Hoping for the Best 3/3

The blueprint of the basic Vorsani form appeared before me as a highlighted image in the center of an endless void. It reminded me of Adam and Eve but without any of the traits that made them unique. First off I duplicated the image, drawing power from the Essence borrowed from Shu-Bongo. Once introduced the Vorsani models to the Essence, they morphed into a haunting hybrid of Vorsani and Pale Wyvern. They looked like mini vampires with their small arms having been replaced with wiry limbs that stretched into wings. I dialed down the Wyvern influence until I was left with a more, Bat-like Vorsani. Their noses were more pronounced and their ears were much more like the flying mammal's, sized appropriately for their body. Then, using Chimera, I granted them the eyesight of a small desert Owl species, one of my scouts had managed to procure. Their eyes became yellow and half an inch larger as I invested the Aether required for that upgrade. Fire and Poison Resistance were two skills available to me so I gladly shaved off another portion of my stored power to grant them that as well.

Next up was the hardest part, the wings.. I summoned the template of the Titanwing Bat and granted its wing gene to my Vorsani variants. What that did was to replace their spindly arm wings with a sturdier, more muscular version. I groaned in frustration. They needed arms.. Humanoids without the ability to use their forelimbs would be at a huge disadvantage. I concentrated on their forms, straining my mind in order to force the change that I wanted on the forms of my future minions. My Rank wad still low for this Skill and it showed. However, with enough time I finally managed it! The Vorsani models now had a set of strong, bat wings on top of already having arms. Giving them essentially six limbs. Their new wings sprouted from their backs and their leathery membrane ran down to their upper calves. I spent another hour or so just checking every detail of their form, correcting minor mistakes I could've made and adding anything that was required. When I was finally satisfied with their body and its functionality, I finalized my creation, saving its design in my internal database as "Vorsani Batwing". Not the coolest name for sure, but at least I would never forget what it was by looking at a label like that. The extra Aether points required to add an extra pair of limbs onto their form, made their overall cost skyrocket! I winced and began storing energy with an even greater pace.

Only one thing remained before their birth. Individuality. I took the first form and poured my Aether into its bones and muscles. Its grew half a foot taller and wider, accommodating a stronger, denser skeleton as well as muscles. For the second Vorsani, I concentrated on its mind, nerves and the nucleus of its mana within it. It grew more slender but its overall characteristics became sharper and more pronounced. As if it were a less savage counterpart to its brother. With that, I was done. All my focus went into my meditation and Dungeon editing as I waited for my Aether stores to match the cost of my new Followers. When dawn broke, I was finally ready. I stood and extended an arm, allowing a weird white glowing to pour itself out of my palm. It collected on the ground and started sprouting bones, nerves, muscles and eventually skin. The two Vorsani Batwings were born before my very eyes and they blinked curiously as they took in the world around them for the first time. The tall muscular one stepped forward and took a look around before setting his gaze on me, taking in my much larger form. He stood at a 1,2 metres, making him the largest of his kind, but still short compared to an Arsàni. His underbite was more visible than that of his kin though and I noticed that his intelligence had taken a small dive since I had shifted his strengths towards his physical aspects.

"You the Lady?" he asked in a weirdly New York sounding accent. I loved him already. "Off course she is dear brother, show some respect! Ahem, excuse him my Lady, he meant no offence....I think.." his shorter, more intelligent brother said, coming to his defence. "None taken.. I am the Lady Minoa. Welcome to the Great Elgolar Dungeon, your home! You are the third and fourth members of your race and you will certainly not be the last. Take pride in that and accept these names I chose for you. Cain and Abel." I said benevolently and the siblings shared a smile of enthusiasm. They even unwillingly flapped their wings a couple of times. Abel spoke with a more articulate English accent. I wondered for a moment how that could be. Did the brothers somehow inherit these traits from my memories? "Here, I prepared these for you.." I continued producing and offering them customized versions of the leather armor and robes, I had taken from the two heroes we defeated the day before. They were now the appropriate size for them and of course capable of accommodating their wings. Cain, the warrior, wore the leather armor while Abel, the mage, wore the less restrictive robes. Once they were dressed and ready, I summoned a glaive for Cain and a Arcane Sceptre for Abel. The Vorsani accepted their weapons and tested them out with small swings and thrusts.

"I see Lady Minoa! This wooded stave carries enchantments that would boost ones ability to manipulate magical energies and practice.. spellcraft I believe is the correct term? I suppose THAT is the role you have planned for me! How delightful. No wonder I turned out so much more...expressive, than my brother." Abel said with a smug look. "Hey.. I can be a pretty expressive fella. For example I could express my anger by bonkin'' you on the head all hard like! Capiche bro?" Cain retorted, causing Abel to shrink away from him. "No offence brother! We all have our own, Lady given, gifts!". I laughed seeing them interacting so naturally together. As if they knew each other since childhood, like actual siblings. "Now, now. No need for fighting. There will be plenty of that where we're heading. We are going to attack another Dungeon, just like our own. This will be a good opportunity for you to come into your own and grow in strength. It will be hard at first, especially if the other Dungeon is as tough as ours so I'll need you play it safe and stay behind me until you level up! Ok?". They both nodded at my words. "I have something here to get you started, some power Crystals. These should give you a greater head start but don't get cocky just because of that.".

I handed Cain the Mastery Crystal and Abel the Mana Crystal. Instinctively, the two Vorsani knew what to do and they poured their consciousness into the crystallized energy, causing it to be released from its physical form and rush into their small bodies. Cain's power grew as he gathered enough experience from his crystal to level up! Also, from the troubled look in his eye I could tell he was struggling to absorb information on a newly acquired Skill. On the other hand, Abel seemed in pain at first as the fledgling mage struggled to incorporate the large amount of mana stored in solid form. His nucleus expanded tenfold beyond of what it was capable, forcibly expanding and causing him pain. In the end however, his core was upgraded, capable of storing more mana that it would normally be possible at his level. When I studied their statuses, I saw that his understanding of the flow of magic had increased as well.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Race: Vorsani Batwing Lv.2

Sex: Male

Age: 19

HP: 20/20

MP: 20/20

Lv.3: 50%

Free Stat Points: 0

Physical - 2 (Below Average)

Mental - 6 (Above Average) ^

Social - 4 (Just Above Average)

Magic - 6 (Above Average)


1) Appraisal (Rank 1)

2) Sense Magic (Rank 2) *Newly Aquired*

Passive Skills

1) Fire Resistance (Rank 1)

2) Poison Resistance (Rank 1)

3) Flight (Rank 2)


1) -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Race: Vorsani Batwing Lv.2

Sex: Male

Age: 19

HP: 35/35

MP: 6/6

Lv.3: 64%

Free Stat Points: 0

Physical - 7 (Well Above Average) ^

Mental - 2 (Below Average)

Social - 3 (Average)

Magic - 3 (Average)


1) Power Strike (Rank 2) *Upgraded*

2) Winged Charge (Rank 1) *Newly Aquired*

Passive Skills

1) Fire Resistance (Rank 1)

2) Poison Resistance (Rank 1)

3) Flight (Rank 2)

4) Halberdier (Rank 1) *Newly Aquired*

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[ Abel has acquired:

Magic Sense Rank 2: With concentration, the user can detect ambient mana, magic that is being cast or ongoing magical effects, even if invisible to the naked eye. As the skill progresses its range and details obtained upon use, increase.

Cain has acquired:

Power Strike Rank 2: Feed mana into your muscles and execute an attack of increased power and speed. At this level and the cost of 2 Mana points, the user may increase a strike's overall damage by 15%.

Winged Charge Rank 1: While flying in a straight line, feed mana into your wings to increase your mobility by 12% for 10 seconds.

Halberdier Rank 1: This fighting style is excellent for stalwart warriors who cause a lot of damage while drawing attention away from their allies. This fighting technique increases the user's proficiency in polearm weaponry, while also magically boosting their reach and damage with said weapon types. By expending 5 mana points, the user can magically extend his weapon's edge by 30 centimeters (1 foot) for 4 seconds. ]

Abel and Cain stood tall with pride as we examined their potential for growth and discussed my plans for the following day. As everyone slowly rose from their sleep, I had the opportunity to introduce our newest members to them. Adam and Eve were of course particularly excited to meet them although Eve was quick to shy away once the new males grew bolder. "How fascinating! The first and only female of our kind! Fair lady, I am most humbled to be in your presence! Allow me to piece together a poem to commemorate this moment and praise your beauty!" Abel said to her most pompously before getting shoved to the side by Cain. "Don't worry about him toots.. How you doin'? Come check out the gunshow!" the bigger brother asked and began flexing his muscles. Eve took on a disgusted look and backed away before simply leaving, much to the siblings' disappointment. Adam ran after her, trying to calm down our mighty warrior as the rest of us shared an awkward laugh. Wait.. Gunshow? How the hell did he even know what a gunshow was?