More Time

:: Sunrise…

Jiro: Helios. Helios.. Wake up! We have to check out this place today.

Helios: But, I don't want to wake up yet.

Jiro: C'mon, wake up, I'll take you to the bay again, after we eat breakfast.

Helios: *sigh* Fine…

:: Helios quickly wakes up, and does his morning routine.

:: Helios packs his bag and gets ready to leave.

Helios: I'm ready!

Jiro: Alright, Let's go!

:: At the Hotel Cashier

Hotel Manager: Okay, Mr. Jiro Altes? Today is your check out.

Jiro: Ah, yes. I already paid, right?

Hotel Manager: Yep.

Jiro: Okay, Thank You!

Hotel Manager: May we see you again…

Helios: So where do we eat?

Jiro: There are some restaurants in Shirudo City, do you wanna go there?

Helios: Sure.

Helios and Jiro enjoy their time at Shirudo City. However, Jiro is still thinking about the time that Helios confessed to him, for Helios, he already forgot what he said… After they spend their last day together in Shirudo City, they have their final remarks together.

Jiro: So.. I'll see you again! Next week? Let's take a trip to Onshitsu.

Helios: A trip again? Well sounds like a good plan.

Perry: AH! Hello Helios! Are you here to say goodbye to my son?

Helios: Yes, Aunt Perry, I have to go do some model styles again.

Perry: I see… Good Luck with that buddy!

Helios: Thank You, and also, can we take a trip to Onshitsu Next Week?

Perry: Onshitsu? The Landmark of our country? Oh why, Sure! Will your parents come too?

Helios: Yes and they already agreed to it.

Perry: This is gonna be very exciting! Okay, I'll see you Helios!

Helios: Bye, Aunt Perry and Jiro

Jiro: Bye!

Perry: So, did you agree?

Jiro: I need more time mom… I can't just go into a relationship without thinking about it..