I Can or I Can’t

Recommended Song: We're Good - Dua Lipa

:: As Jiro keeps hugging Helios, Helios quickly breaks off the hug and says…

Helios: Jiro, do you even know what happened to me? Before I stayed here?

Jiro: Helios-

Helios: Let me talk. The reason why me and my mom stayed here is because of my dad. I became honest to my dad and it all went wrong… But I know my dad is always right. He knows what he's doing. He didn't want me to date a guy, In fact. He wanted me to date a girl. Now, I'm planning to go back to him with my brother.

Jiro: Helios, how can you do this to me? After everything that I did to you…

Helios: I am sorry for everything Jiro, but I'm choosing the right path. I should've listened to my dad in the first place.

Jiro: Helios…

Helios: I am really sorry Jiro, but it's better if we can stay as friends.

:: After Helios said that to Jiro, he walked back to his room, whilst Jiro was still shedding tears in the garden after what Helios said to him.

:: Helios' Room.

Helios: Mom, Let's go back to Dad tomorrow…

Merissa: Huh? (What happened to him? Did he change intentions because of his dad?)

Merissa: Why??

Helios: Mom, I know this is crazy but, I think he's really right about me dating Jiro.

Merissa: Did you seriously change your intentions because of that?

Helios: Of course, Dad knows what he's doing.

Merissa: He's not. And why would we go back there?

Helios: Mom, just trust me with this, this would be the time that I make things right.

Merissa: Can't we just visit him and go back here? (Did Jiro say something wrong?)

Helios: No..

Merissa: W- Why not? Did Jiro say something bad?

Helios: No… I just want to go back to him, and live a happy life there.

Merissa: Are you sure?

Helios: Yes, Mom…

Merissa: Okay, If you say so…

Helios: (It's hard to leave him, but I really think that he's right…)

:: Helios spends time with the Altes for the last time. Before they leave.

Perry: Why would you guys go back to your homophobic dad?

Merissa: Well, He said that he was right.

Perry: Well, I really can't deny your opinion so if you say so… Go Ahead.

Aegis: Where's Jiro?!

Perry: Same question, he wasn't in his room earlier.

Helios: Wait, he's not in the garden either?

Perry: No…

Liquen: My Son…

Helios, Merissa, Aegis, Perry, Liquen: Where Is He?!