Undying Ambition (2/2)

I dispelled any regret and doubt from my mind, focusing on the battle and the real enemy! The horde was now just outside my entrance, ready to storm the first cave with sheer numbers! Twenty zombies ran into the entrance cave at once, trying to destroy any Cave Fisher webbing and the critters themselves! They crawled on the walls as if they were spiders themselves, using their dark vision to scout for prey! Soon, they all got stuck in thick webs and yet no Cave Fisher was found.. "If you're going to play dirty, so will I.." I said before giving Fatná a nod. My follower shot her last burning projectile up the cavern leading to the Entrance Cave, lighting it ablaze! The silk quickly caught fire and 18 zombies were roasted alive, while two got away with severe burns. I had no eyes on the Ghoul but I knew he was pissed, as twenty more zombies ran through, stepping on charred corpses and burning cinders. At that moment, a small sphere fell unnoticed from the cave's ceiling. It exploded on impact with the ground, filling the cave and cavern with a thick black smoke! The undead fumbled around, blinded and disoriented. The few that managed to clear the cavern, met their end and the tip of my scimitar's swing. Other fell into spiked covered pit traps, while some were hacked down by my Cave Fishers, hiding in holes in the narrow cavern.

I grabbed a zombie Vorska by the scruff and lifted it up like it was nothing. Surely it weighed at least 35 kilos and yet I held it in one hand, with a grip so tight it could barely move. I slammed it against the nearest wall, squashing its repulsive head. "Fall back! The main body of the horde will pass through any moment now!". My allies complied with the order, leaving a field of thorny bushes between us and the cavern's exit. All the forces of the main cave, coyotes, the girls and myself were assembled, waiting, hands sweating against the toughness of our weapons. A sea of horrific humanoid abominations, erupted from the dark cavern! The thorny vines and bramble barely slowed them down. "Loose!!" Fatná yelled! She and her daughter fired two shots of exploding ammunition into the thick of the horde, where their numbers were in a tight formation due to the constricting width of the cavern. The walnut sized shells exploded with a dull, fiery "bamf", injuring several zombies and setting at least one ablaze, per every shot. I also shared in their efforts, peppering the zombies pouring forth with my Finger Gun. It was simply impossible to miss and I felt the experience and Aether points rush into me with every killing blow! However.. My shots could only hit a single target at a time and my followers ran out of explosive ammo after only a few shots each. Our enemy was legion.. we had them outmatched but not outnumbered!

The zombies pushed through our attack with mindless determination! I could feel the Ghoul affecting them, giving orders and coordinating his attack.. but where was he? The ranged fighters fell back to give support as my monsters and I, charged the massive horde. Only Fiona and her pack stayed behind, picking off strays as they tried to rush our rangers. Scimitar slashed flesh as I danced surrounded by dozens of Vorska. My technique was not designed for such small an opponent.. it was for dueling but.. with a few tweaks I had managed to make it my own, finding new ways to implement its form. If I had more time maybe I could have developed fighting Skills or even a Class but this was not the time for complaining.

My Jellies were of course the first of our casualties. They fought valiantly and even managed to take some zombies down with them, thanks to the coordination of the Oozes. Acidic tentacles battered the undead around, searing their rotting flesh, as the Oozes' gelatinous bodies absorbed physical blows with ease! Blu was even more amazing, bouncing on zombies, melting them with their acidic, solidus body two or even three at a time, before lashing out with four powerful tentacles of their own. The zombies' claws barely even phased them and their regeneration was making sure they would last even longer, before needing to retreat to their lake for safety. I was determined not to lose any of my named monsters this day! Fiona's Enervating Howl, echoed through the large cave, bolstering our forces with extra speed and strength while the enemy withered away under the influence of my mist.

In a few minutes the two forces were more evenly numbered as my summons tore apart the attacking force. Not without cost however. We had lost almost all our Jellies and Blu retreated to the bottom of their pool after sustaining too much damage. I was left with my three Oozes, one amber Jelly, the three Coyotes and my two followers. There were at most two dozens zombies left, pushing us slowly towards Fisher's cave. I shouted for everyone to retreat and we ran into the silk covered Boss-Room. Our enemy pursued mindlessly, having no previous knowledge of my Dungeon as they were all newborns. I was ready to celebrate early when I saw about ten more rush after their brethren! Another "on the spot" summon! Was the Ghoul even IN the Dungeon? I could feel its presence but couldn't see it. Could it become invisible?

I fell back, allowing my allies and trapped terrain take care of our enemies for a while. Extending my senses to every part of the Dungeon, I concentrated of the Ghoul's presence, trying to single him out from every other being. After a moment I was able to do just that, but was surprised by my findings. It seemed the Ghoul had been tunneling through my cave walls for some time now! He was bypassing all my defences and was headed to my Core Room! Of course he was.. This was an evil, disgusting undead after all.. It didn't care about Dungeon rules or etiquette. It had a single-minded ambition and it was going to pursue it to the end. "The Ghoul is headed for the Altar Room! I'm going there to face it, you take care of these things!" I yelled to my allies before storming off in a hurry.

There were protests and pleads for caution but I couldn't stop. I had to intercept it before it got to my Core and used it as a leverage against me or my own. I ran down the hidden cavern, mostly sliding on the steep ground. When I entered the Altar Room I was greeted by the sight of an open tunnel on a wall and the Ghoul advancing towards my Core, saliva dripping from its open maw and low hanging tongue. It extended a hand towards my crystal Core as it slowly turned to face me. A malevolent grin slowly appearing on its horrible visage. By the time however it turned towards me, the only thing it managed to see, was my fist speeding towards its face. The punch connected with an audible *crack*, sending the undead flying two meters back and crashing on the floor. It had to reset its jaw before getting up again. Standing between it and my Core, I sheathed my scimitar and cracked my knuckles. "I could just slash your head off but I want this to be slow and painful.." I said, trying to sound as intimidating as possible. The Ghoul simply smiled and continued its mad, low voiced cackling.

"My beautiful Core.. I don't need that crystal thing.. I was just trying to draw you close, away from all the rabble!" it responded, pacing up and down while staring into my eyes like a starved predator. "Your Core could make me more powerful, that is true.. But your beautiful Avatar?" he continued while licking his lips and teeth creepily. "It could mother an entire army for me! In return, your Dungeon and Core will be under my protection!". Suddenly, the memory of how my body was able to absorb the essence of Fisher and "produce" a new high-level minion with no Mana cost was front and center in my mind! I finally realized what he was talking about! Why he wanted me so badly! "So that's you're endgame!? That's what this is all about.. You literally want me to mother an entire army for you..".

"Yes! Not just a horde of weak Vorska zombies.. An army, my love.. With your strength and my Gene Manipulation skill.. We could produce much more powerful undead and conquer the dunes!!" It raved as spittle flew from its busted jaw. At that point I had to make a move. I stepped forward menacingly and right on queue, the Ghoul took in a massive inhale! With a hiss, it let out a cloud of white vapor, covering most of my Altar Room and reducing visibility by a lot. The vapor itself didn't smell any different than mist or the morning dew. I felt my muscles relax and parts of my face go numb.

[ Paralyzing Mist skill has been activated! You are in the effect zone. ]

I nodded in understanding. He didn't want to destroy my Core or fight me. It needed me alive.. long enough for him to corrupt or scare me into submission. My scabbard clanged on the hard floor as I stumbled ahead. I fell to one knee, my hands falling to the side for support. "Its fine my love.. Let the mists numb you.. I shall take you somewhere where we will be undisturbed.." he whispered with the voice of a corpse trying to speak. I let my body fall to the ground, unmoving and relaxed. I could feel its clawed fingers running down my back and thighs before grabbing and lifting me. He was surprisingly strong. To be able to lift me even though he was almost two thirds of my size was quite the feat. I could see us rushing towards the tunnel, then only earth and darkness passing us by. I heard the cries of my allies and the telepathic connection with my summons screamed in agony, as they entered the Altar Room victorious, only to see me being abducted. I concentrated, sending a message through the Aether. The panicking seized and was replaced with worry and sorrow. I closed my eyes, ready to endure the rest of my trip.. this descent into darkness.

• • •

When my body had finally settled in one place, undisturbed, alone.. I finally opened my eyes. I had been placed in a sizeable dungeon cell, complete with heavy metallic bars preventing any escape. There was a cold stone bed and nothing more, other than a pair of ancient manacles, eaten away by rust. The design, metals used and lack of any light pointed towards this being deeply underground and not human in make. It almost looked like a ancient dwarven structure, like those from books or videogames. I picked myself up, taking note of how cold I felt. With just a glance I quickly confirmed what I had previously felt while having my eyes closed. My clothes were missing.. I wore only a breast cloth that served mostly as a bra and my sandals. My privates were dangling freely with only the cock-ring I had bought passed around them. The golden ring was tightly clamped around the base of my scrotum, keeping my cock and balls hanging loosely just a few centimeters away from my body. I had bought the accessory a few days prior, something to keep the blood from rushing to my junk every few minutes, although it barely did anything against my Arsani appetite for carnal satisfaction. The sensation of my long shaft dangling freely as my big balls hanged loose behind it messed with my concentration as I started dripping fluids.

I checked the bars of my cells and they seemed to be made of some sort of black, glass-like material. It almost cut into my skin when I touched them. Inspecting the world outside the cell, I was surprised to see an ancient underground city unfold before my eyes. It looked deserted and in ruins but had a certain air of forgotten splendor to it. There were lamps fitted with emerald colored crystals, that gave the entire city an ominous green glow that contrasted the black materials used in many of the structures. My cell along with many others, were located in what seemed to be a tall building or tower, near the center of the city. I could spot darting movements, like small people, rushing from one corner to another, always ducking behind cover. I knew they weren't people however, not living ones at least. A chuckle from a dark corner drew me out of my investigation. My night vision could make out the Ghoul's form, flanked by a few of his undead, walking towards my cell. He eyed my body, head to toe while licking his lips, his elongated tongue swirling around. "I see your already wet with anticipation.. so am I.. " he stated with an evil smile as he removed his loincloth and approached even closer without his minions. At first there was nothing between his legs, only smooth skin. A slit finally became visible and something pushed aside the flaps of skin from inside his body until a very girthy shaft appeared. It must have been around 15cm, pale as him but with a purple head that had lumps of skin, shaped like small spikes all over it. He grabbed the head, squeezing out a few drops of purple "seed" as he opened the cell door with his other hand. He exhaled a small cloud of his Paralyzing Mist at me as he entered. After he was in the cell, he locked the door behind him as I stepped back.

"Relax my love.. Let's take our time. I could just deposit my seed in you and be done with it but.. I want this to be slow and painful.." he said followed by his mad laughter.