."

"Oh right, right.. manners.. I am Trishda. God of Chaos, nice to meet you Peter Fredriks!"

God of chaos, I thought. Now why would someone like me want to enter an arrangement with a being that sounds that dangerous. The most dangerous thing I had ever done is binge watch anime on a work night.

"Now, listen. I am willing to grant you the opportunity to live again, in a world far different than your own, a world of magic and monsters like those you often dreamed of. If you live a full life there I will reward you with a place in my own version of paradise! What say you?"

"You.. you want me to just live? As in eat, sleep, work and die of old age? That kind of live? I mean sir, um.. lord? My lord.. It sounds too simple of an exchange. What would me, living there grant you?"

"And that's the catch my boy.. I need your existence to be a seed of chaos and diversity in that world. Live free, unrestrained.. Experience your every fantasy to its fullest and be a thorn in the side of my enemies!" They wanted me to be a champion of some sort! It was too good to be true, I had to make sure!

"Ok I'm on board so far but.. I don't think I'm qualified for something like that.."

"Oh don't you worry.. When we are done here you will be 'God of Chaos' material! All you need to say is yes and I will transform you into a Dungeon Core!". If I had a head I would have tilted it to the side with that last part. Spotting my apparent confusion, Trishda explained to me.

"A dungeon core can create a cavern or structure, full of traps and monsters, around it by cultivating magical energy and summoning any item it can or deems necessary. Now there are many tiers of Dungeon Core above the standard one, which is not entirely sentient and functions mostly on instinct. The second tier is called Superior Dungeon Core. Not only are they sentient but they can also produce a material body, like an avatar, which can traverse the world and act exactly like a living being would. That is what you will be turning into. If you agree to my request, I will allow you to sculpt an avatar of your liking and grant you special boons in order to give you an edge over the champions of other gods."

Through Trishda's explanation I learned a myriad of things. Apparently they and three other Deities, fought constantly by reincarnating mortals as their champions on worlds across the multiverse. A war between the gods of Light, Darkness, Order and Chaos. It was like an eternal game of multidimensional chess. Whoever won more games, or worlds in this case, outgrew the others in influence and power. And Trishda was now asking me to become a pawn in all this. Well.. I said yes..

Honestly, I wasn't afraid to die. After what I had been through these years, I was prepared to go, for some time now. What scared me the most was abandoning my mother. Since my father past away I was all she had really.. But going back to her wasn't an option I was given. And there were so many regrets, so many things I wanted to do and experience. I could have ALL that and the only thing I had to do is mess up the lives of some heroes and villains? As a magical, dungeon-making, monster-spawning badass no less? "Wou.. Would it be possible.." I finally said after mustering the courage, "..to go back to my old life and my mom if I succeed in your request?".

"I'm afraid not.." they said after a moment to consider and my heart sank. "It would be possible however to actually bring THEM to you, as fellow Reincarnations.. Of course, I wouldn't do that.. Not even for a Superior Dungeon Core. I would do it however for my champion, who managed to prevail over the false heroes of the other gods, in order to bring me victory!" they said with an uplifting tone. I smiled and nodded. A chance was all I was going to get but at the same time, all I could ask for.

"Ok lord Trishda! I accept! Reincarnate me as a Dungeon Core!" The deity seemed pleased and its radiant body pulsed with waves of crimson energy that washed over me! "Excellent, let's begin then my young champion!"

After spending almost an hour in front of a manikin of what was supposed to be my avatar, I had managed to shape it, using my thoughts, into an ideal version of myself. I turned my 1,65 meters of height, which I thought was just a tad short, into 1,80. I shaved off excess fat and toned my muscles and brought out the beauty in all my facial features. And in the end I was so.. disappointed. I couldn't even understand why! This was how I always wanted to look like!

"Are you sure? Because it seems to me that you based this on how you would've like to be seen as Peter.. But you don't have to be anymore. Be whatever you want to be! That's what my champion would do.." said Trishda.

I turned back to the model with an invisible frown on my none existent face. After some consideration and with ample amounts of embarrassment, my mind, almost on its own, reshaped the body into that of a similar looking, female individual. Every single lustful image of my nightly, Internet perusals popped into my head and my avatar became curvy but slim, with toned abs and double D sized breasts which were awfully well shaped as every little detail came straight out of my imagination. Suddenly I realized that in my pervy, designing rampage, not only had I left my female form with male genitalia, but I had also made them bigger!

I didn't have a body and yet I could still feel myself becoming red all over out of sheer embarrassment! I was in the presence of a deity and yet I had just created an avatar for myself in the form of a real life Futanari! "I'm.. I'm sorry! I.. I went overboard didn't I?" I stuttered trying to save grace. Trishda paused for a few heart wrenching moments and then, "This.. This is just perfect! Hahaha this is exactly why I chose you, you little perv! Ha, this form represents us entirely! Chaos personified! Man or Woman? Both! That's the appropriate answer coming from the champion of chaos! And besiiiides.. the whole point is for you to live your life unabated! Unrestrained! Remember? DO..WHAT..YOU..WANT!!"

I smiled at Trishda's words and felt, just a little, less ashamed. I could live out my pervy fantasy.. No restrictions as long as I lived my life on the wild side. "Now I just have one small correction to make.." continued Trishda, "In the world you're headed, which is called Sulteros by the way, hermaphrodites are not a thing. In humans that is.. There is a rare species of humanoid, however that live in the desert continent of Acamar, called Arsan. The Arsani are all female in form and are held in the same regard as Succubi from your world, although that assessment is not accurate. They are naturally charismatic, beautiful and some of them are born with male genitalia. They can mate and reproduce with any other sentient race of Sulteros."

As Trishda finished their explanation, my avatar blurred and shifted. It became almost 1.9 meters tall. Her skin was a soft brown or rather dark bronze in shade and had dark markings all over her body. I started immediately fiddling with the design. This is what it came down to. I turned the hair into a dull red color and grew it out, at a length that reached the form's lower back. I widened the hips just a bit and made its butt larger, to tone down the athletic build of the race into something more sexy. I wanted to play into the race's natural seductive ability. I then once again gave the form larger breasts but didn't over do it as I couldn't imagine fighting someone with double F boobs swinging off my chest. A perky double D cup was just fine and already pushing it.

The eyes were black where a human's were white and the Irises had an animalistic yellow tint. I left that as it was as I found them intimidating. I gave the form fuller lips to make her more feminine and less imposing and turned the black markings to gold. It was like someone had stroked her body with a small brush, leaving behind lines of gold paint that started from her eyes like tears.

Finally I concentrated on the penis. It was finally time to get back at life for granting me a smaller than average member in my previous body, as Peter. I firstly increased the girth, making it a few centimeters above average. Then I made the shaft 15 centimeters while flaccid and 22 while fully erect. I made sure to perfect the muscle, so even despite its size, it would still get hard when erect. What good was a big penis if I couldn't use it. I also increased the size of my balls and scrotum, so they would hang low and loose. They were like wallnuts packed inside a low hanging, leathery pouch.

I sighed in relief and gazed upon my sexy futa goddess. Tall, beautiful and with a monster between her legs. Just perfect. "And for the finishing touch.." Trishda said and with a finger made of aether and red energy, poked at the avatar's chest. The body of my futa avatar became even more toned without losing its feminine look. It was as if its muscles and general physique were enhanced by the divine.

[Feat: Blessed Body, obtained. The Champion's body is stronger than normal and only grows stronger. You do not need to exercise in order to stay in shape and your gains from exercising are enhanced. Overeating will not lead to excess fat gain. Mundane illnesses do not effect you.]

"That is amazing! Thank you Lord Trishda!" I almost screamed as I read the description of his boon. This must have been the system they had created to assist my growth as a Core. It was tailored to look like a typical RPG, as they knew that it would be familiar to me. "Now if you're ready we'll take a look at your stats.. after that it will be time for you to begin your new life. I will give you an extra point to allocate so choose wisely!".

The status screen appeared next to my future avatar and I read through it as carefully as I could.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Race: Superior Dungeon Core Lv.1

Avatar: Arsani (Hermaphrodite)

Age: 29

HP: 20/20

MP: 4/4

Physical - 5 (Above Average)

Mental - 3 (Average)

Social - 5 (Above Average)

Magic - 2 (Slightly Below Average)


1) Monster Summoning (Rank 1)

2) Dungeon Manipulation (Rank 1)

3) Aether Cultivation (Rank 1)

Passive Skills

1) Fire Resistance (Rank 1)

2) Natural Allure (Rank 1)


1) Blessed Body (+1 to Physical)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"I must commend you for creating such a fine specimen! Your well crafted avatar gained an extra point in its Physical stat because you toned her muscles so carefully! Now I will grant you 1 extra point for you to allocate. Physical is the stat that governs strength, movement speed, endurance and resilience. Mental governs speed of thought, perception and intelligence. Social of course enhances your ability to bend others to your will and makes you more likeable. Lastly you have Magic which affects mana manipulation, regeneration and your overall ability to cast spells."

I was so happy and yet completely overwhelmed by all the information. But then I frowned. "One point? I only get one? I mean I'm grateful for everything you've given me lord Trishda but that doesn't sound very OP does it? I'm supposed to give em hell right? How am going to fight the champion of justice and the lord of Darkness with just my dingeling?" I said with courage that was quite unlike me, as I felt emboldened by the deity's trust in me. "You cheeky bitch.." they answered with a laugh. "We'll turn you into a champion of chaos in no time! The shy ones are the ones who have the most to show, is what I always said! Fine! I'll give you three points! But remember! The more I invest in you, the more I expect from you! Got it?"

"Yes my lord!" I answered like a goofy soldier then, deciding not to waste my victory, I turned to my avatar in order to invest my stat points.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Race: Superior Dungeon Core Lv.1

Avatar: Arsani (Hermaphrodite)

Age: 29

HP: 30/30

MP: 6/6

Physical - 7 [+2] (Well Above Average)

Mental - 3 (Average)

Social - 5 (Above Average)

Magic - 3 [+1] (Average)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I was going to be placed in a desert nation, in a dungeon located in the wilderness. I invested in my Physical attribute as survival was going to be key, especially in the beginning. I also boosted my Magic a bit to increase my mana, as a lot of my Dungeon Core abilities would stem from that and of course because I wanted to be able to cast magic later on! My social stat was already high for level 1 and my Natural Allure ability would make it slightly easier for me to seduce a mortal sentient being. I also had the Aether Cultivation ability which would allow me to enter a meditative state in which I would be able to collect aether from the cosmos and turn it into mana, mana that could surpass the natural maximum amount I could store in my core! That was Trishda's second blessing! I would also be imbued with general knowledge of my new world as well as the ability to read and write the Arsani language as well as the language of Acamar.

"And with that you are ready my little Champion. Once you reach your new world we won't be able to communicate again.. not soon at least. So I wish you good fortune. May you thrive to sew chaos.. Live life to the fullest in a way that is true for you!"

I smiled and thanked them once more for this blessing as my consciousness faded into my avatar and then into my crystal like core, rocketing through space and time to reach the world of Sulteros. My new life as a Futanari Dungeon Core had just begun!