Wet Dream <3 (Bonus)

**Author: A Bonus chapter for my readers! Something to keep your minds, or hands, busy until Tuesday! Thank you for reading and for voting with your Stones! I hope you are liking the story thus far and I can't wait to share more of it with you. Please enjoy..**

My bed felt especially uncomfortable that night. The pressure had gotten to me for sure and stress had kept me alert and unable to sleep. I had decided on getting some shuteye for the night rather than meditating as to let my mind rest for a few hours. Our enemy was strong and although I had prepared to the best of my abilities, the fear of failure was always present in my thoughts. I rolled over to my other side for what was probably the tenth time in the last hour, desperately searching for that sleep inducing sweet spot. The massive lump of throbbing muscle between my feet wasn't exactly helping either.

Semi-erect, my penis was about 18cm (7 inches) and girthy as always. I tucked it between my thighs, letting it hang limply from the edge of my leg. It pulsed with hot blood on each of my breaths and its veins popped out while my swollen testicles radiated heat as they hung bellow my butt. I reached around with one hand, massaging my balls in an attempt to soothe their tightness and pain but that proved to be a big mistake. The stimulus stretched my penis to 20cm (About 8 inches) and it stiffened a bit. My hips started to sway involuntarily as I dry humped my own legs, the sensation of my soft thighs feeling great against it. The space between my legs soon became wet and slippery with all the pre-ejaculation fluid, allowing my penis to glide between them as I kept humping air, breathing more heavily with each passing moment.

My pent up anxiety and stress were now showing themselves in a very different light. My body urged me to satisfy its more basic desires and relieve it of this pressure. I glanced at Fatná and Sumiré over my shoulder, making sure the girls were still sleeping while trying to figure out how I could masturbate as silently as possible. I finally touched myself, confirming instantly that my penis was soaked in my own fluids. I stroked it with both hands and felt to grow even longer in my hands without becoming hard through. My skin tingled under my touch and pleasure radiated from its head to the shaft and then to the rest of my body. I massaged the head as I pushed it downwards, closer to my lower body. I reached towards my butt with fingers drenched in slippery pre-cum. After massaging the anus gently I forced two fingers inside, applying the natural lubricant internally as well. I squeezed my shaft over my waiting hand, forcing out a handful more and applied it to my anus again, this time putting three then eventually four fingers inside the expanding opening.

With half my palm inside me, I massaged my prostate and my cock's head with my other hand. I had to drown a few moans in my pillow, even biting down on it, out of pleasure. Finally, feeling the itch was just out of my ability to scratch, I force my penis around and into my own anus. A good 15cm (6 inches) of my shaft were now plunged inside me, throbbing and pulsing with my every movement. I fondled my breasts with my left hand and with my right I shoved my shaft in and out of me, stimulating myself in three different ways simultaneously. I pinched my nipples and tugged on them and my large breasts jiggled with every pull. I felt my testicles convulse, ready to eject their ever growing load and I started stabbing myself even faster with my own penis until it finally erupted! A blast of cum flowed through the shaft, making it expand momentarily to accommodate it, before eventually reaching my insides. I squeezed my testicles, desperate to get as much of it drained as possible and I felt a light pressure as I swelled an inch from the warm bodily fluid pushing against my insides. The orgasm gave me a great release but the feeling of warm seed inside me was strangely satisfying as well. So much so that I didn't want it to simply leak out of me just yet, as such I didn't pull my penis out, leaving my still, half-erect monster tucked snuggly like a cork in my butt.

Deciding not to let it go to waste and to also ruin my newly acquired beddings, I summoned my personal Jelly from the hot spring with a telepathic nudge. The now grown jelly bounced excitedly towards me, producing wet rubbery "thumps", until I implored it to move more silently as to not stir my female followers. It crawled into my bed and under my covers, moving slowly towards my butt. I gave it a few mental images of what I wanted and thanked Trishda my little summon didn't have a face for me to look at. I didn't know if it judged me for my lust but at least its eagerness to please me gave me hope that that wasn't the case. It had grown to be almost twice the size of a juvenile Amber Jelly and had much more mass to work with. It extended a pseudopod from its main body, shaping the edge like a butt plug. The jelly tugged my penis until it was freed from the tight hole and quickly jammed the plug in its place as white liquid leaked out. I grabbed on to the bedsheets and pulled as my butt was stretched by its hardened slimy cork. After that it created two rings with its body. One passed over my cock and balls, clamping down tightly at where they connected with my body. The other was passed around the base of my ballsack and tightened as well. My cock was being choked and my swollen balls pulled on tightly, the sensation was great.

Then, my Jelly produced a final appendage from its slimy body. It was like a thin phallic shape which was then shaped into a string of beads, each one bigger than the one before it, with the largest being as big as a marble. The beaded tentacle was slightly longer than my penis was at that moment, about 21cm. It crept closer to it, licking the head and the opening of my urethra, lubing it up with a coating of slime. The plug in my butt, keeping the warm seed trapped inside and the feeling of the tentacle slowly driving itself into my choking cock made my body convulse with pleasure and a desire to orgasm again. The beaded tentacle reached the base of my penis, blocking my urethra until that point, its beads bulging from the tight muscle around them. Not being able to hold back, I grabbed it with both hands and started masturbating intensely, the sensation of the beads and their pressure under my skin driving me crazy. The Jelly even started vibrating its appendage, sending a shock of pleasure up to my balls. My hips lunged forward, sending another explosion of semen up my clamped cock. At first it felt as of the tentacle jamming my urethra would stop the flow of the bodily fluid, but instead absorbed it. A tennis ball sized amber bubble, full of semen, formed in front of my penis as I moaned in my pillow. The Jelly then moved the warm fluid along its translucent body, depositing it inside my belly through the butt plug.

My belly swelled another inch as its milky load was increased, sending tingles throughout my body. But my lewd little servant wasn't done pleasing me. It kept my penis in its bonded state, testicles clamped and urethra blocked, and proceeded to plunge its butt plug in and out of my anus. The tentacle swelled and stretched my hole pleasurably as it continued to ravish me. I could feel it pumping through all the semen collected in my insides making my eyes roll back from ecstasy while I played with my hardened nipples. My prostate was overstimulated and my cock kept leaking semen as my testicles prepared a final load to be released. I pulled my legs back, giving my Jelly full access to plunge as deeply as it could and I drowned any moans and yelps its breeding caused me. Being impaled like this was like having sex with a living fucking machine. Non-tiring, nonstop with a consistent, ever-accelerating rhythm. It reached a point where its fucking became so fast and rough that it was rocking my entire body, my breasts swaying up and down as I stroked my cock with both trembling hands. It reached its full 25cm (Almost 10 inches) just before I clenched my butt and released another blast of cum in a single moment of pure bliss.

My balls finally deflated down to a normal size, having expended everything they had. A bubble of semen, even larger than before, got pumped out of my urethra with a push. The Slime extracted its appendage from my cock's hole and the release was so satisfying. The Jelly pushed all the semen through my butt and into my belly with the rest. It looked as if I had just impregnated myself and I stroked my inflated belly with a fuzzy sensation, discovering a fetish I didn't know I had. It jiggled slightly with the warm seed inside it and the Jelly's plug kept it in place long enough for me to have my fun. When I was done, it reached further inside me, turning its butt plug into a thin tentacle and absorbed all of the semen. It filled itself halfway with the milky white substance before it was over and then absorbed its essence, turning it into Aether and experience points. My little slime shimmered with energy as the semen disappeared into its form. A messaged popped up saying something about its level hitting a max but I was now so exhausted and sleepy that I simply hugged it and got ready to fall asleep.

I pulled my Jelly close snuggling my face into its soft and bouncy body. The jelly actually returned the gesture as if it also was getting comfortable and enjoying the sensation of my skin. With my stress relieved and my anxiety under control I lost myself into the sweet embrace of a good night's rest.