The first Expansion (2/2) <3

**Author here, coming at you with another early suprise update. My hope is for the novel to grow and have a bigger audience to share the story with. Share the love and have a pleasant read! **

I was happy with my gains, although I would have really liked the Terror Bird as a summon. The new skill was most welcome as well! My first active Skill since I became a Dungeon, other than my "Finger Gun". I then checked out my Skill Points. These could be used to raise the Rank of any skill, passive or active, with the exception of my 3 main Dungeon skills. I allocated a point into my Fire Manipulation Magic, raising its Rank to 3. The feeling was amazing, as my knowledge and understanding of this skill deepened on the spot. I immediately knew that I could cast Fire magic with less Mana and time than previously required, without it losing any strength whatsoever. The base damage of Fire spells had gone up as well. I was so tempted to dump the other point in Fire Magic as well but ultimately decided on saving it. A higher Ranked, Minor Regeneration would also come in handy but the Skill was actually close to Ranking-up on its own, so allocating the Skill point there, would be a waste right now. Maybe I would require another skill that would need Ranking-up in the days to come. Moving along with my Level-up, I put my free attribute point in Physical. I was already strong as it was, but I needed to test something. As a Dungeon Avatar, could I surpass what was considered "Peak" condition for my species? The answer was yes..

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Race: Superior Dungeon Core Lv.8

Avatar: Arsani (Hermaphrodite)

Age: 29

HP: 170/170

MP: 21/66

XP: 134/950

Aether: 192

Gold: 800

Physical - 11 (Beyond Peak Condition)

Mental - 3 (Average)

Social - 5 (Above Average)

Magic - 8 (Well Above Average)

Skill Points: 1


1) Monster Summoning (Rank 2)

2) Dungeon Manipulation (Rank 2)

3) Aether Cultivation (Rank 3)

4) Bound (Rank 1)

Passive Skills

1) Fire Resistance (Rank 2)

2) Natural Allure (Rank 1)

3) Minor Regeneration (Rank 1)

4) Fire Manipulation Magic (Rank 3)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I checked my status while removing my sweat drenched clothing. I even tried a standing leap just for the hell of it. It was a good thing my cave ceiling was high because I almost hit my head attempting that! Without holding back, I reached a height of about two meters and had to use my hands to push myself away from the ceiling of my Altar Room. My strong physique, coupled with my new skill would give me a wicked jump! I just needed to watch out not to crack my skull in any tight places.

As I entered my steaming pool for a nice bath, Fisher entered the Altar Room. "Master Minõa, please forgive my intrusion. Are you well?" the large summon said in its ghostly voice.

"I'm ok Fisher, why do you ask?" I responded.

"I can feel your stress through our bond. Your longing for companionship. Sending away your allies placed a burden on you.. You've been struggling for hours to take your mind off of it but we can sense your pain.." the arachnid continued with sympathy underlaying its tone. And.. it was true. I had been struggling with the idea for some time. "After what happened to me a few days ago.. I can't stop worrying about all you guys getting hurt.. I think I forced myself to send them away on an expedition, because I need to learn how to trust in my allies. I can't do all of this on my own and I can't keep everyone safe forever, locked up here with me.. Thank you Fish.. I wasn't even aware that my mind was working overtime to suppress this..".

"There is no need to thank me Master Minoa. I am here to serve and protect you.. Is there anything else I can do?"

"No Fisher, thank you! I think I'll just lay back and relieve some of this pent up anxiety haha" I answered when I noticed my swollen testicles. With everything going on and the girls sharing a room with me until today, I hadn't touched myself for 5 days! I had ignored the pain until now but finally, with the Altar Room all to myself, I could relieve my body of its lust.

"Then let me assist you Master.." offered the arachnid with a steady voice, catching me off guard. "Oh.. I mean.. you don't have to.." I responded, not knowing where this was coming from. "Of course Master, but giving you pleasure would be an honor as well as an opportunity for this loyal summon to become stronger. Mating might take your mind off your troubles for a while. If you wish for privacy however, you need only ask.." he continued. Well.. that was unexpected. I guess Fisher really was loyal to a fault.. Maybe he even felt that he was falling behind on his leveling, because of recent battles taking place outside the Dungeon and away from him. Or did he want to thank me for making him my first Boss monster, with his own dungeon Room? Whatever the case, my mind was telling me to kindly decline but my eyes kept darting to his writhing tentacle-like appendages. Their length, girth and slimy coating made them look like long penises. The longer I took to think about it the harder my cock grew, untill half the shaft was above water.

"Tell me to stop the moment you feel uncomfortable my Master.." Fisher said while slowly extending his claw forward and sending his "mating feelers" in my direction. I hadn't spoken a word but my body was probably begging him to do it through our telepathic connection. At least he got one thing right.. At that moment I wasn't thinking about absolutely anything else. I turned my back to him and crawled on all fours, up the stairs leading out of my pool. My feet were still inside the warm waters when two of his feelers wrapped around my thighs, spreading them apart from each other, leaving my long cock dangling between them. His next two feelers wrapped around my waist and the base of my balls respectively. He tugged tightly on my swollen cock and balls at their base, keeping the blood from rushing into them. His four remaining feelers started slithering across my body. They caressed my curves, massaged my breasts and ran up and down in between my butt cheeks, lathering me up with their slime.

I moaned softly as my muscles twitched from pleasure. I let my body relax, letting go of it all.. I felt the thin feelers pushing against my anus, massaging my prostate and injecting it slowing with their slippery lubricant by penetrating it just slightly. It felt more like a large finger than a penis and I could barely feel it entering my body with all that lubrication. But as I placed my head on the smooth marble floor for support, I could look back from under my feet and saw Fisher's "depository feeler" extending towards me. This was the tentacle used for actual mating, the rest were just to secure the female in place. This appendage was three times as girthy and even had a visible "head" instead of a smooth edge. It looked like a large purple mushroom, dripping with what I assume was Fisher's seed. I braced myself for pain but literally couldn't wait. It made contact with my anus and kept pushing forward slowly and steadily. My ass stretched and small tingles of pain and pleasure shot through my body at once. The head was quite large and it opened my anus wide until it finally pushed through with a slurping sound!

I let out a sharp moan as it pressed against my prostate and stretched my ass apart. Fisher then started to move the feeler in and out, rocking my entire body back and forth! The large penile appendage only penetrated lightly at first but as the moments passed, reached inside me a good 20cm! My eyes nearly rolled back as my prostate was being roughly massaged and Fisher kept speeding up his movement. Even though my cock was being chocked by Fisher's firm tentacle grip, it kept on spraying small bursts of cum every few seconds. I felt a new sensation suddenly, as something wrapped around my cock and balls, sucking on them as I was still being penetrated. I hadn't orgasmed yet but I could feel all the excess cum and pre-cum, being sucked out of me as soon as they were produced. Fisher then pulled out his feeler, which produced a popping sound as soon as it freed itself from my tight ass. He jammed it back in roughly only to pull it back out again. He continued this teasing for a few more seconds.. My ass loosened up to the point, his large cockhead didn't cause pain when it entered me. I could only feel the rough brush of flesh against my prostate and I let everything out with an exasperated moan.

My cum filled the clammy space that kept my cock and balls in a tight hold. It was immediately sucked away and the suction persisted, keeping my cock constantly drained and swollen. Fisher then released me from his grasp. I was about to thank him for pleasuring me when I felt his feelers readjusting their grip on my body! We weren't done? His eight feelers grasped my thighs, waist and arms, suspending me in midair, facing up. His large penile appendage came back, jamming itself into me and pounding away more fiercely than ever! I could feel it swell and convulse just like my cock would when I was about to cum and the idea brought me closer to another orgasm. The feeler reached deeper and deeper untill it was pounding against my very core. My monstrous minion could no longer hold back its pleasure! It sent out its suction feeler, the one used normally to collect moisture from caves and it clamped on my cock once more, engulfing even my balls. The strong muscles of the appendage convulsed in conjunction, sucking on my genitals with everything they had. Then, with a strong spasm, Fisher reached his climax, sending a pulse of liquid down the shaft of his feeler and into me. My stomach swelled as the feeler deposited a large amount of seed that slightly dripped out of my anus once the appendage was removed. The feeling made me blast another load into the suction tentacle and Fisher quickly absorbed that as well, letting out as satisfied grunt after his own orgasm.

I was gently placed back in the warm water, clutching my enlarged belly that jiggled with Fisher's seed. "I hope this was to your satisfaction Master Minõa.. I apologize for my roughness.. Mating with you was very pleasurable.. I should have expected no less.." said my summon with a tremble in his voice that was quite unlike him. "I guess we were both in for a surprise tonight.." I answered before the System messages stormed my consciousness.

[ You have granted 43XP to "Fisher" ]

[ You have granted 58XP to "Fisher". *PING* Deep Fisher summon has reached Lv.5 ]

[ Large quantity of "Deep Fisher" essence detected. Assimilate and produce "Dire Cave Fisher Lv.5"? ]

"Do what now?" I said after reading the new notification. Fisher seemed taken aback by my sudden reaction. Before he could ask what was going on, I accepted the prompt. My belly suddenly became flat again, as all of Fisher's "essence" was absorbed by my body, becoming Aetherial energy. I raised a hand, pointing it towards the ground a few meters away from us and through swirling Aether particles, a new shape started to form. After a few seconds, a newborn Dire Cave Fisher stood there, looking at us both with awe. It quickly swelled in size and its level reached 5 before coming to a stop. After detecting my trait, the System imparted even more power to the Arachnid, pushing it to level 7 and raised its Physical attribute by 2 points as well. I was speechless and I could sense Fisher's feelings of complete adoration for me through our psychic bond. "Your power truly knows no bounds Master Minoa! You never seize to amaze this humble follower.." the Cave Fisher cried out piously. Not only was this summon higher level than normal but also hadn't cost me a single Mana point. It would appear there was more to being an Arsàni Hermaphrodite than just being a woman with a penis. Sharing characteristics of both sexes seemed to extend beyond physical appearance as I had somehow been gifted the ability to magically reproduce in a Male and Female capacity. "Huh... I didn't know I could do that..." I said unceremoniously, stunned by my own awkward powers.