Movie (Interlude)

Jiro: Helios, you can go to our room, we're on Room 503, fifth floor.

Helios: You're not coming?

Jiro: I'll come, I just need to call my mother.

Helios: Oh, Alright…

:: Helios goes to their room. And Jiro proceeds to call his Mom.

Perry: Hello, son, Where are you? I heard that the program got canceled.

Jiro: Mom, I'm with Helios, We're staying in a hotel for 3 days

Perry: Oooh~ My son is with Helios again~ Are you guys gonna make out! Oh my god! My son has grown so fast!!! I'm proud of you!

Jiro: Mom!!! Not like that, I'm not gay remember?

Perry: But, the two of you would match together perfectly!

Jiro: *sigh* Okay, Mom… I'll see you soon… Love you…

Perry: Okay, my grown baby, see you soon, Love you~

:: Jiro hangs up on his Mom, and goes to his room with Helios

Jiro: Helios? Helios?! HELIOS!


Jiro: *laughs* Why not? After all you're also a sleepyhead-

Helios: Come here…

Jiro: AH! H- Helios? N- Not there! It It tickles *laughs* Stop!

Helios: That's what you get for waking me up! *giggles*

Jiro: *laughs* Okay, Okay, Stop!

Helios: Alright, by the way, what time is it?

Jiro: You fell asleep while I was calling my mom… It's 4pm

Helios: Oh, Okay. What do you want to do?

Jiro: Do you wanna watch something?

Helios: Sure? Do we watch movies?

Jiro: Sure, You wanna watch that latest movie by Disney?

Helios: The "Encanto" One?

Jiro: Yeah. You want to watch it?

Helios: Sure! They keep saying that the movie is good.

Jiro: Alright, you wanna grab some snacks and drinks first?

Helios: I'll go get snacks, you get drinks

:: After 10 Minutes preparing for the movie they'll watch

Helios: Alright! Let's Go!

Jiro: I have a feeling that we'll enjoy this…

Helios: I'm glad that it's only us here… I wanted to tell you something… I don't know if you'll accept it…