Friendship Memories

:: As Helios and Merissa went home.

Helios: Dad! Dad!

???: Wait, was that Helios? What are they doing here?

Logan: I don't know, I'll go open the door.. You keep eating there..

???: Okay..

:: Logan opens the door… And sees Merissa and Helios standing.

Helios: Uh.. Hi Dad…

Logan: What happened, why did you guys come back?

Helios: I thought of what you said, and I think you're right.. (Why is he being kind?)

Logan: (I guess he needed time to think about it.)

Logan: Huh?

Helios: Dad, I listened to you and I think that you're right about me dating Jiro..

:: Jiro hears Helios over at the door.

???: Huh?! Helios?!

Logan: Ah, I see, come in. Dinner is ready.

Helios: Thank you Dad… Finally, back in my own home.. I miss this place.

:: As Helios walks in the dining table. He quickly saw someone familiar…

Helios: Is that? Is that… Jiro?

Merissa: Jiro?! Is that you?

???: Uh.. I..

Merissa: Your family is looking for you!

Jiro: I'm sorry…

Helios: (Did he speak to my dad? What did he do…)

Merissa: Hold on… I'm going to call your mom.

:: Merissa calls Perry

Merissa: I know it's late but-


Merissa: Yep, He's over at our house.

Perry: OH THANK GOD!! Can we pick him up tomorrow?

Merissa: Sure… I'll go tell them.

:: At the dining table..

Merissa: They will pick you up tomorrow…

Jiro: Oh, Okay… (Helios… I can't believe that you're here…)

Merissa: You can sleep with Helios again-

Jiro: Oh, I'll sleep on the couch, I'm fine there…

Merissa: Are you sure?

Jiro: I am.. Don't worry about me…

:: As Jiro sits and eats dinner Helios starts rethinking about their memories together

~ September 2, 2002 ~

Jiro: Stop! I don't have any money!

Bully: I know you have money! Give me your money or else…

???: Stop. Leave him alone…

Bully: Why would I?

???: Leave him or I'll report you to the Principal!

Bully: Go ahead…

???: Hey, you run to me..

Jiro: Huh?

~ September 3, 2002 ~

Jiro: Hi again! I just want to say thank you, for saving me, and… What's your name?

???: I'm Helios, no need to mention, and leave me alone…

Jiro: Oh… Are you eating alone?

Helios: Yes… Leave me alone.

Jiro: Jeez, okay…

~ August 13, 2004 ~

Helios: Boo!

Jiro: AAH! Helios!!! Don't scare me!!!

Helios: *giggles* Happy Birthday!

Jiro: Thanks but don't scare me like that!

~ July 12, 2006 ~

Jiro: Helios! Do you want to eat together?

Helios: Sure!!!

Jiro: Let's sit here!

~ April 3, 2009 ~

Jiro: Let's go play something!

Helios: Okay- AAH!

Jiro: Are you okay?! You tripped. *giggles*

Helios: That's not funny…

Jiro: I'm sorry~ Come on now, get up!

:: Helios started to daydream about their memories together and proceeded to smile at Jiro. He remembered the old time

Helios: (I remember the first time I met you…)

Jiro: (Why is he smiling at me?)

Logan: Hey, Helios, snap out!

Helios: H- Huh… Oh, I'm sorry…

Logan: Keep eating… I don't want you to be hungry…

Helios: Okay, Okay. (Jiro… I'm so sorry that I said all of those things to you… )

Jiro: Your cooking is so good Mr. Verde!

Logan: No need to mention, keep eating, if you're done, just place your dish over to the dishwasher…

Jiro: Oh, Okay…

:: The Dining Table was quiet, not like the Altes, everyone was talking… Jiro felt lonely even though Helios was there…

:: After they ate, Helios quickly grabbed Jiro's arm and went to their room…

Logan: Where are you two going?

Merissa: Aww, They're so cute. And Logan, leave them alone, let them be.

Logan: Wait, no, let me go to them. (Jiro… He made me accept my son…)

:: When Logan said that, Merissa grabbed Logan's hand, but Logan fighted.

Merissa: Logan! Let them be!

:: Logan proceeds to ignore Merissa…

Jiro: Helios? What are you doing?

Helios: Just come to my bedroom

Jiro: Huh? (Why is he taking me to his bedroom?)

:: As they go to Helios' bedroom, Helios pushes Jiro to the bed

Jiro: Ow! What was that for?-

Helios: Come here!

:: As Helios jumped in his bed, He quickly hugged Jiro in the bed, after that, Helios' Dad burst into their room and said…

Logan: What are you two doing? Helios! Didn't you say you understand me now? Ugh! You two are so disgusting.