Day With The Altes

Recommended Song: Dandelions - Ruth B

~ 7 AM at the Altes house ~

:: Perry walks to Jiro's room to wake him up, and as she opened the door

Perry: Oh- I think someone had a long night.

:: She sees Jiro and Helios sleeping and cuddling with each other, she decides to not wake them up and instead just open the curtains to let some light in. She walks out of the room and goes to the guest room to see if Merissa is awake. She was about to knock on the door when suddenly

Merissa: Oh! Hi Perry good morning!

Perry: Good Morning Merissa, I was about to knock and see if you're awake then you suddenly opened it.

Merissa: *Laughs*

Perry: Lets go to the dining table, I cooked some breakfast.

Merissa: Is Helios there? I haven't seen him all morning.

Perry: Helios? Oh he's at Jiro's room.

Merissa: I knew it! I was waiting for him all night but I guess he was with his "friend". Can I see them?

:: Perry and Merissa went to Jiro's room to see Jiro and Helios cuddling, after they head to the dining table to eat breakfast

~ 8 AM ~

:: Jiro wakes up as the sun shines on him and Helios, he stares at his friend who is sleeping on his arm.

Jiro: (Wow, he looks really pretty when sleeping)

Helios: *Grunts* Jiro-

Jiro: hmm?

Helios: I love you~

Jiro: (What did he say? What did he just say?)

:: As Jiro was about to get up and move his arm.

Helios: Stay here...

Jiro: Helios it's time to get up, I think mom cooked breakfast.

Helios: hmm but i'm comfy here...

Jiro: Ok fine, 5 more minutes and we're getting up, ok?

Helios: ok…

~ 5 minutes later ~

Helios: *snores*

Jiro: Helios, wake up, it's time to start the day.

Helios: hmm?

Jiro: Come on, wake up.

Helios: 5 more minutes.

Jiro: No Helios, lets go and eat breakfast

Helios: ok fine, you go first.

Jiro: No, you're coming with me..

:: Jiro being the strong man he is, he carries Helios out of his room and to the Dining table

Jiro: Good Morning Mom, Aunt Merissa, and Aegis! Oh and where's dad?

Aegis: Good Morning!

Helios: Put me down Jiro!

Perry: He's dressing up for work. Oh! And guess who decided to wake up.

Jiro: *giggles*, Mom…

Merissa: Did you guys have a good "sleep"

Perry and Merissa: *Giggles*

Helios: Mom!! It's so early in the morning!

Perry: *giggles* Come on you two, sit down and eat, I'll go call Liquen. I'll be right back.

Jiro: Ok, Mom. (what does aunt mean by "sleep"? Did she really think… *sigh* Aunt Merissa..)

Perry: Liquen. Liquen!

Liquen: Yeah?

Perry: Let's eat before you go to work.

Liquen: I'm coming, I need to dress up.

Perry: Okay! Just come to the dining table when you're done!

:: After Liquen dresses up, He quickly comes to the dining table.

Liquen: Alright, Good morning everyone! Oh, Helios, Merissa Good Morning to the both of you.

Merissa: Ah, Thank You, Good Morning to you as well.

:: Aegis notices Helios is still sleepy, and decides to try to wake him up.

Aegis: Hey, Helios! Wake Up!

Helios: Ah! Oh, Yea, I forgot that I'm at the dining table.

Aegis: Eat up, so you can have energy "playing" with Jiro-

Jiro: Aegis! We're at the table!

Aegis: *giggles* Ok, I'm sorry~

:: They all had a very nice conversation and breakfast before Liquen went out to work.

Perry: I'll see you soon, honey.

Liquen: Good Bye!

:: As Liquen leaves. Everyone went back to their rooms…