Procreation (1/3) <3

By expending a chunk of my collected Aether energy I recreated Fisher's Monster Core. The form of the scorpion-like creature took shape around the orb of power and in a few moments he stood before me, his large pincers lowered submissively. " My Master.. I failed you.. I.." the large cave Fisher paused as I knelt in front of him and embraced his upper half in a hug. "You did everything you could.." I reassured him and I believed what I had said wholeheartedly. He placed one of his pincers on my back, trying awkwardly to hug me back. "It gives me much joy to have back my Lady." exclaimed the arachnid through our bond. He had reached level 9 with the combat and experience he had received from it. "Our forces have dwindled to almost nothing once again.. It's time to build up our strength, will you help me?" I said and the Boss monster puffed up its upper body and raised itself on its fore legs. "Whatever you need my Lady!".

Now it was my turn to prepare myself and I took a deep breath before pausing awkwardly. "You.. remember how together we were able to produce a stronger minion without even expending Mana, correct?" I finally asked and my summon innocently agreed without following my lewd train of thought. "Fisher.. I want you to breed me.." I said and I could feel myself becoming red all over. Fisher simply placed a pincer on my thigh in a supportive gesture. "I am yours to command my Lady.. It would be a pleasure and and honor to be your mate once more! And.. I will take pride in the fact that some of this domain's new defenders will be my brood as well as yours! I was reassured by my summon's willingness and could feel his eagerness and enthusiasm through our bond. My little Fisher.. When I first arrived here and met him, he could fit in the palm of my hand. My oldest surviving minion and most loyal by far. "Thank you Fish.." I said and gave him a small peck on the top of his chitinous armored head. He extended a claw to me and I held it as the large arachnid began escorting me to his silky boss room.

Spinner and the remaining male Deep Fisher were busy fixing up the room by replacing any destroyed silk and reinstalling traps where they could. With a telepathic nudge from Fisher they both scurried to their nesting area. I loosened up the knot to my robe as I approached a loosely hanging, curtain of silk. Its two ends were connected to opposite walls, so.. instant hammock. I didn't have time to take a seat however. Fisher's tentacle-like feelers came from behind, snaking across my body. They slipped under my robe, loosening up the clothing until it fell off my shoulders, leaving me wearing nothing besides my cock ring. My balls hung low, having swollen to the size of small oranges and my penis, although flaccid had to be at least 20cm in length and as girthy as it usually was during a full erection. I wondered if this was because of my evolution or if there was something else I was missing. Besides.. I couldn't exactly concentrate as Fisher's tentacles massaged my breast after wrapping themselves around their base. Thankfully my double D sized chest had remained the same size, any bigger and I wouldn't be able to fight effectively. My sensitive nipples had hardened and I started playing with them as Fisher caressed my entire body, finally slipping a girthy tentacle between my thighs. He moved the appendage back and forth, not only rubbing my anus and vagina but also lubing them up.

His slimy coating mixed with my own fluids running down my vagina. My new genitalia heated up excitedly on contact with the long penis-like tentacle, as if it had a mind of its own. I turned to face Fisher and he secured my waist, hands and thighs with his tentacles before lifting me up. I was held horizontally, facing the floor, the arachnid's feelers still tickling my vagina's lips, penetrating it just slightly and then pulling back. The ones around my waist still massaged my breasts and one of the feelers from my thighs kept pushing gently against my anus without penetrating it. Fisher finally extended his depository feeler, the long girthy shaft pulsed and throbbed as it approached my face. Without losing a second I started running my tongue against the sides of its mushroom capped head. It dripped with purple lubricants and seed as it was stimulated, prompting me to begin sucking on it greedily. I took the head into my mouth and massaged it with my tongue, the fleshy extremity feeling warm and juicy with all the fluids leaking from it. Swinging my head back and forth, I began attempting to take as much of it in my mouth as possible. As soon as its cap-like head tickled my throat, I gagged on the long shaft, spewing saliva and seed on the ground. Fisher's tentacles tightened suddenly as he secured me in place before starting to thrust his feeler repeatedly in my mouth, fucking my throat. I moaned and gagged but the long shaft plunged itself halfway through my esophagus, keeping it all in.

With a *SLURP* and a cough, Fisher let me breathe and relax my throat muscles before I lustfully asked for more, opening my mouth for him to continue. He plunged back in, filling my gullet with his meat while at the same time his smaller feeler penetrated my anus and massaged my prostate. With every plunge my eyes rolled back a little more and I started leaking as well, my prostate milking causing my long flaccid penis to keep producing a small stream of seed. Fisher didn't let any of it go to waste though, with his suction feeler connecting quickly to my shaft he sucked up any fluids the moment they were produced. Having gone about a week with no stimulation, I orgasmed immediately, letting out a burst of seed into the sucking feeler that sent a bulge of the viscous fluid traveling down it and back into my summon, granting it more strength and experience points. It wasn't long until he returned the favor. Fisher convulsed before his depository feeler stretched so wide that I felt my jaw open to its limits!

My insides were filled with hot seed as the penile appendage twitched with pleasure. Fisher retracted it from my throat but I kept a firm grip on it with my mouth, sucking on its head for every last drop of the delicious fluid. My belly was stretched out by two or three inches and Fisher could see it in my eyes that I wanted more. He turned me around, this time holding me with my back against the floor before pushing his long shaft forcefully against my vagina's lips. I nodded to him in affirmation and he pushed inside me as I threw my head back with a gasping moan. A rainbow of sensations washed over me as his feeler stretched the walls of my pussy. Like a barrage of fireworks going off at the same time. He went slowly at first but, at my urging he soon started hammering me to his lust's content. I could see the tip of his depositor bulging through my stomach as it stretched my womb upwards with every thrust. My superhuman constitution allowed me to endure the pain of having sex with a literal monster and enjoy every bit of the "abuse". Having my ass, vagina and penis stimulated at the same time caused me to orgasm twice in the next ten minutes, sending waves of essence into Fisher. The Arachnid braced itself and plunged as deep as it could into my female genitalia, completely filling up my womb with his seed.

I looked like a 4 month pregnant woman at that point, my stomach jiggling with all of the seed it carried. The warm liquid made me feel fuzzy and lusting for more. Fisher turned me towards the ground again and held me just a meter above it. I soon understood his curious action as the smaller Deep Fisher came out of its nest, its pincer open and its own feelers at the ready. I smiled in my sex induced haze and welcomed the smaller critter to our carnal ritual just as Blu emerged from her lake. My once small Jelly had been created for nothing more than to hold my large cock in place and relieve me of its juices. Now she was one of my fiercest allies and an evolved summon. She came closer and caressed my body with her blue gelatinous tentacles. "Let us welcome you home my Lady.." she said in her soothing female voice. I relaxed all my muscles and let myself drift into bliss in Fisher's hold. The arachnid Boss inserted himself into my vagina again, continuing his hammering where he left off while at the same time pleasuring my ass with two smaller feelers. Blu used her versatile body to form sucking tentacles that connected with my balls and nipples, sucking on them strongly.

The smaller Deep Fisher crawled underneath me and caught me by surprise. It extended its own depositor, much thinner than that of his father's and inserted it into my seed-dripping urethra. I yelped and moaned as all three summons went to town on my voluptuous body. The Deep Fisher kept fucking my urethra as my penis bulged and throbbed with its insertion. After a minute or two the small monster exploded inside and sent a bulge of its seed down my shaft and into my balls making them swell in size again. The enthusiastic critter went at it one last time and the excess seed made my testicles swell to the size of ripe oranges. At the same time his father managed to also orgasm twice again himself. Once in my vagina and then again in my ass. My belly looked about to burst with seed but my pleasure was off the charts. It jiggled like an 8 month old pregnant woman's and my genitalia were swollen as well. My cock had doubled in girth although flaccid and my balls hung low and heavy like grapefruit in a meat sack. My nipples had swollen from all the sucking and were very sensitive. My only problem was that all three holes, vagina, anus and urethra were leaking seed now that all the pleasure rods were taken out.

Blu came in with the save. She produced thin tentacles and inserted them into all three holes before swelling them up enough to plug them. She shaped my anal one like a 15cm plug before detaching herself from it. The butt plug then became solidus, almost as tough as a giant jelly bean or soft silicone, keeping everything inside and applying a pleasuring pressure against my prostate. The one in my urethra she forced down almost until it reached my balls. She segregated its sections into small beads that bulged under my shaft before sealing the top with an elastic cap over my cock's head. For my vagina she made a very girthy but short plug to keep any seed from leaking out. I rested on top of the bouncy Water Bubble, letting my entire body go limp as Fisher released me. Blu shaped her spherical body to comfortably accommodate me but I realized she was partially engulfing and massaging my penis as well. "Am I still Lady Minõa's personal Jelly? Will she give me her seed like she used to?" the evolved Slime whispered sensually into my mind and I felt my penis extend with excitement.