Moving In

Merissa: Son, It's okay…

Helios: What about your marriage?

Merissa: I'll show him. Don't worry…

Helios: If you say so…

Merissa: And don't forget! I have a car right?

Helios: Yeah.

Merissa: Let's go! I'll go pack my things, wait for me in the car. Okay?

Helios: Okay, Mom.

As Merissa packs her things, She completely ignores her husband. Helios and Merissa asks Perry if they can live in their house. Perry agrees, suddenly. Helios' realizes what his Dad said, and rethinks his feelings for Jiro.

Merrisa: Thank you so much… My husband is so homophobic.

Perry: It's okay, sis… Do you want something to eat?

Merissa: Not right now, We have to set up our room… I even brought his pc so he can play with Jiro…

Perry: Oh, Okay, take your time, I'll go cook some food, while you guys get ready.

Helios: Thank you Aunt Perry.

Perry: Anytime, sweetie.

:: Helios and Merissa quickly get their room set. Lucky for them, Jiro's house has an extra room.

Helios: They even have an air conditioner here…

:: Jiro walks in.

Jiro: H- Helios and Miss Merissa?! What are you guys doing here!

Merissa: It's a long story… He can't accept our son for who he is.

Jiro: That's so sad… I feel bad. But, feel free to live here… It's okay.

Merissa: Thank you so much, Jiro…

Jiro: You are very welcome.

Perry: Guys! It's time to eat!

Jiro: Oh, you guys can meet my brother at the dining table!

Merissa: Oh, we'll eat later… We just need to talk.

Jiro: Okay… take your time.

Jiro: Mom. Miss Merissa and Helios need to talk to each other. They'll eat later.

Perry: Oh, Okay. (There must be something very bad going on.)

:: In the guest room.

Helios: Mom, I think dad's right.