Undying Lust (3/3)

The cowardly Undead was finally ready to show its true colors. It scurried away whimpering, like a whipped dog while commanding its zombies to get in the way of me trying to reach him. I had fallen to one knee at that point but the Mist's paralyzing effects were already wearing off. Four zombies burst through the cell door, trying to rush me all at once. They were small but not small enough for this cramped space. There numbers ment nothing here, against an opponent with superior abilities. I grabbed the first assailant by the neck and used it to block clawed slashes from the next two zombies. Once the Undead let up I hammered them to the ground using their kin as a blunt weapon, killing it in the process. The fourth Undead managed to tackle me and slash at my exposed chest. Clutching its clawed arm I flung it against the wall as I hard as I could. Dust fell from the ceiling following the audible *THUMP* of flesh crashing against hard stone. I kicked one fallen zombie in the face, hard enough to break its neck and fling it outside the cell. The other fallen zombie grabbed onto my ankle, bitting into my calve and I yelped from the unexpected pain. Raising my foot high, I caused the small humanoid to fall down once more. Exposed as it was, I simply brought my sandaled foot down on its skull, cracking it like a rotten watermelon.

The last surviving zombie picked itself up and clarity finally reached its Undead mind. Without the Ghoul here to control it, it wasn't inspired by undying zealotry any longer. Seeing the futile battle come to an end, it ran towards the open door, escape and survival being now the sole focus of its thought. A pulsing bead of flame impacted the back of its head, sending it to the ground once more. It tried crawling away but a hard stomp to the back of its spine fixed that. The Undead left behind no Cores, Gold or extra rewards.

[ x4 Vorska Bloodseeker Lv.5 defeated. 80xp gained! 50 Aether points awarded! ]

[ *PING* Level up! You have reached Level 10. Your Avatar is ready to Evolve. Find a Safe Zone or return to your Domain in order to review your Evolutionary options and proceed with the metamorphosis. Estimated time of completion: 1 hour. ]

I hadn't gotten an Attribute Point to spend but an evolution? That sounded even cooler! However the system had a point.. I was far from home and even further from safety. I couldn't complete the Level-up without at least finding a Safe Zone. Now, what did that look like? I walked outside the cell while pondering this. I looked around for any pursuing Undead but it seemed clear. The frightened Ghoul was probably licking its wounds for now. I searched the nearby area and finally managed to find what seemed to be an abandoned armory next to a barracks. Inside there, I found some rotten chests, one of which contained most of my items as well as my torn armor. I sighed at the sight of it and cursed the fact that I wasn't able to use Trishda's shop while outside me Dungeon. I repurposed my kimono styled blouse into a half-skirt to cover my dangling genitals. The improvised loincloth left my left thigh completely uncovered and was barely long enough to cover my semi-erect penis as it hung between my legs. I adjusted the cloth I was using as a bra before wearing my leather vest armor on top of it and that was about it. I only had my scimitar, a pouch of paralyzing powder and my Mana Regen potion to pick up after that.

As I proceeded to the outskirts of the ancient city, trying to move away from any nest the abominable Ghoul might have built, I gazed upon the glowing green skyline of ruined towers in awe. Although I had been conscious for the trip down here I had no idea how deep I was beneath the earth's surface. What could this place be, or rather have been? What sort of people leaved here before the Vorska came along? I knew for a fact that the Vorska were a monster race akin to Molemen, they were not capable of this level of ingenuity. Being familiar with the standard races of this world, I had no idea what I was looking at, meaning these people were either rare or extinct! Reaching the edge of the city I barricaded myself inside an abandoned watchtower. It was small, had an embrasure and was easily defendable. Here I could rest and *RUMBLE*. My train of thought was interrupted by a loud rumble followed by a pain caused by my contracting stomach. "Ah shit.." I thought. I was hungry.. I had almost forgotten the feeling after just one month of feeding on Mana instead of poorly cooked food. Outside my Dungeon I had all the needs of a normal human. Meaning I would need to find water and food soon. "Maybe.. this would go faster if I had a helper.." I said with a smirk, while rubbing my belly. I didn't have the Progeny skill yet but I had already assimilated the new monster essence. That meant I could produce a creature once and also keep the blueprint for later.

" I also stole the Chimera skill and I don't even know what it does! Let's see what we're working with here.."

[ Chimera (Rank 1): When the user is working with Monster Editing skills, Chimera allows them to splice creature blueprints to produce hybrid monsters. At Rank 1, Chimera can only work with the same species of Monster and only for minor features. For example giving a Fox the claws of another Beast type monster. At higher Ranks the user will be able to give that Fox the wings of a Bat, which is a major feature. Later on, Chimera will even allow splicing features from different species. Such as giving the Fox features of an Elemental or Humanoid, if they have the blueprints. ]

"Very cool.." I exclaimed, anxious to experiment with the skill once I was safe back home. "Too bad I don't have any other Monster Race blueprints to splice with what I'm carrying inside of me.. And I know I can't use Monster Edit because I'm not in my domain. Well.. it is what it is.. Let's take a look at what we made.." I said referring to the Ghoul. I pointed my palm outward, towards a free space in front of me and concentrated on molding the essence into a creature. Normally, as I had discovered with Fisher, this process was free of charge with my summons but when done like this, there was a toll to pay for the creation. Thankfully my mana reserves were massive, considering everything that had happened. My Mana points were at 190, so I started pumping energy into my creation and waited to see how much it would take. To my surprise, after exceeding 10 points, the process didn't stop. This worried me a bit but I was mostly curious. After 20 points there was still nothing! Was this a "give as much as you will" kind of thing? I reluctantly decided to stop at 30 points and see what would happen, hoping for the best.

Blue ribbons of energy whisped out of me as my belly deflated. The Mana coalesced into a humanoid sha.. No.. TWO HUMANOID SHAPES! Bones, organs, muscle and skin were sculpted from energy, becoming living matter. Two humanoid monsters now stood before me, neither Arsan or Vorska.. Something new..

[ New blueprint discovered! Type: Monster Race. Will you name the new Blueprint? ]

They were both barely a meter tall. Their skin had a bronze hue like mine but more reddish instead of dark. They had four fingers instead of the three, common to Vorska, wiry black hair and pointy ears. One was male and the other female. The male's hair was just a tuft of black while the female's was more filled in, enough to be shaped in a braided ponytail. I would seem that my Arsani blueprint had given them a little hair on their head, in contrast to their Vorksa heritage. They also had my eyes. Black retinas and yellow irises, although theirs seemed to be even better suited to see in the dark, as they glared slightly like a cat's. They also had retractable claws for digging and their three toes were large, encrusted with a rock-like substance with sharp tips making them perfect for climbing. Sadly, my "Caves of the Strong" feat didn't apply itself to them. Wether this was due to them being created outside my domain or because the nature of their creation was unique, I could not say. "The Arsan Avatar has proven to be quite the cheat but I guess it has its limits.." I said and the two creatures looked at each other in confusion.

"Oh I'm sorry.. Hello there, can you speak?"

"Yes.." said the male sheepishly. They only wore small pieces of cloth that hid their privates. I guess we were on the same boat concerning that one. "Are you the Master?" said the female, standing a bit more confident. I knelt in front of them before answering. Oh my Trishda, they were barely teens!

"Yes, I am Lady Minõa.."

"What are we?" the little bugger interrupted me. "Well.. You are unique.." I almost stuttered trying to find the correct words. "I created you by combining two other species, you are the first of your kind.. Uhhhh.. Var.. Ask.. Vorsani! We will call your people Vorsani! And as for you.. I have the perfect pair of names for you!"