Progenitors (3/3)

Exotic energies poured out of them and were absorbed by her small body. Eve felt a great power surging inside of her! She nodded to herself and started distributing her newly attained points and powers.

[ *Red* Lesser Power Shard has been absorbed. Physical Skill has been identified. "Slasher" has been raised to Rank 2. "Slasher" has been augmented. Slasher: Your claws become natural weapons when infused with your Mana. Their attacks cause an additional 10% damage. Your claws now have 10% armor piercing capabilities. ]

[ *Green* Lesser Mastery shard has been absorbed. 100xp have been gained. 1 Skill Point has been gained. ]

[*PING* Level Up! Level 5 reached! You have 4 unassigned Attribute Points for distribution! ]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Race: Vorsani Lv.5

Sex: Female

Age: 17

HP: 40/40

MP: 6/6

XP: 66/220

Physical - 7 (+3) ( Well Above Average)

Mental - 3 (Average)

Social - 3 (Average)

Magic - 4 (+1) (Average)


1) Scrapper (Rank 3) (+2)

Passive Skills

1) Burrower (Rank 1)

2) Slasher (Rank 2)

3) Natural Armor (Rank 1)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Eve quickly invested all of Attribute and Skill points in the skills she had come to rely on most. Her body pulsed with excess energy and her muscles, height and power grew to keep up with it! After a few heart pounding moments, she was an inch taller than Adam and much more muscular, with broad shoulders and strong looking arms. Her body was covered in rocky scales in her most vital areas and also around her cheeks, waist and forearms. Her new passive skill provided some moderate protection against piercing and slashing attacks, which couldn't have come at a better time! She was ready and not a moment too soon, as the Zombies started pouring in the watchtower one by one! A few managed to enter via the embrasure while others squeezed through the crack on the collapsed ceiling. By feeding a single Mana point to her ability, "Scrapper", the female Vorsani sprang into action! The ability could now last up to 20 seconds, increasing her agility and reaction speed, 2.0 times their normal limits. She flipped over incoming claw attacks while simultaneously answering with her own! Her black, razor-like nails slashed through rotten flesh like a hot knife through butter, felling the vile creatures as soon as they appeared. However, there seemed to be no end to them..

Adam administered some extra medication to his creator and loomed over her protectively while the fight raged on. Her fever seemed to have dropped slightly but he could only tell by her breathing and general appearance. Her temperature was closer to that of a metal ingot after spending a few seconds in a blast furnace! Adam was certain this effect was somehow related to his master's transformation and not her ailment. He turned to face towards Eve and saw his comrade execute a perfect summersault that transitioned into an axe kick. The attack collided with a zombie's head, resulting in its skull caving in with a disgusting crunch. Adam winced at the sight before taking out his remaining crystal. This one shone with a yellow, earthy light. He wanted to gift it to Lady Minõa so badly and receive her praise and admiration. But.. one after the other, Vorksa zombies kept throwing themselves at Eve. Her growth as a warrior had been astounding to say the least but even like this, she couldn't take on so many of them alone. A crystal wouldn't be able to substitute for Eve if anything were to happen to her.. Not for Lady Minõa.. and certainly not for him..

[Achievement unlocked! "Apprentice Healer" You have successfully administered first aid to someone, allowing them to come back from critical condition. 50xp awarded. ]

[ Achievement unlocked! "Apprentice Brewer": You have successfully concocted either a Herbal, Alchemical or Alcohol based potion for the first time. 50xp awarded. 1 Skill point awarded. ]

[ *Ping* Level up! Level 4 reached! You have, 2 unassigned Attribute Points! ]

*CRACK* Adam shattered the crystal with a forceful squeeze and its energies empowered him with a great wave of Mana that surged inside him, pushing against his maximum capacity to the point where it expanded to accommodate the influx!

[ Lesser Mana shard (Earth Affinity) has been absorbed. "Earth Manipulation Magic" (Rank 1) Skill gained. "Compress Earth" spell gained. Your maximum Mana reserves have increased by 5%. ]

After analysing his gains, Adam pushed aside his eagerness and enthusiasm, concentrating on his Level Up!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Race: Vorsani Lv.4

Sex: Male

Age: 17

HP: 0/120

MP: 9/9

XP: 0/30

Physical - 3 (Average)

Mental - 6 (Beyond Average)

Social - 3 (Average)

Magic - 6 (+2) (Beyond Average)


1) Appraisal (Rank 1)

Passive Skills

1) Burrower (Rank 1)

2) Fortune's Favourite (Rank 1)

3) Earth Manipulation Magic (+1) (Rank 2)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Adam reached down, allowing his open palm to hover just above the damp soil that had filled this collapsed tower ages ago. By spending a Mana point, he suffused the dirt with his power, extending his manipulation magic to it. The earth clumped into three small spheres of highly compressed dirt and small stones. The craters left behind suggested the lumps of collected earth, should way about ten kilos each. However, Adam picked up the first one with ease, as if he were holding the perfect skipping rock and lobbed it at the amassing enemy. His Earth Manipulation Magic made the sphere feel weightless in his hand and in a sense, almost as an extension of himself. He felt he could guide its course even after having thrown it, by manipulating its rotation. The projectile, propelled by kinesis and Mana alike, sailed through the air with impressive speed until finally finding its mark. A Vorksa zombie was pushed off its feet as its sternum cracked under the weight and speed of the earthen missile.

Adam transformed into a humanoid canon, lobbing his lumps of compressed earth one after the other. The shots were aimed away from Eve's skirmish as to not accidentally hit her. His contribution however kept a few stray Vorska zombies away from her while she fought her own opponents. His magic allowed most shots to find their mark but even so.. some missed. His Mana was draining rapidly and their foe's numbers were great. Nine Mana points ment 26 shots. At fifteen of those shots Adam had managed to hit 11 Zombies, killing 6 of them instantly. The rest however were simply incapacitated for a few precious moments. Eve would whirl around and slash at a downed zombie every few seconds, finishing it off. The female warrior was also tired at this point. Fatigue made her steps heavy and less graceful with every passing moment.

They both started making mistakes.. Small errors that could prove fatal in a skirmish like this. Eve stumbled after attempting a round kick, resulting in two Vorksa pushing her to the ground. The surrounding zombies managed to score a few hits against her while in this condition. Luckily most of their clawing attacks, scraped off of her rock-like scales but other tore flesh and bruised skin after their impact. She killed her first assailant by frantically stabbing at his face with her sharpened claws. The second was thrown off her after being hit with a ten kilo lump of earth in the face. Adam's next shot however, slipped from his hand and went wide, hitting a wall and dispersing harmlessly. He reached for the next lump and found only one waiting for him. He attempted to create more but nothing happened, his mana completely drained. Adam grabbed the small weaponised piece of earth and rushed to his kin's side, helping her to her feet.

"Eve.. I don't know if we can.."

"No!" The female cut him off with a severe look. "We stay and fight! We do not abandon Master!"

"But Lady Minõa said.."

"I know what she said Dum-dum! But I can't leave her! I can't!"

Adam looked upon the resolved warrior with pride. He didn't have the strength to disobey his creator but Eve was willing to, if that meant saving her. "Then we will face them together.." he told her. Eve turned to face another wave of foes that were attempting to squeeze through again bit not before flashing him an honest smile. Adam stepped behind her. Raising his lump of compressed earth over her head. He couldn't save his creator.. the zombies would kill him and his counterpart before eventually getting to her. The least he could do is honor Lady Minõa's final command and save Eve. She would hate him for it most likely.. but at least she would get to see a second day in this beautiful new world. His arm muscles tensed as he prepared to strike the unaware warrior at the back of her head. Five zombies had crawled inside the confined space and at least five more were clawing at the embrasure to enlarge the passageway!

Eve had no Mana.. no stamina.. She could barely stand but her feet's muscles were tightening in order to lunge at the the newly appeared enemy. Even if it were for a last glorious time. Adam's sweaty grip on his weapon tightened and he began his swing for Eve's head. He would tunnel them both out and run for the surface. It would be close.. but he could do it.. he had to do it!! A torrent of red and yellow flashed overhead and both Vorsani fell to the ground for cover. The assaulting Vorska were hit by wave of intense flame midair. All five were incinerated almost entirely. Both Vorsani turned back to see Minõa on her feet, stumbling but very much capable of moving around. Their creator ordered them aside with a simple nod of her head and they followed without complaint, their eyes glued on her as she began to glow red again. Her hair had grown down to her lower back and turned a more vibrant red that contrasted nicely with her dark bronze skin and golden markings. She also sported a new fire red marking over her heart, in the shape of a tribalistic flaming sun.

Once her creations were clear, Minõa took a deep breath before exhaling a gout of fire out of the embrasure, as it was being assaulted by half a dozen zombies. The flames blasted out from the opening killing most of the monsters and scorching the few that survived. The Arsani then followed up with another jet of flames but this time aimed towards the ceiling and its comprimising large crack. Several Vorksa zombies were destroyed while clawing through the stone in order to enter. The two Vorsani huddled together in a corner, gazing upon their creator with awe and a slight hint of fear. Adam looked down at his hand and the lump of earth he was still squeezing to the point that it was coming undone. He threw it away in regret and hugged Eve tightly as she continued to look ahead. Minõa looked ragged and yet she radiated with such power compared to them, that all remaining zombies scattered now that she was awake. "What... What are you doing?" Eve asked once everything calmed down. Her cheeks flushed but her naturally red colored skin hid most of her embarrassment. She was trying to push away Adam when Minõa knelt besides them, making them both pause.

The large Arsani wrapped her muscular arms around them and pulled them both in for a tight hug. "Thank you.." she said with an honest voice. "I'm so sorry you had to endure that on your own.. I'm so proud of you..". Adam and Eve let out a breath they had been holding in since forever.. Relief washed over them and their eyes watered slightly. "Lady Minõa.. can we go home now?" Adam asked. "Yes.. we will go home.. But we have to make sure these things stay away from it..". answered the Arsani. "So we get to kill more of them?" said Eve. Minõa looked at the ancient city through the destroyed embrasure with a stone cold expression, the memory of the Ghoul coming back to her. "All of them.." she said finally.